- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: DIDevImg.cpp
- //
- // Desc: Implementation for CDIDevImage class, which encapsulates methods for
- // drawing device images, callout strings, and object highlights.
- //
- // Copyright( c ) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "DIDevImg.h"
- #include <d3dx9tex.h>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CDIDevImage
- // Desc: Constructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CDIDevImage::CDIDevImage()
- {
- m_bInitialized = FALSE;
- m_bCustomUI = FALSE;
- m_bInvalidUI = TRUE;
- m_ahImages = NULL;
- m_dwNumViews = 0;
- m_dwNumObjects = 0;
- m_apObject = NULL;
- m_dwWidthPref = 0;
- m_dwHeightPref = 0;
- m_dwScaleMethod = 0;
- m_BkColor = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
- m_hFont = NULL;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ~CDIDevImage
- // Desc: Destructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CDIDevImage::~CDIDevImage()
- {
- CleanUp();
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: Init
- // Desc: Responsible for initializing and preparing the CDIDevImage object for
- // rendering the device image. Init must be called before the other
- // public functions.
- // Args: pDIDevice - Pointer to a DirectInputDevice object for which the
- // configuration UI should be created.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success; image found.
- // DI_IMAGENOTFOUND - Success; no image. Default UI created instead.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; invalid argument passed.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- // Sanity check
- if( NULL == pDIDevice )
- // Always start clean
- CleanUp();
- // retrieve the image info from DirectInput
- hr = LoadImageInfo( pDIDevice );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- // Image information may have partially loaded. Clean out whatever
- // is stored since we'll need to create a custom UI from scratch.
- CleanUp();
- // For one reason or another, the image info for this device
- // could not be loaded. At this point, create a default UI.
- m_bCustomUI = true;
- hr = CreateCustomImageInfo( pDIDevice );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- {
- CleanUp();
- return hr;
- }
- }
- // Create the default callout font
- CreateFont();
- // Made it through initialization. Set the initialized flag to allow the
- // other member functions to be called.
- m_bInitialized = true;
- // Both of these values indicate success, but the client may wish to know
- // whether an image was actually found for this device, or if we are just
- // producing a default UI.
- return m_bCustomUI ? DI_IMAGENOTFOUND : DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetCalloutState
- // Desc: Sets the state for a specific callout
- // Args: dwObjId - Object ID of the requested callout. This corresponds to the
- // dwType value returned by EnumDeviceObjects.
- // dwCalloutState - New state of the callout, which may be zero or more
- // combinations of:
- // DIDICOS_HIGHLIGHTED - Overlay drawn. Callout drawn in high color.
- // DIDICOS_INVISIBLE - Overlay and callout string not drawn.
- // DIDICOS_TOOLTIP - Tooltip drawn if callout text is truncated.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::SetCalloutState( DWORD dwObjId, DWORD dwCalloutState )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- CDIDIObject* pObject = GetObject( dwObjId );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- DWORD dwOldState = pObject->GetCalloutState();
- pObject->SetCalloutState( dwCalloutState );
- // This action might change the layout for the custom UI
- if( m_bCustomUI &&
- ( DIDICOS_INVISIBLE & dwOldState ||
- DIDICOS_INVISIBLE & dwCalloutState ) )
- m_bInvalidUI = TRUE;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetCalloutState
- // Desc: Returns the state of a specific callout
- // Args: dwObjId - Object ID of the requested callout. This corresponds to the
- // dwType value returned by EnumDeviceObjects.
- // pdwCalloutState - Pointer to a variable which will contain the current
- // callout value after a successful return.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::GetCalloutState( DWORD dwObjId, LPDWORD pdwCalloutState )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- CDIDIObject* pObject = GetObject( dwObjId );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- *pdwCalloutState = pObject->GetCalloutState();
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetCalloutColors
- // Desc: Sets the callout-unique colors to be used when painting a specific
- // callout
- // Args: dwObjId - Object ID of the requested callout. This corresponds to the
- // dwType value returned by EnumDeviceObjects.
- // crColorNormal - Foreground text color for callout strings in a normal
- // state.
- // crColorHigh - Foreground text color for callout strings in a
- // highlighted state.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::SetCalloutColors( DWORD dwObjId, COLORREF crColorNormal, COLORREF crColorHigh )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- CDIDIObject* pObject = GetObject( dwObjId );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- pObject->SetCalloutColors( crColorNormal, crColorHigh );
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetCalloutColors
- // Desc: Obtains the callout-unique colors used when painting a specific
- // callout
- // Args: dwObjId - Object ID of the requested callout. This corresponds to the
- // dwType value returned by EnumDeviceObjects.
- // pcrColorNormal - Pointer to a COLORREF variable which will contain
- // the normal callout color after a successful return. May be NULL.
- // pcrColorHigh - Pointer to a COLORREF variable which will contain
- // the highlight callout color after a successful return. May be NULL.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::GetCalloutColors( DWORD dwObjId, LPCOLORREF pcrColorNormal, LPCOLORREF pcrColorHigh )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- CDIDIObject* pObject = GetObject( dwObjId );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- pObject->GetCalloutColors( pcrColorNormal, pcrColorHigh );
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetCalloutText
- // Desc: Sets the text associated with the callout specified by an object ID
- // Args: dwObjId - Object ID of the requested callout. This corresponds to the
- // dwType value returned by EnumDeviceObjects.
- // strText - New callout text.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; Null pointer passed.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::SetCalloutText( DWORD dwObjId, LPCTSTR strText )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- if( NULL == strText )
- CDIDIObject* pObject = GetObject( dwObjId );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- pObject->SetCalloutText( strText );
- // This action might change the layout for the custom UI
- if( m_bCustomUI )
- m_bInvalidUI = TRUE;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetCalloutText
- // Desc: Returns the text associated with a specific callout
- // Args: dwObjId - Object ID of the requested callout. This corresponds to the
- // dwType value returned by EnumDeviceObjects.
- // pstrText - Pointer to a string buffer which will collect the current
- // callout string.
- // dwSize - Maximum number of characters to copy into the buffer.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; Null pointer passed.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::GetCalloutText( DWORD dwObjId, LPTSTR pstrText, DWORD dwSize )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- if( NULL == pstrText )
- CDIDIObject* pObject = GetObject( dwObjId );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- pObject->GetCalloutText( pstrText, dwSize );
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetObjFromPoint
- // Desc: Returns the ID of the object on the device corresponding to the
- // callout which contains the given point.
- // Args: Pt - Point to check against callout rect coordinates
- // pdwObjId - Pointer to a variable which will contain the object ID upon
- // successful return.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; Null pointer passed.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::GetObjFromPoint( POINT Pt, LPDWORD pdwObjId )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- if( NULL == pdwObjId )
- if( m_dwActiveView > m_dwNumViews )
- return E_FAIL;
- // For a custom UI, this method depends on the UI being calculated
- if( m_bCustomUI && m_bInvalidUI )
- BuildCustomUI();
- DIDICallout *pCallout = NULL;
- // for each object
- for( UINT i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- pCallout = m_apObject[i]->GetCallout( m_dwActiveView );
- if( PtInRect( &(pCallout->rcScaled), Pt ) )
- {
- // if the point is inside the scaled bounding rect, the
- // correct callout has been found.
- *pdwObjId = m_apObject[i]->GetID();
- return DI_OK;
- }
- }
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetActiveView
- // Desc: Activates the provided view. This view will be painted when the
- // device image is rendered.
- // Args: dwView - The index of the new view.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; View is out of range.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::SetActiveView( DWORD dwView )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- // For a custom UI, this method depends on the UI being calculated
- if( m_bCustomUI && m_bInvalidUI )
- BuildCustomUI();
- // Make sure view exists
- if( dwView >= m_dwNumViews )
- m_dwActiveView = dwView;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetActiveView
- // Desc: Returns the index of the currently active view. The active view is
- // what CDIDevImage paints when the device image is rendered.
- // Args: pdwView - Pointer to a variable which will contain the current view
- // index upon successful return. May be NULL.
- // pdwNumViews - Pointer to a variable which will contain the total
- // number of views upon successful return. May be NULL.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::GetActiveView( LPDWORD pdwView, LPDWORD pdwNumViews )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- // For a custom UI, this method depends on the UI being calculated
- if( m_bCustomUI && m_bInvalidUI )
- BuildCustomUI();
- if( pdwView )
- *pdwView = m_dwActiveView;
- if( pdwNumViews )
- *pdwNumViews = m_dwNumViews;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetViewForObj
- // Desc: Returns the index of the most appropriate view for a specific object
- // Args: dwObjId - Object ID of the requested callout. This corresponds to the
- // dwType value returned by EnumDeviceObjects.
- // pdwView - Pointer to a variable which will contain an appropriate
- // view for the given object after return. May be NULL.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; Null pointer.
- // DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND - Fail; Given ID not found in list of objects
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::GetViewForObj( DWORD dwObjId, LPDWORD pdwView )
- {
- UINT i=0; // Loop variable
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- if( NULL == pdwView )
- CDIDIObject* pObject = GetObject( dwObjId );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- // For a custom UI, this method depends on the UI being calculated
- if( m_bCustomUI && m_bInvalidUI )
- BuildCustomUI();
- // The method used to determine the best view for a particular object
- // is simple: The view which has the largest overlay rectangle probably
- // has the best view for an object. If there are no overlays for the
- // given object, use the view with the largest callout rectangle, or
- // the base view (0) if there are no callouts for the given object.
