- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: TerrianEngine.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "stdafx.h"
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CTerrainEngine
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CTerrainEngine::CTerrainEngine( CMyApplication* pApp )
- {
- m_pApp = pApp;
- m_MeshArray = NULL;
- m_dwObjectCount = 0;
- m_dwEnemyCount = 0;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ~CTerrainEngine
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CTerrainEngine::~CTerrainEngine()
- {
- FinalCleanup();
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: OneTimeSceneInit
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::OneTimeSceneInit( CThemeStyle* pTheme )
- {
- int iX, iZ;
- m_pTheme = pTheme;
- m_dwWorldWidth = g_Profile.nWorldWidth;
- m_dwWorldHeight = g_Profile.nWorldHeight;
- m_MeshArray = new MESH_NODE[ m_dwWorldWidth * m_dwWorldHeight ];
- if( NULL == m_MeshArray )
- ZeroMemory( m_MeshArray, m_dwWorldWidth * m_dwWorldHeight * sizeof(MESH_NODE) );
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh = new CTerrainMesh( this );
- if( m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh == NULL )
- }
- }
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- int iNorth = (iZ+1) % m_dwWorldHeight;
- int iEast = (iX+1) % m_dwWorldWidth;
- CTerrainMesh* pNorth = m_MeshArray[ iX+ m_dwWorldWidth*iNorth].pMesh;
- CTerrainMesh* pEast = m_MeshArray[iEast+ m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh;
- CTerrainMesh* pNorthEast = m_MeshArray[iEast+ m_dwWorldWidth*iNorth].pMesh;
- CZoneStyleParameter* pLandType = &m_pTheme->aZoneStyles[ rand() % m_pTheme->nNumZoneStyles ];
- hr = m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->OneTimeSceneInit( pLandType,
- (float)ZONE_WIDTH*iX, (float)ZONE_HEIGHT*iZ,
- pNorth, pEast, pNorthEast );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: InitDeviceObjects
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::InitDeviceObjects( D3DFORMAT fmtTexture )
- {
- m_fmtTexture = fmtTexture;
- int iX, iZ;
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- hr = m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->InitDeviceObjects( m_fmtTexture );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- hr = m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->SmoothMap();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- // The smooth processes uses the bordering meshs to smooth the mesh.
- // So we need lock down the results of the first step in a 2nd pass
- // otherwise while smoothing a mesh the border meshs will either be already
- // smoothed or not yet smoothed (depending if that mesh was already processed)
- // so it creates an gfx inconsistancy unless use all unsmoothed meshes
- hr = m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->FinalizeSmooth();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RestoreDeviceObjects
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::RestoreDeviceObjects( HWND hWndMain )
- {
- int iX, iZ;
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- while( pObject )
- {
- pObject->RestoreDeviceObjects();
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- hr = pMeshNode->pMesh->RestoreDeviceObjects( hWndMain );
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- hr = m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->GenerateMipMaps();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- if( m_dwWorldWidth != 1 && m_dwWorldHeight != 1 ) // Can't correct edge if its 1xN or Nx1
- {
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- hr = m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->CorrectTextureEdge();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: AddDisplayObject
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::AddDisplayObject( CDisplayObject* pObject )
- {
- if( NULL == pObject )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- int iX, iZ;
- GetZoneFromPt( pObject->m_vPos.x, pObject->m_vPos.z, &iX, &iZ );
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- if( pMeshNode->pDisplayList )
- {
- pObject->m_pNext = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- pObject->m_pPrev = NULL;
- pMeshNode->pDisplayList->m_pPrev = pObject;
- pMeshNode->pDisplayList = pObject;
- }
- else
- {
- pMeshNode->pDisplayList = pObject;
- pObject->m_pNext = NULL;
- pObject->m_pPrev = NULL;
- }
- pObject->m_pMeshNode = pMeshNode;
- if( pObject->m_ObjectType == OBJ_ENEMY )
- m_dwEnemyCount++;
- m_dwObjectCount++;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RemoveDisplayObject
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::RemoveDisplayObject( CDisplayObject* pObject )
- {
- if( NULL == pObject )
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = pObject->m_pMeshNode;
- if( pMeshNode )
- {
- if( pMeshNode->pDisplayList == pObject )
- {
- pMeshNode->pDisplayList = pObject->m_pNext;
- if( pMeshNode->pDisplayList )
- pMeshNode->pDisplayList->m_pPrev = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- if( pObject->m_pPrev )
- pObject->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pObject->m_pNext;
- if( pObject->m_pNext )
- pObject->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pObject->m_pPrev;
- }
- }
