- /* bspstruc.c */
- #include "ray.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "idbsp.h"
- #include "sortseg.h"
- #include <mem.h>
- #define Get_Sec_From_SSec(x) ((Seg_List+((x)->seg_start))->ld->s[(short)(Seg_List+((x)->seg_start))->left_sidedef]->sec)
- /*
- id secstore_i;
- id mapvertexstore_i;
- id subsecstore_i;
- id maplinestore_i;
- id nodestore_i;
- id mapthingstore_i;
- id ldefstore_i;
- id sdefstore_i;
- */
- STORAGE *subsecstore_i;
- STORAGE *maplinestore_i;
- STORAGE *nodestore_i;
- void * MyRealloc(void * ptr, long old_size, long new_size) {
- void * temp_ptr=SafeMalloc(new_size);
- memmove(temp_ptr, ptr, old_size);
- Free_Mem(ptr);
- return temp_ptr;
- }
- /*
- ===============================================================================
- ===============================================================================
- */
- /*
- =================
- =
- = LineFromSeg
- =
- =================
- */
- void LineFromSeg(mapseg_t * seg, line_t * line) {
- memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
- line->p1.x=Vector_List[seg->v1].x;
- line->p1.y=Vector_List[seg->v1].y;
- line->p2.x=Vector_List[seg->v2].x;
- line->p2.y=Vector_List[seg->v2].y;
- }
- /*
- =================
- =
- = UniqueVertex
- =
- = Returns the vertex number, adding a new vertex if needed
- =================
- */
- int UniqueVertex (int x, int y)
- {
- int i, count;
- vector2 mv;
- pvector2 mvp;
- mv.x = x;
- mv.y = y;
- /* see if an identical vertex already exists */
- /*
- count = [mapvertexstore_i count];
- mvp = [mapvertexstore_i elementAt:0];
- */
- count = Number_Of_Vectors;
- mvp=Vector_List;
- for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++, mvp++)
- if (mvp->x == mv.x && mvp->y == mv.y)
- return i;
- /* [mapvertexstore_i addElement: &mv]; */
- Number_Of_Vectors++;
- Vector_List = (pvector2)MyRealloc(Vector_List,
- sizeof(vector2) * (Number_Of_Vectors-1),
- sizeof(vector2) * (Number_Of_Vectors));
- memcpy(Vector_List+Number_Of_Vectors-1, &mv,
- sizeof(vector2));
- return count;
- }
- /*
- =============================================================================
- */
- float bbox[4];
- /*
- =================
- =
- = AddPointToBBox
- =
- =================
- */
- void AddPointToBBox (float x, float y)
- {
- if (x < bbox[BOXLEFT])
- bbox[BOXLEFT] = x;
- if (x > bbox[BOXRIGHT])
- bbox[BOXRIGHT] = x;
- if (y > bbox[BOXTOP])
- bbox[BOXTOP] = y;
- if (y < bbox[BOXBOTTOM])
- bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = y;
- }
- /*
- =================
- =
- = ProcessLines
- =
- = Adds the lines in a subsector to the mapline storage
- =================
- */
- /* void ProcessLines (id store_i) */
- void ProcessLines(STORAGE *store_i)
- {
- int i,count;
- line_t *wline;
- mapseg_t line;
- short angle;
- float fangle;
- bbox[BOXLEFT] = INT_MAX;
- bbox[BOXTOP] = INT_MIN;
- /* count = [store_i count]; */
- count = store_i->count;
- for (i=0 ; i<count ; i++)
- {
- /* wline = [store_i elementAt: i]; */
- wline = (line_t *)store_i->data + i;
- if (wline->grouped)
- printf ("ERROR: line regroupedn");
- wline->grouped = true;
- memset (&line, 0, sizeof(line));
- AddPointToBBox (wline->p1.x, wline->p1.y);
- AddPointToBBox (wline->p2.x, wline->p2.y);
- line.v1 = UniqueVertex (wline->p1.x, wline->p1.y);
- line.v2 = UniqueVertex (wline->p2.x, wline->p2.y);
- line.linedef = wline->linedef;
- line.side = wline->side;
- line.offset = wline->offset;
- fangle = atan2 (wline->p2.y - wline->p1.y, wline->p2.x - wline->p1.x);
- /************************ CHANGED BY MATT! *********************************/
- angle = (short)(fangle/(PI*2)*ANGLE_360);
- if (angle<0) angle+=ANGLE_360; // get rid of negative angles
- /************************ END CHANGED BY MATT! *****************************/