- DWORD dwCalloutMax = 0;
- DWORD dwCalloutIndex = 0;
- DWORD dwOverlayMax = 0;
- DWORD dwOverlayIndex = 0;
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumViews; i++ )
- {
- DWORD dwArea = 0;
- DIDIOverlay *pOverlay = pObject->GetOverlay( i );
- DIDICallout *pCallout = pObject->GetCallout( i );
- dwArea = ( pOverlay->rcScaled.right - pOverlay->rcScaled.left ) *
- ( pOverlay->rcScaled.bottom - pOverlay->rcScaled.top );
- if( dwArea > dwOverlayMax )
- {
- dwOverlayMax = dwArea;
- dwOverlayIndex = i;
- }
- dwArea = ( pCallout->rcScaled.right - pCallout->rcScaled.left ) *
- ( pCallout->rcScaled.bottom - pCallout->rcScaled.top );
- if( dwArea > dwCalloutMax )
- {
- dwCalloutMax = dwArea;
- dwCalloutIndex = i;
- }
- }
- // If an overlay rectangle was found, use the overlay index; otherwise,
- // use the callout index (this will be 0 if no callouts were found ).
- *pdwView = ( dwOverlayMax > 0 ) ? dwOverlayIndex : dwCalloutIndex;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetOutputImageSize
- // Desc: Sets the size of the image that CDIDevImage will paint and output to
- // the application
- // Args: dwWidth - Preferred width.
- // dwHeight - Preferred height.
- // dwFlags - Scaling flag. Must be one of following:
- // DIDISOIS_DEFAULT - dwWidth and dwHeight values are ignored. The image
- // will not be scaled after loaded from disk; for created UIs, the
- // size is determined by the global constants. This is the default
- // value.
- // DIDISOIS_RESIZE - Scale the image and callouts to the given width
- // and height.
- // DIDISOIS_MAINTAINASPECTUSINGWIDTH - Scale the image and callouts to
- // the given width, but maintain the aspect ratio. The dwHeight
- // argument is ignored
- // DIDISOIS_MAINTAINASPECTUSINGHEIGHT - Scale the image and callouts to
- // the given height, but maintain the aspect ratio. The dwWidth
- // argument is ignored.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::SetOutputImageSize( DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwFlags )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- // Store arguments
- m_dwWidthPref = dwWidth;
- m_dwHeightPref = dwHeight;
- m_dwScaleMethod = dwFlags;
- // If the image size has changed, all the stored images are no longer valid
- DestroyImages();
- // This action might change the layout for the custom UI
- if( m_bCustomUI )
- m_bInvalidUI = TRUE;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetFont
- // Desc: Sets the font to be used for the callout text when rendering the image
- // Args: hFont - Handle to a GDI font object. The font's properties will be
- // copied and used for drawn text.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; Invalid handle.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::SetFont( HFONT hFont )
- {
- LOGFONT logfont = {0};
- HFONT hNewFont = NULL;
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- // Retrieve the logfont and create a new member font
- if( 0 == ::GetObject( hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &logfont ) )
- // Create a duplicate font
- hNewFont = CreateFontIndirect( &logfont );
- if( NULL == hNewFont )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Remove the current font
- if( m_hFont )
- DeleteObject( m_hFont );
- // Copy the font handle
- m_hFont = hNewFont;
- // This action might change the layout for the custom UI
- if( m_bCustomUI )
- m_bInvalidUI = TRUE;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetColors
- // Desc: Assigns a set of colors to use when painting the various items on the
- // image
- // Args: Background - Specifies the color and alpha component for the
- // image background. Device images are stored in a format which allows
- // the background to be replaced. D3D surfaces allow this background
- // to contain transparency information. Alpha values of 0 thru 254 allow
- // varying transparency effects on the output surfaces. A value
- // of 255 is treated specially during alpha blending, such that the
- // final output image will fully opaque.
- // crColorNormal - Foreground text color for callout strings in a normal
- // state.
- // crColorHigh - Foreground text color for callout strings in a
- // highlighted state.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::SetColors( D3DCOLOR Background, COLORREF crCalloutNormal, COLORREF crCalloutHigh )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- // If the background is changing colors, the images will have to be
- // reloaded. As an optimization, the background color is only applied
- // when the image is loaded since the background won't change as often as
- // the image is rendered.
- if( m_BkColor != Background )
- DestroyImages();
- m_BkColor = Background;
- for( UINT i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- m_apObject[i]->SetCalloutColors( crCalloutNormal, crCalloutHigh );
- }
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: Render
- // Desc: Renders an image of the device and its callouts onto a Direct3DTexture
- // Args: pTexture - Pointer to a D3D Texture Object on which to paint the UI.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_INVALIDPARAM - Fail; Null pointer.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::Render( LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pTexture )
- {
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- // Check parameters
- if( NULL == pTexture )
- // Add a reference to the passed texture
- pTexture->AddRef();
- // Extract the surface
- hr = pTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurface );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- // Perform the render
- if( m_bCustomUI )
- hr = RenderCustomToTarget( (LPVOID) pSurface, DIDIRT_SURFACE );
- else
- hr = RenderToTarget( (LPVOID) pSurface, DIDIRT_SURFACE );
- LCleanReturn:
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSurface );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pTexture );
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RenderToDC
- // Desc: Renders an image of the device and its callouts onto a GDI device
- // object
- // Args: hDC - Handle to a device context on which to paint the UI.
- // Ret: DI_OK - Success.
- // DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED - Fail; Init() must be called first.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::RenderToDC( HDC hDC )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- if( m_bCustomUI )
- hr = RenderCustomToTarget( (LPVOID) hDC, DIDIRT_DC );
- else
- hr = RenderToTarget( (LPVOID) hDC, DIDIRT_DC );
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RenderCustomToTarget
- // Desc: Renders a custom UI
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::RenderCustomToTarget( LPVOID pvTarget, DIDIRENDERTARGET eTarget )
- {
- UINT i = 0;
- HDC hdcRender = NULL;
- HDC hdcAlpha = NULL;
- RECT rcBitmap = {0};
- DIBSECTION info = {0};
- HBITMAP hbmpRender = NULL;
- HBITMAP hbmpAlpha = NULL;
- SIZE size = {0};
- // Get the UI dimensions
- GetCustomUISize( &size );
- if( m_bInvalidUI )
- BuildCustomUI();
- // Create a background image
- BITMAPINFO bmi = {0};
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = size.cx;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = - (int) size.cy; // top-down
- bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- hdcRender = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
- if( NULL == hdcRender )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- hdcAlpha = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
- if( NULL == hdcAlpha )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- hbmpRender = CreateDIBSection( hdcRender, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, NULL );
- if( hbmpRender == NULL )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- if( 0 == ::GetObject( hbmpRender, sizeof( DIBSECTION ), &info ) )
- {
- hr = E_FAIL;
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- SelectObject( hdcRender, hbmpRender );
- SelectObject( hdcRender, m_hFont );
- SetBkMode( hdcRender, TRANSPARENT );
- FillBackground( hbmpRender, m_BkColor );
- // Create a bitmap to store the alpha channel for the bitmap. Since GDI
- // doesn't support alpha information, everything is drawn fully transparent.
- // As a workaround, whenever a 2D method is called on the render dc,
- // the same method will be called on the alpha dc. Before transfering the
- // image to the provided surface, the transparency information will be
- // restored from the alpha bitmap.
- hbmpAlpha = CreateDIBSection( hdcAlpha, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, NULL );
- if( NULL == hbmpAlpha )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- // Clear the alpha channel
- DIBSECTION infoAlpha;
- if( 0 == ::GetObject( hbmpAlpha, sizeof(DIBSECTION), &infoAlpha ) )
- {
- hr = E_FAIL;
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- ZeroMemory( infoAlpha.dsBm.bmBits, infoAlpha.dsBm.bmWidthBytes * infoAlpha.dsBm.bmHeight );
- SelectObject( hdcAlpha, hbmpAlpha );
- SetBkMode( hdcAlpha, TRANSPARENT );
- SetTextColor( hdcAlpha, RGB(255, 255, 255) );
- SelectObject( hdcAlpha, GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ) );
- SelectObject( hdcAlpha, m_hFont );
- // Draw callout and object text
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- COLORREF crNorm, crHigh, crCur;
- DIDICallout *pCallout = m_apObject[i]->GetCallout( m_dwActiveView );
- DIDIOverlay *pOverlay = m_apObject[i]->GetOverlay( m_dwActiveView );
- MAXSTRING strCallout = {0};
- MAXSTRING strObject = {0};
- RECT rcFill = {0};
- // Callout may be invisible
- if( DIDICOS_INVISIBLE & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() )
- continue;
- if( IsRectEmpty( &pOverlay->rcScaled ) ||
- IsRectEmpty( &pCallout->rcScaled ) )
- continue;
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutText( strCallout, MAX_PATH );
- m_apObject[i]->GetName( strObject, MAX_PATH );
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutColors( &crNorm, &crHigh );
- crCur = ( DIDICOS_HIGHLIGHTED & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() ) ? crHigh : crNorm;
- SetTextColor( hdcRender, crNorm );
- // Get the fill rect
- rcFill = pOverlay->rcScaled;
- DrawText( hdcRender, strObject, lstrlen( strObject ),
- &rcFill, dwFlags | DT_CALCRECT );
- // Position the fill rect
- rcFill.left += pOverlay->rcScaled.right - rcFill.right;
- rcFill.right += pOverlay->rcScaled.right - rcFill.right;
- // Inflate the fill rect
- InflateRect( &rcFill, 5, 5 );
- // But make sure the rect still fits on the screen
- rcFill.left = max( rcFill.left, 0 );
- rcFill.top = max( rcFill.top, 0 );
- rcFill.right = min( rcFill.right, info.dsBm.bmWidth );
- rcFill.bottom = min( rcFill.bottom, info.dsBm.bmHeight );
- // Draw the object text
- DrawText( hdcRender, strObject, lstrlen( strObject ),
- &(pOverlay->rcScaled), dwFlags | DT_RIGHT );
- if( hdcAlpha )
- DrawText( hdcAlpha, strObject, lstrlen( strObject ),
- &(pOverlay->rcScaled), dwFlags | DT_RIGHT );
- SetTextColor( hdcRender, crCur );
- // Get the fill rect
- rcFill = pCallout->rcScaled;
- DrawText( hdcRender, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &rcFill, dwFlags | DT_CALCRECT );
- // Inflate the fill rect
- InflateRect( &rcFill, 5, 5 );
- // But make sure the rect still fits on the screen
- rcFill.left = max( rcFill.left, 0 );
- rcFill.top = max( rcFill.top, 0 );
- rcFill.right = min( rcFill.right, info.dsBm.bmWidth );
- rcFill.bottom = min( rcFill.bottom, info.dsBm.bmHeight );
- // Draw the callout text
- DrawText( hdcRender, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &(pCallout->rcScaled), dwFlags | DT_LEFT );
- if( hdcAlpha )
- DrawText( hdcAlpha, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &(pCallout->rcScaled), dwFlags | DT_LEFT );
- // If the TOOLTIP flag is set and the callout text doesn't fit within
- // the scaled rect, we need to draw the full text
- if( DIDICOS_TOOLTIP & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() )
- {
- SIZE TextSize = {0};
- // This string was modified by the first call to draw text, so we
- // need to get a fresh copy
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutText( strCallout, MAX_PATH-4 );
- GetTextExtentPoint32( hdcRender, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ), &TextSize );
- if( TextSize.cx > ( pCallout->rcScaled.right - pCallout->rcScaled.left ) )
- {
- // Yep, the text is too big and is marked as a tooltip candidate.