- pObject->m_pMeshNode = NULL;
- pObject->m_pNext = NULL;
- pObject->m_pPrev = NULL;
- if( pObject->m_ObjectType == OBJ_ENEMY )
- m_dwEnemyCount--;
- m_dwObjectCount--;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: ClearStrayObjects
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::ClearStrayObjects()
- {
- CPlayerShip* pPlayerShip = g_pApp->GetPlayerShip();
- for( int iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- CDisplayObject* pObjectNext;
- while( pObject )
- {
- pObjectNext = pObject->m_pNext;
- if( pObject != pPlayerShip )
- {
- RemoveDisplayObject( pObject );
- pObject->InvalidateDeviceObjects();
- pObject->DeleteDeviceObjects();
- pObject->FinalCleanup();
- SAFE_DELETE( pObject );
- }
- pObject = pObjectNext;
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: FrameMove
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::FrameMove( const float fElapsedTime )
- {
- int iX;
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- while( pObject )
- {
- if( pObject->m_bActive )
- {
- if( !g_pApp->m_bPaused ||
- (g_pApp->m_bPaused && g_pApp->m_bDebugMode && pObject == g_pApp->GetPlayerShip()) )
- {
- pObject->FrameMove( fElapsedTime );
- HandleNearbyObjects( fElapsedTime, pObject, iX, iZ );
- }
- }
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- if( pMeshNode->pMesh )
- {
- // The terrian mesh itself could animate
- if( FAILED( hr = pMeshNode->pMesh->FrameMove( fElapsedTime ) ) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- }
- // Make sure all the objects are in the right zone after moving around
- for( iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- int iCurZoneX, iCurZoneZ;
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- CDisplayObject* pObjectNext;
- while( pObject )
- {
- pObjectNext = pObject->m_pNext;
- if( pObject->m_bActive )
- {
- pObject->FrameMoveFinalize( fElapsedTime );
- GetZoneFromPt( pObject->m_vPos.x, pObject->m_vPos.z,
- &iCurZoneX, &iCurZoneZ );
- if( iCurZoneX != iX ||
- iCurZoneZ != iZ )
- {
- RemoveDisplayObject( pObject );
- AddDisplayObject( pObject );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- RemoveDisplayObject( pObject );
- pObject->InvalidateDeviceObjects();
- pObject->DeleteDeviceObjects();
- pObject->FinalCleanup();
- SAFE_DELETE( pObject );
- }
- pObject = pObjectNext;
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: HandleNearbyObjects
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::HandleNearbyObjects( const float fElapsedTime, CDisplayObject* pObject1,
- int iX, int iZ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject2 = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- while( pObject2 )
- {
- // Skip object2 if its that same as object1
- if( pObject2 != pObject1 )
- {
- if( pObject2->m_bActive )
- pObject1->HandleNearbyObject( fElapsedTime, pObject2 );
- }
- pObject2 = pObject2->m_pNext;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: DrawDotOnBuffer
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CTerrainEngine::DrawDotOnBuffer( int nCenterX, int nCenterY, D3DLOCKED_RECT* plockedRect, D3DSURFACE_DESC* pdesc, WORD wColor )
- {
- int nSize = 5;
- int nX = nCenterX;
- int nY = nCenterY;
- for( nY = nCenterY-nSize; nY < nCenterY+nSize; nY++ )
- {
- for( nX = nCenterX-nSize; nX < nCenterX+nSize; nX++ )
- {
- if( nX >= 0 && nY >= 0 &&
- nX < (int) pdesc->Width &&
- nY < (int) pdesc->Height )
- {
- WORD* pBuffer = (WORD*) ((BYTE*)plockedRect->pBits + plockedRect->Pitch * nY + nX*sizeof(WORD));
- *pBuffer = wColor;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RenderRadar
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::RenderRadar( LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pRadarTexture, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pTempRadarTexture )
- {
- if( g_bDebugIsZoneRenderFroze )
- return S_OK; // debugging: don't render radar if camera pos froze
- pTempRadarTexture->GetLevelDesc( 0, &desc );
- D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;
- hr = pTempRadarTexture->LockRect( 0, &lockedRect, NULL, 0 );
- if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
- {
- memset( lockedRect.pBits, 0x00, 256*lockedRect.Pitch );
- float fObjectX;
- float fObjectY;
- float fPlayerX;
- float fPlayerY;
- float fX;
- float fY;
- float fNewX;
- float fNewY;
- float fR;
- float fAngle;
- float iCopyX;
- float iCopyY;
- int nX = 0;
- int nY = 0;
- int iPlayerZoneX;
- int iPlayerZoneZ;
- int iPlayerWorldX;
- int iPlayerWorldZ;
- int iObjectZoneX;
- int iObjectZoneZ;
- int iObjectWorldX;
- int iObjectWorldZ;
- CPlayerShip* pPlayerShip = g_pApp->GetPlayerShip();
- g_pTerrain->GetZoneFromPt( pPlayerShip->m_vPos.x, pPlayerShip->m_vPos.z, &iPlayerZoneX, &iPlayerZoneZ );
- g_pTerrain->GetWorldFromPt( pPlayerShip->m_vPos.x, pPlayerShip->m_vPos.z, &iPlayerWorldX, &iPlayerWorldZ );
- D3DXVECTOR3 vAheadLocal = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0,0.0f,1.0f);
- D3DXVECTOR3 vAheadWorld;
- D3DXVec3TransformNormal( &vAheadWorld, &vAheadLocal, &pPlayerShip->m_pSource->m_mOrientation );
- float fAheadAngle = atan2f( vAheadWorld.x, vAheadWorld.z );
- // Loop through every mesh in world
- for( int iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- // For every object in every mesh
- while( pObject )
