- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: D3DSettings.h
- //
- // Desc: Settings class and change-settings dialog class for the Direct3D
- // samples framework library.
- //
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef D3DSETTINGS_H
- #define D3DSETTINGS_H
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: class CD3DSettings
- // Desc: Current D3D settings: adapter, device, mode, formats, etc.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CD3DSettings
- {
- public:
- bool IsWindowed;
- D3DAdapterInfo* pWindowed_AdapterInfo;
- D3DDeviceInfo* pWindowed_DeviceInfo;
- D3DDeviceCombo* pWindowed_DeviceCombo;
- D3DDISPLAYMODE Windowed_DisplayMode; // not changable by the user
- D3DFORMAT Windowed_DepthStencilBufferFormat;
- D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE Windowed_MultisampleType;
- DWORD Windowed_MultisampleQuality;
- VertexProcessingType Windowed_VertexProcessingType;
- UINT Windowed_PresentInterval;
- bool bDeviceClip;
- int Windowed_Width;
- int Windowed_Height;
- D3DAdapterInfo* pFullscreen_AdapterInfo;
- D3DDeviceInfo* pFullscreen_DeviceInfo;
- D3DDeviceCombo* pFullscreen_DeviceCombo;
- D3DDISPLAYMODE Fullscreen_DisplayMode; // changable by the user
- D3DFORMAT Fullscreen_DepthStencilBufferFormat;
- D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE Fullscreen_MultisampleType;
- DWORD Fullscreen_MultisampleQuality;
- VertexProcessingType Fullscreen_VertexProcessingType;
- UINT Fullscreen_PresentInterval;
- D3DAdapterInfo* PAdapterInfo() { return IsWindowed ? pWindowed_AdapterInfo : pFullscreen_AdapterInfo; }
- D3DDeviceInfo* PDeviceInfo() { return IsWindowed ? pWindowed_DeviceInfo : pFullscreen_DeviceInfo; }
- D3DDeviceCombo* PDeviceCombo() { return IsWindowed ? pWindowed_DeviceCombo : pFullscreen_DeviceCombo; }
- int AdapterOrdinal() { return PDeviceCombo()->AdapterOrdinal; }
- D3DDEVTYPE DevType() { return PDeviceCombo()->DevType; }
- D3DFORMAT BackBufferFormat() { return PDeviceCombo()->BackBufferFormat; }
- D3DDISPLAYMODE DisplayMode() { return IsWindowed ? Windowed_DisplayMode : Fullscreen_DisplayMode; }
- void SetDisplayMode(D3DDISPLAYMODE value) { if (IsWindowed) Windowed_DisplayMode = value; else Fullscreen_DisplayMode = value; }
- D3DFORMAT DepthStencilBufferFormat() { return IsWindowed ? Windowed_DepthStencilBufferFormat : Fullscreen_DepthStencilBufferFormat; }
- void SetDepthStencilBufferFormat(D3DFORMAT value) { if (IsWindowed) Windowed_DepthStencilBufferFormat = value; else Fullscreen_DepthStencilBufferFormat = value; }
- D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE MultisampleType() { return IsWindowed ? Windowed_MultisampleType : Fullscreen_MultisampleType; }
- void SetMultisampleType(D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE value) { if (IsWindowed) Windowed_MultisampleType = value; else Fullscreen_MultisampleType = value; }
- DWORD MultisampleQuality() { return IsWindowed ? Windowed_MultisampleQuality : Fullscreen_MultisampleQuality; }
- void SetMultisampleQuality(DWORD value) { if (IsWindowed) Windowed_MultisampleQuality = value; else Fullscreen_MultisampleQuality = value; }
- VertexProcessingType GetVertexProcessingType() { return IsWindowed ? Windowed_VertexProcessingType : Fullscreen_VertexProcessingType; }
- void SetVertexProcessingType(VertexProcessingType value) { if (IsWindowed) Windowed_VertexProcessingType = value; else Fullscreen_VertexProcessingType = value; }
- UINT PresentInterval() { return IsWindowed ? Windowed_PresentInterval : Fullscreen_PresentInterval; }
- void SetPresentInterval(UINT value) { if (IsWindowed) Windowed_PresentInterval = value; else Fullscreen_PresentInterval = value; }
- bool DeviceClip() { return bDeviceClip; }
- void SetDeviceClip( bool bClip ) { bDeviceClip = bClip; }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: class CD3DSettingsDialog
- // Desc: Dialog box to allow the user to change the D3D settings
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CD3DSettingsDialog
- {
- private:
- HWND m_hDlg;
- CD3DEnumeration* m_pEnumeration;
- CD3DSettings m_d3dSettings;
- private:
- // ComboBox helper functions
- void ComboBoxAdd( int id, void* pData, LPCTSTR pstrDesc );
- void ComboBoxSelect( int id, void* pData );
- void* ComboBoxSelected( int id );
- bool ComboBoxSomethingSelected( int id );
- UINT ComboBoxCount( int id );
- void ComboBoxSelectIndex( int id, int index );
- void ComboBoxClear( int id );
- bool ComboBoxContainsText( int id, LPCTSTR pstrText );
- void AdapterChanged( void );
- void DeviceChanged( void );
- void WindowedFullscreenChanged( void );
- void AdapterFormatChanged( void );
- void ResolutionChanged( void );
- void RefreshRateChanged( void );
- void BackBufferFormatChanged( void );
- void DepthStencilBufferFormatChanged( void );
- void MultisampleTypeChanged( void );
- void MultisampleQualityChanged( void );
- void VertexProcessingChanged( void );
- void PresentIntervalChanged( void );
- void DeviceClipChanged( void );
- public:
- CD3DSettingsDialog( CD3DEnumeration* pEnumeration, CD3DSettings* pSettings);
- INT_PTR ShowDialog( HWND hwndParent );
- INT_PTR DialogProc( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
- void GetFinalSettings( CD3DSettings* pSettings ) { *pSettings = m_d3dSettings; }
- };
- #endif