- RECT rcBitmap = { 0, 0, info.dsBm.bmWidth, info.dsBm.bmHeight };
- DrawTooltip( hdcRender, hdcAlpha, strCallout, &rcBitmap, &(pCallout->rcScaled),
- CRFromColor( m_BkColor ), crNorm, crHigh );
- }
- }
- }
- // Finalize rendering
- GdiFlush();
- // Copy the freshly rendered image to the render target
- switch( eTarget )
- {
- // Since the image is being transfered to a Direct3D surface, the stored
- // alpha information could be used.
- ApplyAlphaChannel( hbmpRender, hbmpAlpha, ( (m_BkColor & ALPHA_MASK) == ALPHA_MASK ) );
- rcBitmap.right = info.dsBm.bmWidth;
- rcBitmap.bottom = info.dsBm.bmHeight;
- hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromMemory( (LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9) pvTarget,
- NULL, NULL, info.dsBm.bmBits,
- D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,
- info.dsBm.bmWidthBytes,
- NULL, &rcBitmap,
- break;
- case DIDIRT_DC:
- BitBlt( (HDC) pvTarget, 0, 0, info.dsBm.bmWidth, info.dsBm.bmHeight,
- hdcRender, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
- break;
- default:
- // Invalid render target
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- LCleanReturn:
- DeleteDC( hdcRender );
- DeleteDC( hdcAlpha );
- if( hbmpAlpha )
- DeleteObject( hbmpAlpha );
- if( hbmpRender )
- DeleteObject( hbmpRender );
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RenderToTarget
- // Desc: Renders an image of the device and its callouts
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::RenderToTarget( LPVOID pvTarget, DIDIRENDERTARGET eTarget )
- {
- UINT i = 0; // Loop variable
- RECT rcBitmap = {0};
- HDC hdcRender = NULL;
- HDC hdcAlpha = NULL;
- DIBSECTION info = {0};
- LPBYTE pSavedPixels = NULL;
- LPBYTE pCleanPixels = NULL;
- HBITMAP hbmpAlpha = NULL;
- BITMAPINFO bmi = {0};
- // Verify initialization
- if( false == m_bInitialized )
- // Verify parameters
- if( NULL == pvTarget )
- // Sanity check
- if( m_dwActiveView >= m_dwNumViews )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Load images if not loaded already
- if( NULL == m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ] )
- {
- // File UI not yet loaded
- if( FAILED( hr = LoadImages() ) )
- return hr;
- }
- // Get information about the background image.
- if( 0 == ::GetObject( m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ], sizeof(DIBSECTION), &info ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Allocate space for the saved background images
- pSavedPixels = new BYTE[ info.dsBm.bmWidthBytes * info.dsBm.bmHeight ];
- if( NULL == pSavedPixels )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- pCleanPixels = new BYTE[ info.dsBm.bmWidthBytes * info.dsBm.bmHeight ];
- if( NULL == pCleanPixels )
- {
- // Could not create a copy of the background image; release memory
- // here to avoid using unitialized pixels during cleanup.
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pSavedPixels );
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- // Save the background
- CopyMemory( pSavedPixels, info.dsBm.bmBits,
- info.dsBm.bmWidthBytes * info.dsBm.bmHeight );
- // Draw overlays
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- DIDIOverlay *pOverlay = m_apObject[i]->GetOverlay( m_dwActiveView );
- if( DIDICOS_HIGHLIGHTED & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() )
- {
- // Draw overlay
- if( pOverlay->hImage )
- ApplyOverlay( m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ], &pOverlay->rcScaled, pOverlay->hImage );
- }
- }
- // Before drawing callouts and lines on top of the composed image, save
- // a copy of the image bits. This will allow us to erase portions of lines
- // which intersect with the callout text.
- CopyMemory( pCleanPixels, info.dsBm.bmBits,
- info.dsBm.bmWidthBytes * info.dsBm.bmHeight );
- // Load the background image into a device context for rendering
- hdcRender = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
- SelectObject( hdcRender, m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ] );
- SelectObject( hdcRender, m_hFont );
- SetBkMode( hdcRender, TRANSPARENT );
- SetBkColor( hdcRender, CRFromColor(m_BkColor) );
- hdcAlpha = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
- // Create a bitmap to store the alpha channel for the bitmap. Since GDI
- // doesn't support alpha information, everything is drawn fully transparent.
- // As a workaround, whenever a 2D method is called on the render dc,
- // the same method will be called on the alpha dc. Before transfering the
- // image to the provided surface, the transparency information will be
- // restored from the alpha bitmap.
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = info.dsBm.bmWidth;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = - (int) info.dsBm.bmHeight; // top-down
- bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- hbmpAlpha = CreateDIBSection( hdcAlpha, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NULL, NULL, NULL );
- if( NULL == hbmpAlpha )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- // Clear the alpha channel
- DIBSECTION infoAlpha;
- if( 0 == ::GetObject( hbmpAlpha, sizeof(DIBSECTION), &infoAlpha ) )
- {
- hr = E_FAIL;
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- ZeroMemory( infoAlpha.dsBm.bmBits, infoAlpha.dsBm.bmWidthBytes * infoAlpha.dsBm.bmHeight );
- SelectObject( hdcAlpha, hbmpAlpha );
- SetBkMode( hdcAlpha, TRANSPARENT );
- SetTextColor( hdcAlpha, RGB(255, 255, 255) );
- SelectObject( hdcAlpha, GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ) );
- SelectObject( hdcAlpha, m_hFont );
- // Draw callout lines
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- COLORREF crNorm, crHigh, crCur;
- POINT aptArrow[2] = {0};
- BOOL bDrawArrow = FALSE;
- // Get the current callout
- DIDICallout *pCallout = m_apObject[i]->GetCallout( m_dwActiveView );
- // Callout may be invisible
- if( DIDICOS_INVISIBLE & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() )
- continue;
- // Retrieve normal/highlighted colors
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutColors( &crNorm, &crHigh );
- // Set the current color based on callout state
- crCur = ( DIDICOS_HIGHLIGHTED & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() ) ? crHigh : crNorm;
- DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcRender, CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 3, CRFromColor(m_BkColor) ) ) );
- DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcAlpha, CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 3, RGB(255, 255, 255) ) ) );
- // Draw callout lines
- MoveToEx( hdcRender, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].y, NULL );
- MoveToEx( hdcAlpha, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].y, NULL );
- for( UINT j=1; j < pCallout->dwNumPoints; j++ )
- {
- LineTo( hdcRender, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].y );
- LineTo( hdcAlpha, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].y );
- }
- // Draw arrow ends
- if( pCallout->dwNumPoints >= 2 )
- {
- DWORD dwEnd = pCallout->dwNumPoints-1;
- POINT p1 = pCallout->aptLineScaled[ dwEnd ];
- POINT p2 = pCallout->aptLineScaled[ dwEnd-1 ];
- aptArrow[0] = aptArrow[1] = p1;
- bDrawArrow = TRUE;
- aptArrow[0].x -= 1;
- aptArrow[0].y -= 1;
- aptArrow[1].x += 1;
- aptArrow[1].y += 1;
- // Adjust arrow points based on line orientation
- if( p1.y == p2.y )
- {
- if( p2.x < p1.x )
- aptArrow[1].x -= 2;
- else
- aptArrow[0].x += 2;
- }
- else if( p1.x == p2.x )
- {
- if( p2.y < p1.y )
- aptArrow[1].y -= 2;
- else
- aptArrow[0].y += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- // This is a diagonal line. Skip the arrow endpoint.