- {
- if( pObject->m_ObjectType == OBJ_ENEMY )
- {
- g_pTerrain->GetZoneFromPt( pObject->m_vPos.x, pObject->m_vPos.z, &iObjectZoneX, &iObjectZoneZ );
- g_pTerrain->GetWorldFromPt( pObject->m_vPos.x, pObject->m_vPos.z, &iObjectWorldX, &iObjectWorldZ );
- // Get coords of player & object between <0,0> and <1,1>
- fPlayerX = pPlayerShip->m_vPos.x / (float) (ZONE_WIDTH*g_pTerrain->m_dwWorldWidth);
- fPlayerY = pPlayerShip->m_vPos.z / (float) (ZONE_HEIGHT*g_pTerrain->m_dwWorldHeight);
- fObjectX = pObject->m_vPos.x / (float) (ZONE_WIDTH*g_pTerrain->m_dwWorldWidth);
- fObjectY = pObject->m_vPos.z / (float) (ZONE_HEIGHT*g_pTerrain->m_dwWorldHeight);
- assert( fPlayerX >= 0.0f && fPlayerX <= 1.0f );
- assert( fPlayerY >= 0.0f && fPlayerY <= 1.0f );
- assert( fObjectX >= 0.0f && fObjectX <= 1.0f );
- assert( fObjectY >= 0.0f && fObjectY <= 1.0f );
- // Calc position of object with player at <0,0>
- fX = fObjectX - fPlayerX;
- fY = fObjectY - fPlayerY;
- // Ship is now at (0,0) and object is between <-1,-1> and <1,1>
- assert( fX >= -1.0f && fX <= 1.0f );
- assert( fY >= -1.0f && fY <= 1.0f );
- // Since the world wraps, we might need to draw the same object
- // multiple times, so find the min and loop to draw them all
- // Find the smallest fX,fY that's above -1.0f, -1.0f
- while( fX >= -1.0f && fX <= 1.0f )
- fX -= 1.0f;
- while( fY >= -1.0f && fY <= 1.0f )
- fY -= 1.0f;
- fX += 1.0f;
- fY += 1.0f;
- for( iCopyY=fY; iCopyY<= 1.0f; iCopyY += 1.0f )
- {
- for( iCopyX=fX; iCopyX<= 1.0f; iCopyX += 1.0f )
- {
- // Get radius and angle of object point
- fR = sqrtf( iCopyX*iCopyX + iCopyY*iCopyY );
- fAngle = atan2f( iCopyY, iCopyX );
- // Rotation the point based on the ship's angle
- fAngle += fAheadAngle;
- // Figure out the new enemy pt
- fNewX = cosf(fAngle) * fR;
- fNewY = sinf(fAngle) * fR;
- // New range is between -sqrt(2), sqrt(2)
- assert( fNewX >= -1.42f && fNewX <= 1.42f );
- assert( fNewY >= -1.42f && fNewY <= 1.42f );
- // Make the range to between -1 & 1
- fNewX /= 1.414213562373095048801688f;
- fNewY /= 1.414213562373095048801688f;
- assert( fNewX >= -1.0f && fNewX <= 1.0f );
- assert( fNewY >= -1.0f && fNewY <= 1.0f );
- // Flip the Y coord so it looks right on the overhead map
- fNewY = -fNewY;
- // Make new range between -0.5 & 0.5
- fNewX /= 2.0f;
- fNewY /= 2.0f;
- assert( fNewX >= -0.5f && fNewX <= 0.5f );
- assert( fNewY >= -0.5f && fNewY <= 0.5f );
- // Make new range between 0 & 1
- fNewX += 0.5f;
- fNewY += 0.5f;
- float fRangeX = (g_pTerrain->m_dwWorldWidth/2.0f);
- float fRangeY = (g_pTerrain->m_dwWorldHeight/2.0f);
- // Make new range between 0 & X
- fNewX *= fRangeX;
- fNewY *= fRangeY;
- // Make new range between -X/2 & X/2
- fNewX -= fRangeX/2.0f;
- fNewY -= fRangeY/2.0f;
- // Only allow dots close to ship, -0.5 & 0.5
- if( fNewX >= -0.5f && fNewX <= 0.5f &&
- fNewY >= -0.5f && fNewY <= 0.5f )
- {
- // Get radius and angle of enemy point
- fR = sqrtf( fNewX*fNewX + fNewY*fNewY );
- fAngle = atan2f( fNewY, fNewX );
- float fAngleMin = -4.0f*D3DX_PI/4.0f;
- float fAngleMax = fAngleMin+1.2f*D3DX_PI/4.0f;
- // Limit the dots to a radius, and make a blind spot between fAngleMin & fAngleMax
- if( fR < 0.45f &&
- (!(fAngle > fAngleMin && fAngle < fAngleMax) || fR < 0.12f) )
- {
- // Make new range between 0 & 1
- fNewX += 0.5f;
- fNewY += 0.5f;
- nX = (int) (fNewX * 256.0f);
- nY = (int) (fNewY * 256.0f);
- FLOAT fColor = 0.45f - fR;
- fColor /= 0.45f;
- BYTE nAlpha = (BYTE)(fColor * 30);
- if( nAlpha > 0xF )
- nAlpha = 0xF;
- WORD wColor = (WORD) ( (nAlpha << 12) + 0x0FFF );
- DrawDotOnBuffer( nX, nY, &lockedRect, &desc, wColor );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- }
- }
- pTempRadarTexture->UnlockRect( 0 );
- }
- IDirect3DSurface9* pSurfaceSrc = NULL;
- IDirect3DSurface9* pSurfaceDest = NULL;
- pRadarTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurfaceDest );
- pTempRadarTexture->GetSurfaceLevel( 0, &pSurfaceSrc );
- if( pSurfaceSrc != NULL &&
- pSurfaceDest != NULL )
- {
- D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface( pSurfaceDest, NULL, NULL,
- pSurfaceSrc, NULL, NULL,
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSurfaceDest );
- SAFE_RELEASE( pSurfaceSrc );
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RenderFrame
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::RenderFrame( DWORD* pdwNumVerts, CD3DCamera* pCam )
- {
- m_dwVertsRendered = 0;
- m_dwNumZonesInView = 0;
- switch( g_Profile.nRenderTerrianStyle )
- {
- case 0:
- {
- // Render zones (0..x,0..y)
- for( int iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- RenderZone( 0, 0, iX, iZ, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE );
- m_dwNumZonesInView++;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- // Render zones near camera (and behind camera)
- D3DXVECTOR3 vCamEyePt = pCam->GetEyePt();
- D3DXVECTOR3 vCamLookAtPt = pCam->GetLookatPt();
- D3DXVECTOR3 vX = vCamLookAtPt - vCamEyePt;
- D3DXVECTOR3 vXPerp = D3DXVECTOR3( -vX.z, vX.y, vX.x );
- D3DXVec3Normalize( &vXPerp, &vXPerp );
- FLOAT fXLen = D3DXVec3Length( &vX );
- FLOAT fYLen = (float) ( tan( pCam->GetFOV() / 2.0f ) * fXLen );
- D3DXVECTOR3 vYPlus = vX + vXPerp * fYLen;
- D3DXVECTOR3 vYNeg = vX - vXPerp * fYLen;
- int nArea=2;