- line.angle = angle;
- /* [maplinestore_i addElement: &line]; */
- memcpy((mapseg_t *)maplinestore_i->data + maplinestore_i->count, &line,
- sizeof(line));
- maplinestore_i->count += 1;
- maplinestore_i->data = (mapseg_t *)MyRealloc(maplinestore_i->data,
- sizeof(mapseg_t) * (maplinestore_i->count),
- sizeof(mapseg_t) * (maplinestore_i->count+1));
- }
- }
- /*
- =================
- =
- = FinishCut
- =
- = Cuts a box agains lines in sub sector ****MADE BY MATT****
- =================
- */
- STORAGE * FinishCut(mapsubsector_t * cur_ssec, STORAGE * cutbox_i)
- {
- STORAGE * new_front;
- STORAGE * back_temp;
- STORAGE * cur_list;
- short cur_seg_index;
- mapseg_t * cur_seg;
- line_t spliton;
- cur_list=cutbox_i;
- for (cur_seg_index=0; cur_seg_index<cur_ssec->numsegs; cur_seg_index++) {
- cur_seg=(mapseg_t *)maplinestore_i->data+cur_ssec->firstseg+cur_seg_index;
- LineFromSeg(cur_seg, &spliton);
- new_front=(STORAGE *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(STORAGE));
- new_front->count = 0;
- new_front->size = sizeof(vector2);
- new_front->data = (pvector2)SafeMalloc(sizeof(vector2));
- back_temp=(STORAGE *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(STORAGE));
- back_temp->count = 0;
- back_temp->size = sizeof(vector2);
- back_temp->data = (pvector2)SafeMalloc(sizeof(vector2));
- SplitCutBoxes(cur_list, &spliton, new_front, back_temp);
- Free_Mem(back_temp->data);
- Free_Mem(back_temp);
- Free_Mem(cur_list->data);
- Free_Mem(cur_list);
- cur_list=new_front;
- }
- return cur_list;
- }
- /*
- =================
- =
- = Makes alternate bound box, using cut box
- =
- =================
- */
- void Make_Alt_BBox(mapsubsector_t * cur_ssec) {
- pvector2 cur_vec;
- short count, counter;
- bbox[BOXLEFT] = INT_MAX;
- bbox[BOXTOP] = INT_MIN;
- count=cur_ssec->cutbox->count;
- for (counter=0; counter<count; counter++) {
- cur_vec=(pvector2)cur_ssec->cutbox->data+counter;
- AddPointToBBox(cur_vec->x, cur_vec->y);
- }
- }
- /*
- =================
- =
- = ProcessSubsector
- =
- =================
- */
- /* int ProcessSubsector (id wmaplinestore_i) */
- int ProcessSubsector(STORAGE *wmaplinestore_i, STORAGE *cutbox_i)
- {
- int count;
- worldline_t *linedef;
- line_t *wline;
- mapsubsector_t sub;
- memset (&sub,0,sizeof(sub));
- /* count = [wmaplinestore_i count]; */
- count = wmaplinestore_i->count;
- if (count < 1)
- Error ("ProcessSubsector: count = %i",count);
- /* wline = [wmaplinestore_i elementAt: 0]; */
- wline = wmaplinestore_i->data;
- /* linedef = [linestore_i elementAt: wline->linedef]; */
- linedef = (worldline_t *)linestore_i->data + wline->linedef;
- sub.numsegs = count;
- /* sub.firstseg = [maplinestore_i count]; */
- sub.firstseg = maplinestore_i->count;
- ProcessLines (wmaplinestore_i);
- sub.cutbox=FinishCut(&sub, cutbox_i);
- Make_Alt_BBox(&sub);
- /* add the new subsector
- [subsecstore_i addElement: &sub];
- */
- memcpy((mapsubsector_t *)subsecstore_i->data + subsecstore_i->count, &sub,
- sizeof(mapsubsector_t));
- subsecstore_i->count += 1;
- subsecstore_i->data = (mapsubsector_t *)MyRealloc(subsecstore_i->data,
- sizeof(mapsubsector_t) * (subsecstore_i->count),
- sizeof(mapsubsector_t) * (subsecstore_i->count + 1));
- /* return [subsecstore_i count]-1; */
- return subsecstore_i->count - 1;
- }
- /*
- =================
- =
- = ProcessNode
- =
- =================
- */
- int ProcessNode (bspnode_t *node, short *totalbox)
- {
- short subbox[2][4];
- int i, r;
- mapnode_t mnode;
- memset (&mnode,0,sizeof(mnode));
- if (node->lines_i) /* NF_SUBSECTOR flags a subsector */
- {
- r = ProcessSubsector (node->lines_i, node->cutbox_i);
- for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
- totalbox[i] = bbox[i];
- return r | NF_SUBSECTOR;
- }
- mnode.x =node->;
- mnode.y =node->;