- bDrawArrow = FALSE;
- }
- if( bDrawArrow )
- {
- MoveToEx( hdcRender, aptArrow[0].x, aptArrow[0].y, NULL );
- LineTo( hdcRender, aptArrow[1].x, aptArrow[1].y );
- MoveToEx( hdcAlpha, aptArrow[0].x, aptArrow[0].y, NULL );
- LineTo( hdcAlpha, aptArrow[1].x, aptArrow[1].y );
- }
- }
- // Select a new pen into the DC based on current color
- DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcRender, CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, crCur ) ) );
- DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcAlpha, GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ) ) );
- // Draw callout lines
- MoveToEx( hdcRender, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].y, NULL );
- MoveToEx( hdcAlpha, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[0].y, NULL );
- for( j=1; j < pCallout->dwNumPoints; j++ )
- {
- LineTo( hdcRender, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].y );
- LineTo( hdcAlpha, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].x, pCallout->aptLineScaled[j].y );
- }
- // Draw arrow ends
- if( bDrawArrow )
- {
- DWORD dwEnd = pCallout->dwNumPoints-1;
- SetPixel( hdcRender, aptArrow[0].x, aptArrow[0].y, crCur );
- SetPixel( hdcRender, aptArrow[1].x, aptArrow[1].y, crCur );
- SetPixel( hdcRender, pCallout->aptLineScaled[ dwEnd ].x,
- pCallout->aptLineScaled[ dwEnd ].y, crCur );
- SetPixel( hdcAlpha, aptArrow[0].x, aptArrow[0].y, RGB(255, 255, 255) );
- SetPixel( hdcAlpha, aptArrow[1].x, aptArrow[1].y, RGB(255, 255, 255) );
- SetPixel( hdcAlpha, pCallout->aptLineScaled[ dwEnd ].x,
- pCallout->aptLineScaled[ dwEnd ].y, RGB(255, 255, 255) );
- }
- }
- // Free the pen resource
- DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcRender, GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ) ) );
- DeleteObject( SelectObject( hdcAlpha, GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ) ) );
- // Draw callout text
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- COLORREF crNorm, crHigh, crCur;
- RECT rcFill;
- DIDICallout *pCallout = m_apObject[i]->GetCallout( m_dwActiveView );
- MAXSTRING strCallout = {0};
- // Callout may be invisible
- if( DIDICOS_INVISIBLE & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() )
- continue;
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutText( strCallout, MAX_PATH-4 );
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutColors( &crNorm, &crHigh );
- if( IsRectEmpty( &pCallout->rcScaled ) )
- continue;
- // Draw callouts
- // Get text dimensions
- rcFill = pCallout->rcScaled;
- DrawText( hdcRender, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &rcFill, dwFormat | DT_CALCRECT | DT_MODIFYSTRING );
- // Horizontal alignment
- if( pCallout->dwTextAlign & DIDAL_CENTERED )
- {
- dwFormat |= DT_CENTER;
- OffsetRect( &rcFill, (pCallout->rcScaled.right - rcFill.right) / 2, 0 );
- }
- else if( pCallout->dwTextAlign & DIDAL_RIGHTALIGNED )
- {
- dwFormat |= DT_RIGHT;
- OffsetRect( &rcFill, (pCallout->rcScaled.right - rcFill.right ), 0 );
- }
- else
- {
- dwFormat |= DT_LEFT;
- }
- // Vertical alignment
- if( pCallout->dwTextAlign & DIDAL_MIDDLE )
- {
- dwFormat |= DT_VCENTER;
- OffsetRect( &rcFill, 0, (pCallout->rcScaled.bottom - rcFill.bottom) / 2 );
- }
- else if( pCallout->dwTextAlign & DIDAL_BOTTOMALIGNED )
- {
- dwFormat |= DT_BOTTOM;
- OffsetRect( &rcFill, 0, (pCallout->rcScaled.bottom - rcFill.bottom) );
- }
- else
- {
- dwFormat |= DT_TOP;
- }
- // First replace the background area behind the text to cover up
- // intersecting lines
- // Pad the returned rect
- InflateRect( &rcFill, 5, 5 );
- // But make sure the rect still fits on the screen
- rcFill.left = max( rcFill.left, 0 );
- rcFill.top = max( rcFill.top, 0 );
- rcFill.right = min( rcFill.right, info.dsBm.bmWidth );
- rcFill.bottom = min( rcFill.bottom, info.dsBm.bmHeight );
- RestoreRect( m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ], &rcFill, pCleanPixels );
- if( hdcAlpha )
- FillRect( hdcAlpha, &rcFill, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH ) );
- // Fill behind the text
- SetTextColor( hdcRender, CRFromColor(m_BkColor) );
- for( int x = -1; x <= 1; x++ )
- {
- for( int y = -1; y <= 1; y++ )
- {
- RECT rcText = pCallout->rcScaled;
- OffsetRect( &rcText, x, y );
- DrawText( hdcRender, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &rcText, dwFormat );
- DrawText( hdcAlpha, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &rcText, dwFormat );
- }
- }
- // Now draw the actual text
- crCur = ( DIDICOS_HIGHLIGHTED & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() ) ? crHigh : crNorm;
- SetTextColor( hdcRender, crCur );
- DrawText( hdcRender, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &(pCallout->rcScaled), dwFormat );
- DrawText( hdcAlpha, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ),
- &(pCallout->rcScaled), dwFormat );
- // If the TOOLTIP flag is set and the callout text doesn't fit within
- // the scaled rect, we need to draw the full text
- if( DIDICOS_TOOLTIP & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() )
- {
- SIZE TextSize = {0};
- // This string was modified by the first call to draw text, so we
- // need to get a fresh copy
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutText( strCallout, MAX_PATH-4 );
- GetTextExtentPoint32( hdcRender, strCallout, lstrlen( strCallout ), &TextSize );
- if( TextSize.cx > ( pCallout->rcScaled.right - pCallout->rcScaled.left ) )
- {
- // Yep, the text is too big and is marked as a tooltip candidate.
- RECT rcBitmap = { 0, 0, info.dsBm.bmWidth, info.dsBm.bmHeight };
- DrawTooltip( hdcRender, hdcAlpha, strCallout, &rcBitmap, &(pCallout->rcScaled),
- CRFromColor( m_BkColor ), crNorm, crHigh );
- }
- }
- }
- // Finalize all rendering
- GdiFlush();
- // Copy the freshly rendered image to the render target
- switch( eTarget )
- {
- // Since the image is being transfered to a Direct3D surface, the stored
- // alpha information could be used.
- ApplyAlphaChannel( m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ], hbmpAlpha, ( (m_BkColor & ALPHA_MASK) == ALPHA_MASK ) );
- rcBitmap.right = info.dsBm.bmWidth;
- rcBitmap.bottom = info.dsBm.bmHeight;
- hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromMemory( (LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9) pvTarget,
- NULL, NULL, info.dsBm.bmBits,
- D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8,
- info.dsBm.bmWidthBytes,
- NULL, &rcBitmap,
- break;
- case DIDIRT_DC:
- BitBlt( (HDC) pvTarget, 0, 0, info.dsBm.bmWidth, info.dsBm.bmHeight,
- hdcRender, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
- break;
- default:
- // Invalid render target
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- LCleanReturn:
- // Restore the background
- if( pSavedPixels )
- CopyMemory( info.dsBm.bmBits, pSavedPixels, info.dsBm.bmWidthBytes * info.dsBm.bmHeight );
- DeleteDC( hdcRender );
- DeleteDC( hdcAlpha );
- DeleteObject( hbmpAlpha );
- delete [] pSavedPixels;
- delete [] pCleanPixels;
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: AddObject
- // Desc: Adds an object to the current list according to object ID. If an
- // object with the given ID already exists, a pointer to it returned.
- // Otherwise, a new object is created and a pointer to the new object
- // is returned. Returns NULL if memory couldn't be allocated.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::AddObject( DWORD dwID )
- {
- CDIDIObject* pObject = NULL;
- // Search through current objects
- if( GetObject( dwID ) )
- return DI_OK;
- // Did not find object. Create a new object, and store pointer
- pObject = new CDIDIObject( dwID, m_dwNumViews );
- if( NULL == pObject )
- m_apObject[m_dwNumObjects++] = pObject;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetObject
- // Desc: If an object with given ID exist, a pointer to it is returned
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CDIDIObject* CDIDevImage::GetObject( DWORD dwID )
- {
- for( UINT i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- if( m_apObject[i]->GetID() == dwID )
- return m_apObject[i];
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: LoadImageInfo
- // Desc: helper function to retrieve callout / image data from
- // DirectInput
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- DWORD dwBufferCount = 0;
- // properly initialize the structure before it can be used
- dihImageHeader.dwSize = sizeof( DIDEVICEIMAGEINFOHEADER );
- dihImageHeader.dwSizeImageInfo = sizeof( DIDEVICEIMAGEINFO );
- // since m_dihImageHeader.dwBufferSize is 0, this call serves to determine
- // the minimum buffer size required to hold information for all the images
- hr = pDIDevice->GetImageInfo( &dihImageHeader );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- // at this point, m_lpDidImgHeader->dwBufferUsed has been set by
- // the GetImageInfo method to minimum buffer size needed, so allocate.