- for( int iX=-nArea; iX<=nArea; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ=-nArea; iZ<=nArea; iZ++ )
- {
- int iZoneX, iZoneZ;
- int iWorldX, iWorldZ;
- float fZoneWrapPosX = vCamEyePt.x + iX*ZONE_WIDTH;
- float fZoneWrapPosZ = vCamEyePt.z + iZ*ZONE_HEIGHT;
- GetZoneFromPt( fZoneWrapPosX, fZoneWrapPosZ, &iZoneX, &iZoneZ );
- GetWorldFromPt( fZoneWrapPosX, fZoneWrapPosZ, &iWorldX, &iWorldZ );
- RenderZone( iWorldX, iWorldZ, iZoneX, iZoneZ, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE );
- m_dwNumZonesInView++;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- // Render only the zones ahead of camera but this is
- // kind of complex since the world wraps
- static D3DXVECTOR3 s_vLastCamEyePt;
- static D3DXVECTOR3 s_vLastCamLookAtPt;
- static CULLINFO s_vLastCullInfo;
- D3DXVECTOR3 vCamEyePt = pCam->GetEyePt();
- D3DXVECTOR3 vCamLookAtPt = pCam->GetLookatPt();
- if( g_bDebugFreezeZoneRender )
- {
- // For debugging: allows camera for zone rendering to be frozen,
- // but allows the real camera to continue to move so the
- // zone's that were being rendered can be inspected
- if( !g_bDebugIsZoneRenderFroze )
- {
- s_vLastCamEyePt = vCamEyePt;
- s_vLastCamLookAtPt = vCamLookAtPt;
- s_vLastCullInfo = g_pApp->m_cullinfo;
- }
- g_bDebugIsZoneRenderFroze = !g_bDebugIsZoneRenderFroze;
- g_bDebugFreezeZoneRender = FALSE;
- }
- if( g_bDebugIsZoneRenderFroze )
- {
- vCamEyePt = s_vLastCamEyePt;
- vCamLookAtPt = s_vLastCamLookAtPt;
- g_pApp->m_cullinfo = s_vLastCullInfo;
- }
- // Get the worlds coords for the zone where the camera is
- int iCenterWorldX, iCenterWorldZ;
- int iCenterZoneX, iCenterZoneZ;
- GetZoneFromPt( vCamEyePt.x, vCamEyePt.z, &iCenterZoneX, &iCenterZoneZ );
- GetWorldFromPt( vCamEyePt.x, vCamEyePt.z, &iCenterWorldX, &iCenterWorldZ );
- float fCenterZoneX = (float) iCenterWorldX * (ZONE_WIDTH * m_dwWorldWidth) + iCenterZoneX*ZONE_WIDTH;
- float fCenterZoneZ = (float) iCenterWorldZ * (ZONE_HEIGHT * m_dwWorldHeight) + iCenterZoneZ*ZONE_HEIGHT;
- // The world wraps so track which zones are in view using m_aZoneView
- ZeroMemory( m_aZoneView, sizeof(VIEW_NODE)*MAX_VIEW_ZONE_X*MAX_VIEW_ZONE_Z );
- // CheckIfZoneInView() recursively checks neighbor zones to see if they are in view
- // and updates m_aZoneView as it goes and along draw the terrain for each zone in view.
- // The camera is always the center zone at m_aZoneView[MAX_VIEW_ZONE_X/2][MAX_VIEW_ZONE_Z/2]
- CheckIfZoneInView( fCenterZoneX, fCenterZoneZ, MAX_VIEW_ZONE_X/2, MAX_VIEW_ZONE_Z/2 );
- // Then draw the objects for each zone in view since objects may have alpha
- // and the terrian needs to be rendered first
- // Render only objects in zones that are visable
- for( int iX = MAX_VIEW_ZONE_X-1; iX>=0; iX-- )
- {
- for( int iZ = MAX_VIEW_ZONE_Z-1; iZ>=0; iZ-- )
- {
- if( m_aZoneView[iX][iZ].bInView )
- {
- RenderZone( m_aZoneView[iX][iZ].iWorldX, m_aZoneView[iX][iZ].iWorldZ,
- m_aZoneView[iX][iZ].iZoneX, m_aZoneView[iX][iZ].iZoneZ,
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- *pdwNumVerts = m_dwVertsRendered;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CheckIfZoneInView
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CTerrainEngine::CheckIfZoneInView( const float fZonePosX, const float fZonePosZ,
- const int iZoneIndexX, const int iZoneIndexZ )
- {
- if( iZoneIndexX < 0 || iZoneIndexX >= MAX_VIEW_ZONE_X )
- return FALSE;
- if( iZoneIndexZ < 0 || iZoneIndexZ >= MAX_VIEW_ZONE_Z )
- return FALSE;
- // Return if this zone point that has already been visited
- VIEW_NODE* pViewNode = &m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ];
- if( pViewNode->bVisited )
- return FALSE;
- pViewNode->bVisited = TRUE;
- // Update the viewnode's bounding box state if it has changed since last time
- if( !pViewNode->bValid ||
- pViewNode->fZonePosX != fZonePosX ||
- pViewNode->fZonePosZ != fZonePosZ )
- {
- // Mark that this viewnode refers to the zone at (fZonePosX,fZonePosZ)
- pViewNode->bValid = true;
- m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].fZonePosX = fZonePosX;
- m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].fZonePosZ = fZonePosZ;
- // Set max & min vectors for the bound box of this zone in world coords
- // Set the upper & lower height to extremes so that even if the camera
- // is looking down or up the zone is rendered
- D3DXVECTOR3 vMin = D3DXVECTOR3( fZonePosX, -10.0f, fZonePosZ );
- // Set the bounding box for this zone in world coords
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[0] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMin.x, vMin.y, vMin.z ); // xyz
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[1] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMax.x, vMin.y, vMin.z ); // Xyz
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[2] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMin.x, vMax.y, vMin.z ); // xYz
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[3] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMax.x, vMax.y, vMin.z ); // XYz
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[4] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMin.x, vMin.y, vMax.z ); // xyZ
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[5] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMax.x, vMin.y, vMax.z ); // XyZ
