- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: InputManager.h
- //
- // Desc: Class to handle DirectInput action mapper
- //
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma once
- class CInputManager
- {
- public:
- // DirectInput action mapper reports events only when buttons/axis change
- // so we need to remember the present state of relevant axis/buttons for
- // each DirectInput device. The CInputDeviceManager will store a
- // pointer for each device that points to this struct
- struct InputDeviceState
- {
- FLOAT fAxisMoveUD;
- FLOAT fAxisMoveLR;
- BOOL bButtonForwardThrust;
- BOOL bButtonReverseThrust;
- BOOL bButtonFlyDown;
- BOOL bButtonFlyUp;
- BOOL bButtonCtrl;
- BOOL bButtonShift;
- FLOAT fAxisRotateLR;
- FLOAT fAxisRotateUD;
- BOOL bButtonRotateLeft;
- BOOL bButtonRotateRight;
- BOOL bButtonMoveLeft;
- BOOL bButtonMoveRight;
- BOOL bButtonFireWeapons;
- // Menu input variables
- FLOAT fAxisMenuUD;
- };
- // Struct to store the current input state
- struct UserInput
- {
- FLOAT fAxisMoveUD;
- FLOAT fAxisMoveLR;
- FLOAT fAxisRotateLR;
- FLOAT fAxisRotateUD;
- FLOAT fAxisFlyUD;
- BOOL bButtonFireWeapons;
- BOOL bButtonEnableShield;
- BOOL bButtonCtrl;
- BOOL bButtonShift;
- // One-shot variables
- BOOL bDoChangeView;
- // Menu input variables
- BOOL bDoMenuUp;
- BOOL bDoMenuDown;
- BOOL bDoMenuSelect;
- BOOL bDoMenuQuit;
- };
- public:
- CInputManager( CMyApplication* pApp );
- ~CInputManager(void);
- HRESULT OneTimeSceneInit( HWND hWnd, GUID* pGuidApp );
- HRESULT RestoreDeviceObjects( D3DFORMAT d3dfmtFullscreen );
- void UpdateInput();
- UserInput* GetUserInput() { return &m_UserInput; };
- HRESULT InvalidateDeviceObjects();
- HRESULT DeleteDeviceObjects();
- VOID FinalCleanup();
- void ViewDevices();
- void ConfigDevices();
- HRESULT InputAddDeviceCB( CInputDeviceManager::DeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo, const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* pdidi );
- static HRESULT CALLBACK StaticInputAddDeviceCB( CInputDeviceManager::DeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo, const DIDEVICEINSTANCE* pdidi, LPVOID pParam );
- BOOL ConfigureInputDevicesCB( IUnknown* pUnknown );
- static BOOL CALLBACK StaticConfigureInputDevicesCB( IUnknown* pUnknown, VOID* pUserData );
- // DirectInput objects
- HWND m_hWndMain;
- CMyApplication* m_pApp;
- CInputDeviceManager* m_pInputDeviceManager; // Class for managing DInput devices
- InputDeviceState* m_pMouseDeviceState;
- LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 m_pConfigSurface; // Surface for config'ing DInput devices
- UserInput m_UserInput; // Struct for storing user input
- DIACTIONFORMAT m_diafGame; // Action format for game play
- DIACTIONFORMAT m_diafBrowser; // Action format for menu navigation
- };