- dihImageHeader.dwBufferSize = dihImageHeader.dwBufferUsed;
- dihImageHeader.lprgImageInfoArray = (DIDEVICEIMAGEINFO*) new BYTE[dihImageHeader.dwBufferSize];
- // make sure memory has been allocated
- if( NULL == dihImageHeader.lprgImageInfoArray )
- // now that the dwBufferSize has been filled, and lprgImageArray allocated,
- // we call GetImageInfo again to get the image data
- hr = pDIDevice->GetImageInfo( &dihImageHeader );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- // Allocate space for all the object/callouts/overlays
- m_apObject = new CDIDIObject* [dihImageHeader.dwcButtons +
- dihImageHeader.dwcAxes +
- dihImageHeader.dwcPOVs];
- if( NULL == m_apObject )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- m_dwNumViews = dihImageHeader.dwcViews;
- // Allocate space for background images
- m_atszImagePath = new TCHAR[m_dwNumViews][MAX_PATH];
- if( NULL == m_atszImagePath )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- ZeroMemory( m_atszImagePath, sizeof(m_atszImagePath) );
- m_ahImages = new HBITMAP[m_dwNumViews];
- if( NULL == m_ahImages )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- ZeroMemory( m_ahImages, sizeof(m_ahImages) );
- // Fill the data from the ImageHeader
- pInfo = dihImageHeader.lprgImageInfoArray;
- dwBufferCount = dihImageHeader.dwBufferUsed;
- while( dwBufferCount > 0)
- {
- if( pInfo->dwViewID > m_dwNumViews )
- {
- // Error in the input format, this is out of bounds for our array
- hr = E_FAIL;
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- if( pInfo->dwFlags & DIDIFT_CONFIGURATION )
- {
- lstrcpy( m_atszImagePath[pInfo->dwViewID], pInfo->tszImagePath );
- }
- else if( pInfo->dwFlags & DIDIFT_OVERLAY )
- {
- hr = AddObject( pInfo->dwObjID );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- CDIDIObject *pDIObj = GetObject( pInfo->dwObjID );
- if( NULL == pDIObj )
- {
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- // Overlay
- if( pInfo->tszImagePath[0] )
- pDIObj->SetOverlay( pInfo->dwViewID, pInfo->tszImagePath, pInfo->rcOverlay );
- // Callout
- pDIObj->SetCallout( pInfo->dwViewID, pInfo->dwcValidPts, pInfo->rgptCalloutLine, pInfo->rcCalloutRect, pInfo->dwTextAlign );
- }
- pInfo++;
- dwBufferCount -= dihImageHeader.dwSizeImageInfo;
- }
- // We made it this far, set the return value as success.
- hr = DI_OK;
- LCleanReturn:
- // Release the resources used for the image info structure
- delete [] dihImageHeader.lprgImageInfoArray;
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CreateCustomImageInfo
- // Desc: Create a default UI for the given device, and fill in all neccesary
- // structures to support rendering
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::CreateCustomImageInfo( LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 pDIDevice )
- {
- // Allocate space for all the device's objects (axes, buttons, POVS)
- ZeroMemory( &didc, sizeof(DIDEVCAPS) );
- didc.dwSize = sizeof(DIDEVCAPS);
- hr = pDIDevice->GetCapabilities( &didc );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- m_apObject = new CDIDIObject* [didc.dwAxes + didc.dwButtons + didc.dwPOVs];
- if( NULL == m_apObject )
- hr = pDIDevice->EnumObjects( EnumDeviceObjectsCB, this, DIDFT_AXIS );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- hr = pDIDevice->EnumObjects( EnumDeviceObjectsCB, this, DIDFT_BUTTON );
- if( FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- hr = pDIDevice->EnumObjects( EnumDeviceObjectsCB, this, DIDFT_POV );
- if( FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: LoadImages
- // Desc: Load all images associated with the active view
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::LoadImages()
- {
- UINT i;
- SIZE sizeInit = {0};
- SIZE sizeScaled = {0};
- FLOAT fxScale, fyScale;
- D3DXIMAGE_INFO d3dxImageInfo;
- // Create a temporary surface
- // Load the background image onto the temporary loading surface
- hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile( pLoadSurface, NULL, NULL,
- m_atszImagePath[m_dwActiveView],
- NULL, &d3dxImageInfo );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- // The actual dimensions of the render surface are determined
- // by the background image, the overlay images, and the
- // callout rects.
- sizeInit.cx = d3dxImageInfo.Width;
- sizeInit.cy = d3dxImageInfo.Height;
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- DIDICallout* pCallout = m_apObject[i]->GetCallout( m_dwActiveView );
- sizeInit.cx = max( sizeInit.cx, pCallout->rcInit.right );
- sizeInit.cy = max( sizeInit.cy, pCallout->rcInit.bottom );
- }
- // Determine the scaling parameters
- switch( m_dwScaleMethod )
- {
- sizeScaled.cx = m_dwWidthPref;
- sizeScaled.cy = m_dwHeightPref;
- break;
- sizeScaled.cx = m_dwWidthPref;
- sizeScaled.cy = (LONG) ( 0.5 + sizeInit.cy * ( (FLOAT)m_dwWidthPref / sizeInit.cx ) );
- break;
- sizeScaled.cx = (LONG) ( 0.5 + sizeInit.cx * ( (FLOAT)m_dwHeightPref / sizeInit.cy ) );
- sizeScaled.cy = m_dwHeightPref;
- break;
- default :
- sizeScaled.cx = sizeInit.cx;
- sizeScaled.cy = sizeInit.cy;
- break;
- }
- // Calculate scaling multipliers
- fxScale = (FLOAT)sizeScaled.cx / sizeInit.cx;
- fyScale = (FLOAT)sizeScaled.cy / sizeInit.cy;
- // Scale all object display parameters
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- m_apObject[i]->ScaleView( m_dwActiveView, fxScale, fyScale );
- }
- // Load the background image
- hr = CreateScaledSurfaceCopy( pLoadSurface, d3dxImageInfo.Width, d3dxImageInfo.Height,
- fxScale, fyScale, &pScaleSurface );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- // Create a DIB section for the loaded image
- hr = CreateDIBSectionFromSurface( pScaleSurface, &(m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ]), &sizeScaled );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- SAFE_RELEASE( pScaleSurface );
- // Apply the background color
- FillBackground( m_ahImages[ m_dwActiveView ], m_BkColor );
- // Load all object images
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- DIDIOverlay *pOverlay = m_apObject[i]->GetOverlay( m_dwActiveView );
- // Load the file onto the temporary surface
- if( !pOverlay->strImagePath[0] )
- continue;
- hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile( pLoadSurface,
- pOverlay->strImagePath,
- NULL, &d3dxImageInfo );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- continue;
- // Since overlay rectanges are actually defined by the image size, some
- // of the image info files simply define the top-left coordinate of the
- // rectangle. We may want good data for the overlay rectangle, so set
- // the rect based on image size
- pOverlay->rcInit.bottom = pOverlay->rcInit.top + d3dxImageInfo.Height;
- pOverlay->rcInit.right = pOverlay->rcInit.left + d3dxImageInfo.Width;
- ScaleRect( &( pOverlay->rcInit), &( pOverlay->rcScaled ), fxScale, fyScale );
- // Scale the overlay
- hr = CreateScaledSurfaceCopy( pLoadSurface, d3dxImageInfo.Width, d3dxImageInfo.Height,
- fxScale, fyScale, &pScaleSurface );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- // Load the stored bitmap from the scaled D3D surface
- hr = CreateDIBSectionFromSurface( pScaleSurface, &(pOverlay->hImage) );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- SAFE_RELEASE( pScaleSurface );
- }
- hr = DI_OK;
- LCleanReturn:
- SAFE_RELEASE( pLoadSurface );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pScaleSurface );
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetCustomUISize
- // Desc: Determine the dimensions of the custom UI based on default values and
- // user-supplied sizing information.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::GetCustomUISize( SIZE* pSize )
- {
- if( pSize == NULL )
- // Calculate view dimensions based on values set during a call to
- // SetOutputImageSize(), or the default values defined in the header
- switch( m_dwScaleMethod )
- {
- pSize->cx = m_dwWidthPref;
- pSize->cy = m_dwHeightPref;
- break;
- pSize->cx = m_dwWidthPref;
- break;
- pSize->cy = m_dwHeightPref;
- pSize->cx = (LONG) ( 0.5 + DIDICONST_CUSTOM_VIEW_WIDTH *
- break;
- default:
- };
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: BuildCustomUI
- // Desc: Creates the callout rects for each view based on stored sizing
- // information and callout strings.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::BuildCustomUI()
- {
- HDC hdc = NULL;
- SIZE size = {0};
- UINT i = 0;
- int nMaxNameWidth = 0;
- int nMaxNameHeight = 0;
- int nMaxCalloutWidth = 0;
- int nMaxCalloutHeight = 0;
- int nRowsPerView = 0;
- int nColsPerView = 0;
- int nNumVisObjects = 0;
- const int GUTTER_SIZE = 20;
- const int PADDING_SIZE = 20;
- const int SPACING_WIDTH = 10;
- const int SPACING_HEIGHT = 10;
- const int MAX_CHARS_OBJECT = 20;
- const int MAX_CHARS_ACTION = 20;
- // we need a device context in order to evaluate the text metrics
- hdc = CreateDC( TEXT("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL );
- if( NULL == hdc )
- return E_FAIL;
- // select the font into the dc
- SelectObject( hdc, m_hFont );
- // determine the largest device name
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- if( DIDICOS_INVISIBLE & m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutState() )
- continue;
- nNumVisObjects++;
- TCHAR str[ MAX_PATH ] = {0};
- m_apObject[i]->GetName( str, MAX_PATH );
- if( lstrlen(str) > 15 )
- lstrcpy( &str[15], TEXT("...") );
- if( str && GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, str, lstrlen( str ), &size ) )
- {
- nMaxNameWidth = max( nMaxNameWidth, size.cx );
- nMaxNameHeight = max( nMaxNameHeight, size.cy );
- }
- m_apObject[i]->GetCalloutText( str, MAX_PATH );
- if( lstrlen(str) > 15 )
- lstrcpy( &str[15], TEXT("...") );
- if( str && GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, str, lstrlen( str ), &size ) )
- {
- nMaxCalloutWidth = max( nMaxCalloutWidth, size.cx );
- nMaxCalloutHeight = max( nMaxCalloutHeight, size.cy );
- }
- }
- // Optionally, you can help constrain the callout sizes by restricting the
- // string lengths.