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[6] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMin.x, vMax.y, vMax.z ); // xYZ
- pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[7] = D3DXVECTOR3( vMax.x, vMax.y, vMax.z ); // XYZ
- // Calc the planes of the bounding box
- D3DXPlaneFromPoints( &pViewNode->planeBoundsWorld[0], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[0], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[1], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[2] ); // Near
- D3DXPlaneFromPoints( &pViewNode->planeBoundsWorld[1], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[6], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[7], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[5] ); // Far
- D3DXPlaneFromPoints( &pViewNode->planeBoundsWorld[2], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[2], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[6], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[4] ); // Left
- D3DXPlaneFromPoints( &pViewNode->planeBoundsWorld[3], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[7], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[3], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[5] ); // Right
- D3DXPlaneFromPoints( &pViewNode->planeBoundsWorld[4], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[2], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[3], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[6] ); // Top
- D3DXPlaneFromPoints( &pViewNode->planeBoundsWorld[5], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[1], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[0], &pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld[4] ); // Bottom
- }
- // Cull the zone based on its bounding box
- pViewNode->cullstate = CullObject( &g_pApp->m_cullinfo, pViewNode->vecBoundsWorld, pViewNode->planeBoundsWorld );
- // Only render this zone if its inside the camera's view
- if( pViewNode->cullstate == CS_INSIDE )
- {
- m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].bInView = TRUE;
- m_dwNumZonesInView++;
- // Since the world wraps, recursively check to see if the 8 neighbor zones are in view
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX - ZONE_WIDTH, fZonePosZ , iZoneIndexX-1, iZoneIndexZ+0 );
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX + ZONE_WIDTH, fZonePosZ , iZoneIndexX+1, iZoneIndexZ+0 );
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX , fZonePosZ - ZONE_HEIGHT, iZoneIndexX+0, iZoneIndexZ-1 );
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX , fZonePosZ + ZONE_HEIGHT, iZoneIndexX+0, iZoneIndexZ+1 );
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX - ZONE_WIDTH, fZonePosZ - ZONE_HEIGHT, iZoneIndexX-1, iZoneIndexZ-1 );
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX - ZONE_WIDTH, fZonePosZ + ZONE_HEIGHT, iZoneIndexX-1, iZoneIndexZ+1 );
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX + ZONE_WIDTH, fZonePosZ - ZONE_HEIGHT, iZoneIndexX+1, iZoneIndexZ-1 );
- CheckIfZoneInView( fZonePosX + ZONE_WIDTH, fZonePosZ + ZONE_HEIGHT, iZoneIndexX+1, iZoneIndexZ+1 );
- GetZoneFromPt( fZonePosX+ZONE_WIDTH/2, fZonePosZ+ZONE_HEIGHT/2, &m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iZoneX, &m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iZoneZ );
- GetWorldFromPt( fZonePosX+ZONE_WIDTH/2, fZonePosZ+ZONE_HEIGHT/2, &m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iWorldX, &m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iWorldZ );
- // Render this zone
- RenderZone( m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iWorldX, m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iWorldZ,
- m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iZoneX, m_aZoneView[iZoneIndexX][iZoneIndexZ].iZoneZ,
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: CullObject()
- // Desc: Determine the cullstate for an object bounding box (OBB).
- // The algorithm is:
- // 1) If any OBB corner pt is inside the frustum, return CS_INSIDE
- // 2) Else if all OBB corner pts are outside a single frustum plane,
- // return CS_OUTSIDE
- // 3) Else if any frustum edge penetrates a face of the OBB, return
- // 4) Else if any OBB edge penetrates a face of the frustum, return
- // 5) Else if any point in the frustum is outside any plane of the
- // OBB, return CS_OUTSIDE
- // 6) Else return CS_INSIDE
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CULLSTATE CTerrainEngine::CullObject( const CULLINFO* pCullInfo, const D3DXVECTOR3* pVecBounds,
- const D3DXPLANE* pPlaneBounds )
- {
- BYTE bOutside[8];
- ZeroMemory( &bOutside, sizeof(bOutside) );
- // Check boundary vertices against all 6 frustum planes,
- // and store result (1 if outside) in a bitfield
- for( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 8; iPoint++ )
- {
- for( int iPlane = 0; iPlane < 6; iPlane++ )
- {
- if( pCullInfo->planeFrustum[iPlane].a * pVecBounds[iPoint].x +
- pCullInfo->planeFrustum[iPlane].b * pVecBounds[iPoint].y +
- pCullInfo->planeFrustum[iPlane].c * pVecBounds[iPoint].z +
- pCullInfo->planeFrustum[iPlane].d < 0)
- {
- bOutside[iPoint] |= (1 << iPlane);
- }
- }
- // If any point is inside all 6 frustum planes, it is inside
- // the frustum, so the object must be rendered.