- TEXTMETRIC tm = {0};
- if( GetTextMetrics( hdc, &tm ) )
- {
- nMaxCalloutWidth = min( nMaxCalloutWidth, MAX_CHARS_ACTION * tm.tmAveCharWidth );
- nMaxNameWidth = min( nMaxNameWidth, MAX_CHARS_OBJECT * tm.tmAveCharWidth );
- }
- // Release resources
- DeleteDC( hdc );
- // Calculate view dimensions
- GetCustomUISize( &size );
- // determine how many callouts we can fit on a single view
- nColsPerView = ( size.cx - (2 * PADDING_SIZE) + GUTTER_SIZE ) /
- ( nMaxNameWidth + nMaxCalloutWidth + SPACING_WIDTH + GUTTER_SIZE );
- nColsPerView = max( nColsPerView, 1 );
- nRowsPerView = ( size.cy - (2 * PADDING_SIZE) ) /
- ( nMaxNameHeight + SPACING_HEIGHT );
- nRowsPerView = max( nRowsPerView, 1 );
- m_dwNumViews = nNumVisObjects / ( nColsPerView * nRowsPerView );
- m_dwNumViews = max( m_dwNumViews, 1 );
- // now all the dimensions are calculated and the callouts can be
- // allocated.
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- m_apObject[i]->AllocateViews( m_dwNumViews );
- }
- DIDICallout* pCallout = NULL;
- DIDIOverlay* pOverlay = NULL;
- int x = 0, y = 0;
- UINT index = 0;
- // Build the view by enumerating through the callouts and
- // For each view...
- for( UINT view=0; view < m_dwNumViews; view++ )
- {
- // For each column...
- for( int col=0; col < nColsPerView; col++ )
- {
- // For each row...
- for( int row=0; row < nRowsPerView; row++ )
- {
- // Eat indices to invisible objects until an object is found or
- // we run out.
- while( index < m_dwNumObjects &&
- ( DIDICOS_INVISIBLE & m_apObject[index]->GetCalloutState() ) )
- {
- index++;
- }
- // If we're on a valid object, calculate the screen coords
- if( index < m_dwNumObjects )
- {
- pOverlay = m_apObject[index]->GetOverlay( view );
- pCallout = m_apObject[index]->GetCallout( view );
- pOverlay->rcScaled.left = x;
- pOverlay->rcScaled.top = y;
- pOverlay->rcScaled.right = x + nMaxNameWidth;
- pOverlay->rcScaled.bottom = y + nMaxNameHeight;
- pCallout->rcScaled.left = x + nMaxNameWidth + SPACING_WIDTH;
- pCallout->rcScaled.top = y;
- pCallout->rcScaled.right = pCallout->rcScaled.left + nMaxCalloutWidth;
- pCallout->rcScaled.bottom = y + nMaxNameHeight;
- }
- index++;
- y += nMaxNameHeight + SPACING_HEIGHT;
- }
- x += nMaxNameWidth + nMaxCalloutWidth + SPACING_WIDTH + GUTTER_SIZE;
- }
- }
- // Clear the invalid flag
- m_bInvalidUI = FALSE;
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CreateScaledSurfaceCopy
- // Desc: Creates a new surface and copies the contents from the provided
- // source surface onto the newly created destination surface.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDevImage::CreateScaledSurfaceCopy( LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pSurfaceSrc,
- DWORD dwWidthSrc, DWORD dwHeightSrc,
- FLOAT fxScale, FLOAT fyScale,
- LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 *ppSurfaceDest )
- {
- RECT rcSrc = {0}, rcDest = {0};
- // Verify parameters
- if( NULL == pSurfaceSrc || NULL == ppSurfaceDest )
- // Calculate creation arguments
- rcSrc.right = dwWidthSrc-1;
- rcSrc.bottom = dwHeightSrc-1;
- ScaleRect( &rcSrc, &rcDest, fxScale, fyScale );
- // Create the stored surface
- *ppSurfaceDest = GetCloneSurface( rcDest.right, rcDest.bottom );
- // Since we're using a surface workaround, the d3d functions should only
- // be called if we're actually scaling the surface.
- if( EqualRect( &rcSrc, &rcDest ) )
- {
- D3DLOCKED_RECT d3drcSrc = {0};
- D3DLOCKED_RECT d3drcDest = {0};
- pSurfaceSrc->LockRect( &d3drcSrc, NULL, 0 );
- (*ppSurfaceDest)->LockRect( &d3drcDest, NULL, 0 );
- BYTE* pBitsSrc = (BYTE*) d3drcSrc.pBits;
- BYTE* pBitsDest = (BYTE*) d3drcDest.pBits;
- for( int y = rcDest.top; y < rcDest.bottom; y++ )
- {
- CopyMemory( pBitsDest, pBitsSrc, d3drcDest.Pitch );
- pBitsDest += d3drcDest.Pitch;
- pBitsSrc += d3drcSrc.Pitch;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Copy the image onto the stored surface
- hr = D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface( *ppSurfaceDest,
- NULL, &rcDest,
- pSurfaceSrc, NULL,
- NULL );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- goto LCleanReturn;
- }
- // Everything went OK. Return before cleaning up the new surface.
- return DI_OK;
- LCleanReturn:
- // An error occured. Clean up the new surface before returning.
- if( *ppSurfaceDest )
- {
- (*ppSurfaceDest)->Release();
- *ppSurfaceDest = NULL;
- }
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CleanUp
- // Desc: Release all allocated memory, zero out member variables
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CDIDevImage::CleanUp()
- {
- UINT i=0; //loop var
- // Release resources first
- DestroyImages();
- // Call destructors on all stored objects
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- delete m_apObject[i];
- }
- // Delete object array
- if( m_apObject )
- delete [] m_apObject;
- // Delete BITMAP storage array
- delete [] m_atszImagePath;
- delete [] m_ahImages;
- if( m_hFont )
- DeleteObject( m_hFont );
- m_apObject = NULL;
- m_atszImagePath = NULL;
- m_ahImages = NULL;
- m_dwNumObjects = 0;
- m_dwNumViews = 0;
- m_dwWidthPref = 0;
- m_dwHeightPref = 0;
- m_dwScaleMethod = 0;
- m_hFont = NULL;
- m_bInitialized = FALSE;
- m_bCustomUI = FALSE;
- m_bInvalidUI = TRUE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: DestroyImages
- // Desc: Release all stored images
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDevImage::DestroyImages()
- {
- UINT i=0; //loop var
- // Release all background images
- if( m_ahImages )
- {
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumViews; i++ )
- {
- if( m_ahImages[i] )
- DeleteObject( m_ahImages[i] );
- m_ahImages[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- // Release all object images
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumObjects; i++ )
- {
- if( m_apObject[i] )
- m_apObject[i]->DestroyImages();
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CreateFont
- // Desc: Create the GDI font to use for callout text
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDevImage::CreateFont()
- {
- // Create display font
- ZeroMemory( &lf, sizeof(LOGFONT) );
- lf.lfHeight = 14;
- lf.lfWeight = 700;
- lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
- lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
- _tcscpy( lf.lfFaceName, TEXT("arial") );
- m_hFont = CreateFontIndirect( &lf );
- // Have a backup plan
- if( NULL == m_hFont )
- m_hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CDIDIObject
- // Desc: Constructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CDIDIObject::CDIDIObject( DWORD dwID, DWORD dwNumViews )
- {
- m_dwID = dwID;
- m_crNormColor = RGB(150, 150, 200);
- m_crHighColor = RGB(255, 255, 255);
- m_dwNumViews = dwNumViews;
- m_aCallout = NULL;
- m_aOverlay = NULL;
- m_dwState = 0;
- AllocateViews( dwNumViews );
- lstrcpy( m_strCallout, TEXT("_ _ _") );
- lstrcpy( m_strName, TEXT("") );
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ~CDIDIObject
- // Desc: Destructor
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CDIDIObject::~CDIDIObject()
- {
- DestroyImages();
- delete [] m_aCallout;
- delete [] m_aOverlay;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: AllocateViews
- // Desc: The number of views for a custom UI can change, requiring the need
- // to free and reallocate resources depending on the number of views.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CDIDIObject::AllocateViews( DWORD dwNumViews )
- {
- // Release current views
- delete [] m_aCallout;
- delete [] m_aOverlay;
- m_dwNumViews = 0;
- m_aCallout = new DIDICallout[dwNumViews];
- if( NULL == m_aCallout )
- m_aOverlay = new DIDIOverlay[dwNumViews];
- if( NULL == m_aOverlay )
- {
- delete[] m_aCallout;
- m_aCallout = NULL;
- }
- ZeroMemory( m_aCallout, sizeof(DIDICallout) * dwNumViews );
- ZeroMemory( m_aOverlay, sizeof(DIDIOverlay) * dwNumViews );
- m_dwNumViews = dwNumViews;
- return DI_OK;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetOverlay
- // Desc: Sets the values for an overlay in the object's current list
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDIObject::SetOverlay( DWORD dwViewID, LPCTSTR strImagePath, RECT rect )
- {
- m_aOverlay[dwViewID].rcInit = rect;
- m_aOverlay[dwViewID].rcScaled = rect;
- lstrcpy( m_aOverlay[dwViewID].strImagePath, strImagePath );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetCallout
- // Desc: Adds the values for a callout in the object's current list
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDIObject::SetCallout( DWORD dwViewID, DWORD dwNumPoints, POINT *aptLine, RECT rect, DWORD dwTextAlign )
- {
- m_aCallout[dwViewID].dwNumPoints = dwNumPoints;
- m_aCallout[dwViewID].rcInit = rect;
- m_aCallout[dwViewID].rcScaled = rect;
- m_aCallout[dwViewID].dwTextAlign = dwTextAlign;
- for( int i=0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- m_aCallout[dwViewID].aptLineInit[i] = aptLine[i];
- m_aCallout[dwViewID].aptLineScaled[i] = aptLine[i];
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: DestroyImages
- // Desc: Release all stored images
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDIObject::DestroyImages()
- {
- UINT i=0; //loop var
- // Release all object images
- for( i=0; i < m_dwNumViews; i++ )
- {
- if( m_aOverlay[i].hImage )
- DeleteObject( m_aOverlay[i].hImage );
- m_aOverlay[i].hImage = NULL;
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: SetCalloutText
- // Desc: copy as many characters as will fit, leaving room for the terminating
- // null and 3 elipses.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDIObject::SetCalloutText( LPCTSTR strText )
- {
- _tcsncpy( m_strCallout, strText, MAX_PATH - 4 );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetCalloutText
- // Desc: Retrieve the current callout text from the name buffer up to the
- // amount of characters specified by dwSize
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDIObject::GetCalloutText( LPTSTR strText, DWORD dwSize )
- {
- _tcsncpy( strText, m_strCallout, dwSize );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ScaleView
- // Desc: Scale all rects and points to the given scaling factors
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CDIDIObject::ScaleView( DWORD dwViewID, FLOAT fxScale, FLOAT fyScale )
- {
- UINT i=0;
- // Overlay/Callout Rects
- ScaleRect( &(m_aOverlay[dwViewID].rcInit),
- &(m_aOverlay[dwViewID].rcScaled),
- fxScale, fyScale );
- ScaleRect( &(m_aCallout[dwViewID].rcInit),
- &(m_aCallout[dwViewID].rcScaled),
- fxScale, fyScale );
- // Callout Lines
- for( i=0; i < 5; i++ )
- {
- ScalePoint( &(m_aCallout[dwViewID].aptLineInit[i]),
- &(m_aCallout[dwViewID].aptLineScaled[i]),
- fxScale, fyScale );
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ApplyAlphaChannel
- // Desc: Restore the alpha information from the source bitmap to the
- // destination bitmap. GDI uses COLORREF structures which lack an alpha
- // channel, and draws everything as fully transparent. By using a
- // separate bitmap to store opacity information, the alpha channel can
- // be restored.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT ApplyAlphaChannel( HBITMAP hbmpDest, HBITMAP hbmpSrc, BOOL bOpaque )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- BITMAP bmpInfoSrc = {0};
- BITMAP bmpInfoDest = {0};
- // Verify parameters
- if( NULL == hbmpDest || NULL == hbmpSrc )
- // Get the bitmap pixel data
- if( 0 == GetObject( hbmpSrc, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpInfoSrc ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- if( 0 == GetObject( hbmpDest, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpInfoDest ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Cast the data pointers
- DWORD* pBitsSrc = (DWORD*) bmpInfoSrc.bmBits;
- DWORD* pBitsDest = (DWORD*) bmpInfoDest.bmBits;
- // Syncronize bitmap pixel info
- GdiFlush();
- // For each pixel in the rect...
- for( int y=0; y < bmpInfoDest.bmHeight; y++ )
- {
- for( int x=0; x < bmpInfoDest.bmWidth; x++ )
- {
- if( *pBitsSrc )
- {
- // The source bitmap contains information at this pixel, which
- // may signal full or partial opacity. If the passed bOpaque
- // flag is set, the method should treat partially opaque pixels
- // as being fully opaque. This is used when the user has selected
- // a fully opaque background color and wants the resulting image
- // to also be fully opaque.
- *pBitsDest |= bOpaque ? ALPHA_MASK : ( GetBlue( *pBitsSrc ) << 24 );
- }
- // Advance the pixel pointers.
- pBitsSrc++;
- pBitsDest++;
- }
- }
- return hr;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RestoreRect
- // Desc: Restore the pixel data of an image for the given RECT
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT RestoreRect( HBITMAP hbmpDest, CONST RECT* prcDest, LPBYTE pSrcPixels )
- {
- BITMAP bmpInfoDest = {0};
- // Verify parameters
- if( NULL == hbmpDest || NULL == pSrcPixels || NULL == prcDest )
- // Get the bitmap pixel data
- if( 0 == GetObject( hbmpDest, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpInfoDest ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Cast the data pointers
- DWORD* pBitsSrc = (DWORD*) pSrcPixels;
- DWORD* pBitsDest = (DWORD*) bmpInfoDest.bmBits;
- // Syncronize bitmap pixel info
- GdiFlush();
- // Advance the pixel pointers to the starting position
- pBitsDest += ( prcDest->top * bmpInfoDest.bmWidth ) + prcDest->left;
- pBitsSrc += ( prcDest->top * bmpInfoDest.bmWidth ) + prcDest->left;
- // For each scanline in rcDest...
- for( int y = prcDest->top; y < prcDest->bottom; y++ )
- {
- CopyMemory( pBitsDest, pBitsSrc, sizeof(DWORD) * ( prcDest->right - prcDest->left ) );
- // Advance pointers
- pBitsDest += bmpInfoDest.bmWidth;
- pBitsSrc += bmpInfoDest.bmWidth;
- }
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ApplyOverlay
- // Desc: Use manual alpha blending to paste the overlay bitmap on top of the
- // destination bitmap.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT ApplyOverlay( HBITMAP hbmpDest, CONST RECT* prcDest, HBITMAP hbmpSrc )
- {
- BITMAP bmpInfoSrc = {0};
- BITMAP bmpInfoDest = {0};
- // Verify parameters
- if( NULL == hbmpDest || NULL == hbmpSrc || NULL == prcDest )
- // Get the bitmap pixel data
- if( 0 == GetObject( hbmpSrc, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpInfoSrc ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- if( 0 == GetObject( hbmpDest, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpInfoDest ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Cast the data pointers
- DWORD* pBitsSrc = (DWORD*) bmpInfoSrc.bmBits;
- DWORD* pBitsDest = (DWORD*) bmpInfoDest.bmBits;
- // Syncronize bitmap pixel info
- GdiFlush();
- // Advance the destination pixel to the starting position
- pBitsDest += ( prcDest->top * bmpInfoDest.bmWidth ) + prcDest->left;
- // For each pixel...
- for( int y=0; y < bmpInfoSrc.bmHeight; y++ )
- {
- for( int x=0; x < bmpInfoSrc.bmWidth; x++ )
- {
- // calculate src and dest alpha
- if( ( *pBitsSrc & ALPHA_MASK ) == ALPHA_MASK )
- {
- // Source pixel is completely opaque, have it replace the
- // current destination pixel
- *pBitsDest = *pBitsSrc;
- }
- else if( ( *pBitsSrc & ALPHA_MASK ) == 0 )
- {
- // Source pixel is completely transparent, do nothing
- }
- else
- {
- // This formula computes the blended component value:
- // ( ALPHA * ( srcPixel - destPixel ) ) / 256 + destPixel
- DWORD dwMultiplier = GetAlpha( *pBitsSrc );
- // Decompose the image into color components
- DWORD dwRed = GetRed( *pBitsDest );
- DWORD dwGreen = GetGreen( *pBitsDest );
- DWORD dwBlue = GetBlue( *pBitsDest );
- // Calculate the component blend
- dwRed = ( dwMultiplier * ( GetRed( *pBitsSrc ) - dwRed ) ) / 256 + dwRed;
- dwGreen = ( dwMultiplier * ( GetGreen( *pBitsSrc ) - dwGreen ) ) / 256 + dwGreen;
- dwBlue = ( dwMultiplier * ( GetBlue( *pBitsSrc ) - dwBlue ) ) / 256 + dwBlue;
- // Compose the blended pixel. The destination bitmap's original alpha
- // value is preserved.
- *pBitsDest = (*pBitsDest & ALPHA_MASK) | dwRed << 16 | dwGreen << 8 | dwBlue;
- }
- // Move to next pixel
- pBitsDest++;
- pBitsSrc++;
- }
- // Advance destination pointer
- pBitsDest += ( bmpInfoDest.bmWidth - bmpInfoSrc.bmWidth );
- }
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: FillBackground
- // Desc: Fills the background of the given bitmap with the provided fill color.
- // The background of the image is defined by the alpha channel.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT FillBackground( HBITMAP hbmpDest, D3DCOLOR Fill )
- {
- BITMAP bmpInfo = {0};
- // Verify parameters
- if( NULL == hbmpDest )
- // Get the bitmap pixel data
- if( 0 == GetObject( hbmpDest, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmpInfo ) )
- return E_FAIL;
- // Cast the data pointers
- DWORD* pBits = (DWORD*) bmpInfo.bmBits;
- // Extract the component channels of the background color.
- DWORD dwBkAlpha = GetAlpha( Fill );
- DWORD dwBkRed = GetRed( Fill );
- DWORD dwBkGreen = GetGreen( Fill );
- DWORD dwBkBlue = GetBlue( Fill );
- // If the background color is defined as being completely opaque, the fill
- // method is performed a little differently. Normally, the per-pixel alpha
- // value is blended along with the color components, but this can result in
- // areas of the image which are partially transparent. If the provided fill
- // color is opaque, it's assumed that the user wishes to have the final
- // rendered surface completely opaque. If the provided background color is
- // partially transparent, then the alpha channel is blended to allow for
- // an antialiased border around the device image.
- BOOL bBkOpaque = ( dwBkAlpha == 255 );
- // Syncronize bitmap pixel info
- GdiFlush();
- // For each pixel in the rect...
- for( int y=0; y < bmpInfo.bmHeight; y++ )
- {
- for( int x=0; x < bmpInfo.bmWidth; x++ )
- {
- if( (*pBits & ALPHA_MASK) == ALPHA_MASK )
- {
- // Destination pixel is completely opaque, no fill needed.