- if( bOutside[iPoint] == 0 )
- return CS_INSIDE;
- }
- // If all points are outside any single frustum plane, the object is
- // outside the frustum
- if( (bOutside[0] & bOutside[1] & bOutside[2] & bOutside[3] &
- bOutside[4] & bOutside[5] & bOutside[6] & bOutside[7]) != 0 )
- {
- return CS_OUTSIDE;
- }
- // Now see if any of the frustum edges penetrate any of the faces of
- // the bounding box
- D3DXVECTOR3 edge[12][2] =
- {
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[1], // front bottom
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[2], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[3], // front top
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[2], // front left
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[1], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[3], // front right
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[4], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[5], // back bottom
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[6], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[7], // back top
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[4], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[6], // back left
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[5], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[7], // back right
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[4], // left bottom
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[2], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[6], // left top
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[1], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[5], // right bottom
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[3], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[7], // right top
- };
- D3DXVECTOR3 face[6][4] =
- {
- pVecBounds[0], pVecBounds[2], pVecBounds[3], pVecBounds[1], // front
- pVecBounds[4], pVecBounds[5], pVecBounds[7], pVecBounds[6], // back
- pVecBounds[0], pVecBounds[4], pVecBounds[6], pVecBounds[2], // left
- pVecBounds[1], pVecBounds[3], pVecBounds[7], pVecBounds[5], // right
- pVecBounds[2], pVecBounds[6], pVecBounds[7], pVecBounds[3], // top
- pVecBounds[0], pVecBounds[4], pVecBounds[5], pVecBounds[1], // bottom
- };
- D3DXVECTOR3* pEdge;
- D3DXVECTOR3* pFace;
- pEdge = &edge[0][0];
- for( INT iEdge = 0; iEdge < 12; iEdge++ )
- {
- pFace = &face[0][0];
- for( INT iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++ )
- {
- if( EdgeIntersectsFace( pEdge, pFace, &pPlaneBounds[iFace] ) )
- {
- return CS_INSIDE; // slow
- }
- pFace += 4;
- }
- pEdge += 2;
- }
- // Now see if any of the bounding box edges penetrate any of the faces of
- // the frustum
- D3DXVECTOR3 edge2[12][2] =
- {
- pVecBounds[0], pVecBounds[1], // front bottom
- pVecBounds[2], pVecBounds[3], // front top
- pVecBounds[0], pVecBounds[2], // front left
- pVecBounds[1], pVecBounds[3], // front right
- pVecBounds[4], pVecBounds[5], // back bottom
- pVecBounds[6], pVecBounds[7], // back top
- pVecBounds[4], pVecBounds[6], // back left
- pVecBounds[5], pVecBounds[7], // back right
- pVecBounds[0], pVecBounds[4], // left bottom
- pVecBounds[2], pVecBounds[6], // left top
- pVecBounds[1], pVecBounds[5], // right bottom
- pVecBounds[3], pVecBounds[7], // right top
- };
- D3DXVECTOR3 face2[6][4] =
- {
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[2], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[3], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[1], // front
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[4], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[5], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[7], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[6], // back
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[4], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[6], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[2], // left
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[1], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[3], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[7], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[5], // right
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[2], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[6], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[7], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[3], // top
- pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[4], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[5], pCullInfo->vecFrustum[1], // bottom
- };
- pEdge = &edge2[0][0];
- for( iEdge = 0; iEdge < 12; iEdge++ )
- {
- pFace = &face2[0][0];
- for( INT iFace = 0; iFace < 6; iFace++ )
- {
- if( EdgeIntersectsFace( pEdge, pFace, &pCullInfo->planeFrustum[iFace] ) )
- {
- return CS_INSIDE; // slow
- }
- pFace += 4;
- }
- pEdge += 2;
- }
- // Now see if frustum is contained in bounding box
- // If any frustum corner point is outside any plane of the bounding box,
- // the frustum is not contained in the bounding box, so the object
- // is outside the frustum
- for( INT iPlane = 0; iPlane < 6; iPlane++ )
- {
- if( pPlaneBounds[iPlane].a * pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0].x +
- pPlaneBounds[iPlane].b * pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0].y +
- pPlaneBounds[iPlane].c * pCullInfo->vecFrustum[0].z +
- pPlaneBounds[iPlane].d < 0 )
- {
- return CS_OUTSIDE; // slow
- }
- }
- // Bounding box must contain the frustum, so render the object
- return CS_INSIDE; // slow
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: EdgeIntersectsFace()
- // Desc: Determine if the edge bounded by the two vectors in pEdges intersects
- // the quadrilateral described by the four vectors in pFacePoints.
- // Note: pPlane could be derived from pFacePoints using
- // D3DXPlaneFromPoints, but it is precomputed in advance for greater
- // speed.
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CTerrainEngine::EdgeIntersectsFace( const D3DXVECTOR3* const pEdges, const D3DXVECTOR3* const pFacePoints,
- const D3DXPLANE* const pPlane )
- {
- // If both edge points are on the same side of the plane, the edge does
- // not intersect the face
- FLOAT fDist1;
- FLOAT fDist2;
- fDist1 = pPlane->a * pEdges[0].x + pPlane->b * pEdges[0].y +
- pPlane->c * pEdges[0].z + pPlane->d;
- fDist2 = pPlane->a * pEdges[1].x + pPlane->b * pEdges[1].y +
- pPlane->c * pEdges[1].z + pPlane->d;
- if( fDist1 > 0 && fDist2 > 0 ||
- fDist1 < 0 && fDist2 < 0 )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Find point of intersection between edge and face plane (if they're
- // parallel, edge does not intersect face and D3DXPlaneIntersectLine
- // returns NULL)
- D3DXVECTOR3 ptIntersection;
- if( NULL == D3DXPlaneIntersectLine( &ptIntersection, pPlane, &pEdges[0], &pEdges[1] ) )
- return FALSE;
- // Project onto a 2D plane to make the pt-in-poly test easier
- FLOAT fAbsA = (pPlane->a > 0 ? pPlane->a : -pPlane->a);
- FLOAT fAbsB = (pPlane->b > 0 ? pPlane->b : -pPlane->b);
- FLOAT fAbsC = (pPlane->c > 0 ? pPlane->c : -pPlane->c);
- D3DXVECTOR2 facePoints[4];
- D3DXVECTOR2 point;
- if( fAbsA > fAbsB && fAbsA > fAbsC )
- {
- // Plane is mainly pointing along X axis, so use Y and Z
- for( INT i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- facePoints[i].x = pFacePoints[i].y;
- facePoints[i].y = pFacePoints[i].z;
- }
- point.x = ptIntersection.y;
- point.y = ptIntersection.z;
- }
- else if( fAbsB > fAbsA && fAbsB > fAbsC )
- {
- // Plane is mainly pointing along Y axis, so use X and Z
- for( INT i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- facePoints[i].x = pFacePoints[i].x;
- facePoints[i].y = pFacePoints[i].z;
- }
- point.x = ptIntersection.x;
- point.y = ptIntersection.z;
- }
- else
- {
- // Plane is mainly pointing along Z axis, so use X and Y
- for( INT i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- facePoints[i].x = pFacePoints[i].x;
- facePoints[i].y = pFacePoints[i].y;
- }
- point.x = ptIntersection.x;
- point.y = ptIntersection.y;
- }
- // If point is on the outside of any of the face edges, it is
- // outside the face.
- // We can do this by taking the determinant of the following matrix:
- // | x0 y0 1 |
- // | x1 y1 1 |
- // | x2 y2 1 |
- // where (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) are points on the face edge and (x2,y2)
- // is our test point. If this value is positive, the test point is
- // "to the left" of the line. To determine whether a point needs to
- // be "to the right" or "to the left" of the four lines to qualify as
- // inside the face, we need to see if the faces are specified in
- // clockwise or counter-clockwise order (it could be either, since the
- // edge could be penetrating from either side). To determine this, we
- // do the same test to see if the third point is "to the right" or
- // "to the left" of the line formed by the first two points.
- // See http://forum.swarthmore.edu/dr.math/problems/scott5.31.96.html
- FLOAT x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2;
- x0 = facePoints[0].x;
- y0 = facePoints[0].y;
- x1 = facePoints[1].x;
- y1 = facePoints[1].y;
- x2 = facePoints[2].x;
- y2 = facePoints[2].y;
- BOOL bClockwise = FALSE;
- if( x1*y2 - y1*x2 - x0*y2 + y0*x2 + x0*y1 - y0*x1 < 0 )
- bClockwise = TRUE;
- x2 = point.x;
- y2 = point.y;
- for( INT i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
- {
- x0 = facePoints[i].x;
- y0 = facePoints[i].y;
- if( i < 3 )
- {
- x1 = facePoints[i+1].x;
- y1 = facePoints[i+1].y;
- }
- else
- {
- x1 = facePoints[0].x;
- y1 = facePoints[0].y;
- }
- if( ( x1*y2 - y1*x2 - x0*y2 + y0*x2 + x0*y1 - y0*x1 > 0 ) == bClockwise )
- return FALSE;
- }
- // If we get here, the point is inside all four face edges,
- // so it's inside the face.
- return TRUE;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetZoneFromPt
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CTerrainEngine::GetZoneFromPt( const float fX, const float fZ, int* pnZoneX, int* pnZoneZ )
- {
- int iZoneX;
- int iZoneZ;
- if( fX >= 0.0f )
- iZoneX = (int) (fX / ZONE_WIDTH);
- else
- iZoneX = (int) (fX / ZONE_WIDTH) - 1;
- if( fZ >= 0.0f )
- iZoneZ = (int) (fZ / ZONE_HEIGHT);
- else
- iZoneZ = (int) (fZ / ZONE_HEIGHT) - 1;
- while( iZoneX < 0 )
- iZoneX += m_dwWorldWidth;
- while( iZoneZ < 0 )
- iZoneZ += m_dwWorldHeight;
- *pnZoneX = iZoneX % m_dwWorldWidth;
- *pnZoneZ = iZoneZ % m_dwWorldHeight;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetWorldFromPt
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CTerrainEngine::GetWorldFromPt( const float fX, const float fZ, int* pnWorldX, int* pnWorldZ )
- {
- int iWorldX, iWorldZ;
- if( fX >= 0.0f )
- iWorldX = (int) ( fX / (ZONE_WIDTH * m_dwWorldWidth) );
- else
- iWorldX = (int) ( fX / (ZONE_WIDTH * m_dwWorldWidth) ) - 1;
- if( fZ >= 0.0f )
- iWorldZ = (int) ( fZ / (ZONE_HEIGHT * m_dwWorldHeight) );
- else
- iWorldZ = (int) ( fZ / (ZONE_HEIGHT * m_dwWorldHeight) ) - 1;
- *pnWorldX = iWorldX;
- *pnWorldZ = iWorldZ;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetWorldFromUniversal
- // Desc: output coords that are between <0,0> and
- // <ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth,ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight>
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CTerrainEngine::GetWorldFromUniversal( float fUniversalX, float fUniversalZ,
- float* pfWorldX, float* pfWorldZ )
- {
- // Wrap if needed
- while( fUniversalX < 0.0f )
- fUniversalX += ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth;
- while( fUniversalX >= ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth )
- fUniversalX -= ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth;
- while( fUniversalZ < 0.0f )
- fUniversalZ += ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight;
- while( fUniversalZ >= ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight )
- fUniversalZ -= ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight;
- *pfWorldX = fUniversalX;
- *pfWorldZ = fUniversalZ;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: RenderZone
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CTerrainEngine::RenderZone( int iWorldX, int iWorldZ, int iZoneX, int iZoneZ,
- BOOL bRenderObjects, BOOL bRenderTerrain, BOOL bCullObjects )
- {
- float fWrapOffsetX = (float) iWorldX * (ZONE_WIDTH * m_dwWorldWidth);
- float fWrapOffsetZ = (float) iWorldZ * (ZONE_HEIGHT * m_dwWorldHeight);
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iZoneX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZoneZ];
- if( bRenderTerrain && pMeshNode->pMesh )
- {
- DWORD dwNumTerrainVerts;
- // Set either wireframe or solid
- if( g_pApp->m_bDebugMode && g_pApp->m_bWireMode )
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME );
- else
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID );
- pMeshNode->pMesh->RenderFrame( fWrapOffsetX, fWrapOffsetZ, &dwNumTerrainVerts );
- g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID );
- m_dwVertsRendered += dwNumTerrainVerts;
- }
- if( bRenderObjects )
- {
- DWORD dwNumModelVerts = 0;
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- while( pObject )
- {
- if( pObject->m_bActive )
- {