- }
- else if( (*pBits & ALPHA_MASK) == 0 )
- {
- // Destination pixel is completely transparent, replace with
- // the fill color.
- *pBits = Fill;
- }
- else
- {
- // This formula computes the blended component value:
- // ( ALPHA * ( srcPixel - destPixel ) ) / 256 + destPixel
- DWORD dwMultiplier = GetAlpha( *pBits );
- // Calculate the component blend
- DWORD dwAlpha = bBkOpaque ? 255 :
- ( dwMultiplier * ( GetAlpha( *pBits ) - dwBkAlpha ) ) / 256 + dwBkAlpha;
- DWORD dwRed = ( dwMultiplier * ( GetRed( *pBits ) - dwBkRed ) ) / 256 + dwBkRed;
- DWORD dwGreen = ( dwMultiplier * ( GetGreen( *pBits ) - dwBkGreen ) ) / 256 + dwBkGreen;
- DWORD dwBlue = ( dwMultiplier * ( GetBlue( *pBits ) - dwBkBlue ) ) / 256 + dwBkBlue;
- // Compose the final pixel color value
- *pBits = dwAlpha << 24 | dwRed << 16 | dwGreen << 8 | dwBlue;
- }
- // Move to next pixel
- pBits++;
- }
- }
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: DrawTooltip
- // Desc: Draws tooltip text on the provided device contexts. The tooltip string
- // is drawn in relation to the RECT containing the truncated text, and
- // using the given foreground, background, and border colors.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT DrawTooltip( HDC hdcRender, HDC hdcAlpha, LPCTSTR strTooltip, RECT* prcBitmap,
- RECT* prcTruncated, COLORREF crFore, COLORREF crBack, COLORREF crBorder )
- {
- // Create the tooltip font. This should be highly readable at a small point
- // size, so a raster font has been chosen.
- HFONT hTipFont = NULL;
- LOGFONT lfTipFont = {0};
- SIZE sizeText = {0};
- lstrcpy( lfTipFont.lfFaceName, TEXT("MS Sans Serif") );
- lfTipFont.lfHeight = 8;
- lfTipFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_RASTER_PRECIS;
- lfTipFont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
- hTipFont = CreateFontIndirect( &lfTipFont );
- if( !hTipFont )
- hTipFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject( SYSTEM_FONT );
- HFONT hOldRenderFont = (HFONT) SelectObject( hdcRender, hTipFont );
- HFONT hOldAlphaFont = (HFONT) SelectObject( hdcAlpha, hTipFont );
- // How much screen space are we going to need?
- GetTextExtentPoint32( hdcRender, strTooltip, lstrlen( strTooltip ), &sizeText );
- // Position the rect right above the callout space
- RECT rcTooltip = { 0, 0, sizeText.cx, sizeText.cy };
- OffsetRect( &rcTooltip, prcTruncated->left + 2, prcTruncated->top - sizeText.cy - 2);
- InflateRect( &rcTooltip, 2, 2 );
- // Adjust the tooltip rect if it's beyond the screen edge
- if( rcTooltip.top < 0 )
- OffsetRect( &rcTooltip, 0, -rcTooltip.top );
- if( rcTooltip.right > prcBitmap->right )
- OffsetRect( &rcTooltip, prcBitmap->right - rcTooltip.right, 0 );
- // Draw tooltip
- HBRUSH hOldRenderBrush = (HBRUSH) SelectObject( hdcRender, CreateSolidBrush( crBack ) );
- HPEN hOldRenderPen = (HPEN) SelectObject( hdcRender, CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, crBorder ) );
- COLORREF crOldRenderTextColor = SetTextColor( hdcRender, crFore );
- Rectangle( hdcRender, rcTooltip.left, rcTooltip.top, rcTooltip.right, rcTooltip.bottom );
- FillRect( hdcAlpha, &rcTooltip, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH ) );
- InflateRect( &rcTooltip, -2, -2 );
- DrawText( hdcRender, strTooltip, lstrlen( strTooltip ), &rcTooltip, 0 );
- // Restore the DC state
- SelectObject( hdcRender, hOldRenderFont );
- SelectObject( hdcAlpha, hOldAlphaFont );
- DeleteObject( (HBRUSH) SelectObject( hdcRender, hOldRenderBrush ) );
- DeleteObject( (HPEN) SelectObject( hdcRender, hOldRenderPen ) );
- SetTextColor( hdcRender, crOldRenderTextColor );
- DeleteObject( hTipFont );
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CreateDIBSectionFromSurface
- // Desc: Extract the pixel information from the provided surface and create
- // a new DIB Section.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CreateDIBSectionFromSurface( LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pSurface, HBITMAP* phBitmap, SIZE* pSize )
- {
- LPBYTE pSurfBits;
- BITMAPINFO bmi = {0};
- // Get the surface info
- hr = pSurface->GetDesc( &d3dDesc );
- if( FAILED( hr ) )
- return hr;
- // Lock the surface
- hr = pSurface->LockRect( &d3dRect, NULL, 0 );
- if( FAILED( hr ) )
- return hr;
- pSurfBits = (LPBYTE) d3dRect.pBits;
- // Fill in the bitmap creation info
- bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = pSize ? pSize->cx : d3dDesc.Width;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = pSize ? -pSize->cy : ( - (int) d3dDesc.Height ); // Top-down DIB
- bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
- bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
- HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
- if( NULL == hdcMem )
- // Create the DIBSection
- *phBitmap = CreateDIBSection( hdcMem, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS,( LPVOID* )&pDIBBits, NULL, 0 );
- DeleteDC( hdcMem );
- if( NULL == *phBitmap )
- // Copy the bits
- for( UINT y=0; y < d3dDesc.Height; y++ )
- {
- CopyMemory( pDIBBits, pSurfBits, ( d3dDesc.Width * sizeof(DWORD) ) );
- pDIBBits += bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth * sizeof(DWORD);
- pSurfBits += d3dRect.Pitch;
- }
- return DI_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: EnumDeviceObjectsCB
- // Desc: Cycle through device objects, adding information to the passed
- // CDIDevImage object when appropriate.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- // Extract the passed pointer
- CDIDevImage *pDIDevImage = (CDIDevImage*) pvRef;
- CDIDIObject *pObject = NULL;
- // Add the object to the list
- hr = pDIDevImage->AddObject( lpddoi->dwType );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return DIENUM_STOP;
- // Set the object's friendly name
- pObject = pDIDevImage->GetObject( lpddoi->dwType );
- if( pObject )
- pObject->SetName( lpddoi->tszName );
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: DidcvDirect3DSurface9Clone
- // Desc: a clone surface
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class DidcvDirect3DSurface9Clone : public IUnknown
- {
- private:
- int m_iRefCount;
- BYTE *m_pData;
- public:
- DidcvDirect3DSurface9Clone() : m_pData( NULL ), m_iRefCount( 1 ) { }
- ~DidcvDirect3DSurface9Clone() { delete[] m_pData; }
- public:
- // IUnknown methods
- STDMETHOD( QueryInterface )( REFIID riid, VOID **ppvObj ) { return E_NOINTERFACE; }
- STDMETHOD_( ULONG,AddRef )() { return ++m_iRefCount; }
- STDMETHOD_( ULONG,Release )()
- {
- if( !--m_iRefCount )
- {
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- return m_iRefCount;
- }
- // IDirect3DResource9 methods
- STDMETHOD( GetDevice )( IDirect3DDevice9 **ppDevice ) { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD( SetPrivateData )( REFGUID riid, CONST VOID *pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags ) { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD( GetPrivateData )( REFGUID riid, VOID* pvData, DWORD *pcbData ) { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD( FreePrivateData )( REFGUID riid ) { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD( SetPriority )( DWORD PriorityNew ) { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD_( DWORD, GetPriority )() { return 0; }
- STDMETHOD( PreLoad )() { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD( GetType )() { return E_FAIL; }
- // IDirect3DSurface9 methods
- STDMETHOD( GetContainer )( REFIID riid, void **ppContainer ) { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD_( D3DSURFACE_DESC, GetDesc )() { return m_Desc; }
- STDMETHOD( LockRect )( D3DLOCKED_RECT* pLockedRect, CONST RECT* pRect, DWORD dwFlags )
- {
- // Assume the entire surface is being locked.
- pLockedRect->Pitch = m_Desc.Width * 4;
- pLockedRect->pBits = m_pData;
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHOD( UnlockRect )() { return S_OK; }
- STDMETHOD( GetDC )() { return E_FAIL; }
- STDMETHOD( ReleaseDC )() { return E_FAIL; }
- BOOL Create( int iWidth, int iHeight )
- {
- m_pData = new BYTE[iWidth * iHeight * 4];
- if( !m_pData ) return FALSE;
- m_Desc.Format = D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;
- m_Desc.Type = D3DRTYPE_SURFACE;
- m_Desc.Usage = 0;
- m_Desc.Pool = D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM;
- m_Desc.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
- m_Desc.MultiSampleQuality = 0;
- m_Desc.Width = iWidth;
- m_Desc.Height = iHeight;
- return TRUE;
- }
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetCloneSurface
- // Desc: Fake a Direct3D surface so we don't have to actually create a direct3d
- // device object.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IDirect3DSurface9* GetCloneSurface( int iWidth, int iHeight )
- {
- DidcvDirect3DSurface9Clone *pSurf = new DidcvDirect3DSurface9Clone;
- if( !pSurf ) return NULL;
- if( !pSurf->Create( iWidth, iHeight ) )
- {
- delete pSurf;
- return NULL;
- }
- return( IDirect3DSurface9* )pSurf;
- }