- bool bRender = true;
- if( bCullObjects )
- {
- // Only render if m_cullstate == CS_INSIDE
- pObject->CullObject( fWrapOffsetX, fWrapOffsetZ, &g_pApp->m_cullinfo );
- bRender = (pObject->m_cullstate == CS_INSIDE );
- }
- if( bRender )
- pObject->Render( fWrapOffsetX, fWrapOffsetZ, &dwNumModelVerts );
- }
- m_dwVertsRendered += dwNumModelVerts;
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: InvalidateDeviceObjects
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::InvalidateDeviceObjects()
- {
- for( int iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- while( pObject )
- {
- pObject->InvalidateDeviceObjects();
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- hr = pMeshNode->pMesh->InvalidateDeviceObjects();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: DeleteDeviceObjects
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CTerrainEngine::DeleteDeviceObjects()
- {
- for( int iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- while( pObject )
- {
- pObject->DeleteDeviceObjects();
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- }
- hr = pMeshNode->pMesh->DeleteDeviceObjects();
- if( FAILED(hr) )
- return hr;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: FinalCleanup
- // Desc:
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID CTerrainEngine::FinalCleanup()
- {
- if( m_MeshArray )
- {
- for( int iX = 0; iX<m_dwWorldWidth; iX++ )
- {
- for( int iZ = 0; iZ<m_dwWorldHeight; iZ++ )
- {
- MESH_NODE* pMeshNode = &m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ];
- CDisplayObject* pObject = pMeshNode->pDisplayList;
- CDisplayObject* pObjectDelete;
- while( pObject )
- {
- pObjectDelete = pObject;
- pObject = pObject->m_pNext;
- SAFE_DELETE( pObjectDelete );
- }
- pMeshNode->pDisplayList = NULL;
- if( m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh )
- m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->FinalCleanup();
- SAFE_DELETE( m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh );
- }
- }
- SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_MeshArray );
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetHeight
- // Desc: returns the height of the ground at this point in universial coords
- // Since the terrian engine is simple, there can only be one 1 ground height
- // at every point (no tunnels/etc)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FLOAT CTerrainEngine::GetHeight( float x, float z )
- {
- // Doing this:
- // x = -0.0000001
- // x += 256.0f
- // x will equal 256.0f (it will loose bits of percision) which will throw
- // off the calculations below so round off the percision while maintaining
- // the sign value
- x *= 10000.0f;
- if( x < 0 )
- x = floorf(x)/10000.0f;
- else
- x = ceilf(x)/10000.0f;
- z *= 10000.0f;
- if( z < 0 )
- z = floorf(z)/10000.0f;
- else
- z = ceilf(z)/10000.0f;
- // Figure out which zone this point is in
- int iX = (int)( (int)(x) / (int)ZONE_WIDTH );
- int iZ = (int)( (int)(z) / (int)ZONE_HEIGHT );
- // Compensate for negative values since iX = -10.0f / 64.0f = 0
- // and we want iX=-1 if x=-10.0f
- if( x < 0.0f ) iX--;
- if( z < 0.0f ) iZ--;
- // Wrap the values around the world if needed
- while( iX < 0 )
- {
- iX += m_dwWorldWidth;
- x += ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth;
- }
- while( iX >= m_dwWorldWidth )
- {
- iX -= m_dwWorldWidth;
- x -= ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth;
- }
- while( iZ < 0 )
- {
- iZ += m_dwWorldHeight;
- z += ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight;
- }
- while( iZ >= m_dwWorldHeight )
- {
- iZ -= m_dwWorldHeight;
- z -= ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight;
- }
- CTerrainMesh* pMesh = m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh;
- // Ensure that the mesh owns this point
- assert( FALSE == pMesh->IsOutOfRangeWorld( x, z ) );
- // Now that we know the mesh index, ask the mesh what the value is at this point
- return pMesh->GetHeightWorld( x, z );
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: GetTexelColor
- // Desc: same as above but returns the texel color at this point
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD CTerrainEngine::GetTexelColor( DWORD iLevel, float x, float z )
- {
- x *= 10000.0f;
- if( x < 0 )
- x = floorf(x)/10000.0f;
- else
- x = ceilf(x)/10000.0f;
- z *= 10000.0f;
- if( z < 0 )
- z = floorf(z)/10000.0f;
- else
- z = ceilf(z)/10000.0f;
- int iX = (int)( x / (float) ZONE_WIDTH );
- int iZ = (int)( z / (float) ZONE_HEIGHT );
- if( x < 0.0f ) iX--;
- if( z < 0.0f ) iZ--;
- while( iX < 0 )
- {
- iX += m_dwWorldWidth;
- x += ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth;
- }
- while( iX >= m_dwWorldWidth )
- {
- iX -= m_dwWorldWidth;
- x -= ZONE_WIDTH*m_dwWorldWidth;
- }
- while( iZ < 0 )
- {
- iZ += m_dwWorldHeight;
- z += ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight;
- }
- while( iZ >= m_dwWorldHeight )
- {
- iZ -= m_dwWorldHeight;
- z -= ZONE_HEIGHT*m_dwWorldHeight;
- }
- return m_MeshArray[iX + m_dwWorldWidth*iZ].pMesh->GetTexelColor( iLevel, x, z );
- }