- mnode.dx =node->divline.dx;
- mnode.dy =node->divline.dy;
- r = ProcessNode(node->side[0], subbox[0]);
- mnode.children[0] =r;
- for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
- mnode.bbox[0][i] =subbox[0][i];
- r = ProcessNode (node->side[1],subbox[1]);
- mnode.children[1] =r;
- for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
- mnode.bbox[1][i] =subbox[1][i];
- totalbox[BOXLEFT] = MIN(subbox[0][BOXLEFT], subbox[1][BOXLEFT]);
- totalbox[BOXTOP] = MAX(subbox[0][BOXTOP], subbox[1][BOXTOP]);
- totalbox[BOXRIGHT] = MAX(subbox[0][BOXRIGHT], subbox[1][BOXRIGHT]);
- totalbox[BOXBOTTOM] = MIN(subbox[0][BOXBOTTOM], subbox[1][BOXBOTTOM]);
- /* [nodestore_i addElement: &mnode]; */
- memcpy((mapnode_t *)nodestore_i->data + nodestore_i->count, &mnode, sizeof(mapnode_t));
- nodestore_i->count += 1;
- nodestore_i->data = (mapnode_t *)MyRealloc(nodestore_i->data,
- sizeof(mapnode_t) * (nodestore_i->count),
- sizeof(mapnode_t) * (nodestore_i->count + 1));
- /* return [nodestore_i count] - 1; */
- return nodestore_i->count - 1;
- }
- /*
- =================
- =
- = ProcessNodes
- =
- = Recursively builds the nodes, subsectors, and line lists,
- = then writes the lumps
- =================
- */
- void ProcessNodes (void)
- {
- short worldbounds[4];
- /*
- subsecstore_i = [[Storage alloc]
- initCount: 0
- elementSize: sizeof(mapsubsector_t)
- description: NULL];
- maplinestore_i = [[Storage alloc]
- initCount: 0
- elementSize: sizeof(mapseg_t)
- description: NULL];
- nodestore_i = [[Storage alloc]
- initCount: 0
- elementSize: sizeof(mapnode_t)
- description: NULL];
- */
- subsecstore_i = (STORAGE *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(STORAGE));
- subsecstore_i->data = (mapsubsector_t *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(mapsubsector_t));
- subsecstore_i->count = 0;
- subsecstore_i->size = sizeof(mapsubsector_t);
- maplinestore_i = (STORAGE *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(STORAGE));
- maplinestore_i->data = (mapseg_t *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(mapseg_t));
- maplinestore_i->count = 0;
- maplinestore_i->size = sizeof(mapseg_t);
- nodestore_i = (STORAGE *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(STORAGE));
- nodestore_i->data = (mapnode_t *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(mapnode_t));
- nodestore_i->count = 0;
- nodestore_i->size = sizeof(mapnode_t);
- ProcessNode (startnode, worldbounds);
- }
- /*
- =============================================================================
- */
- /*
- ==================
- =
- = ConvertNodes
- =
- = Converts data to My format ****MADE BY MATT****
- ==================
- */
- void ConvertNodes() {
- short counter;
- pseg cur_seg;
- pssector cur_ssec;
- bsp_node * cur_node;
- prectl cur_rect;
- mapseg_t * cur_doom_seg;
- mapsubsector_t * cur_doom_ssec;
- mapnode_t * cur_doom_node;
- psorted_vector_type sorted_list;
- // Seg conversion
- Number_Of_Segs=maplinestore_i->count;
- Seg_List=(pseg)SafeMalloc(Number_Of_Segs * sizeof(seg));
- for (counter=0; counter<Number_Of_Segs; counter++) {
- cur_seg=Seg_List+counter;
- cur_doom_seg=(mapseg_t *)maplinestore_i->data+counter;
- cur_seg->v[0]=cur_doom_seg->v1;
- cur_seg->v[1]=cur_doom_seg->v2;
- cur_seg->angle=cur_doom_seg->angle;
- cur_seg->ld=Ld_List+cur_doom_seg->linedef;
- cur_seg->left_sidedef=(cur_doom_seg->side > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
- cur_seg->linedef_offset=cur_doom_seg->offset;
- }
- Free_Mem(maplinestore_i->data);
- Free_Mem(maplinestore_i);
- // SubSector conversion
- Number_Of_SSectors=subsecstore_i->count;
- SS_List=(pssector)SafeMalloc(Number_Of_SSectors * sizeof(ssector));
- for (counter=0; counter<Number_Of_SSectors; counter++) {
- cur_ssec=SS_List+counter;
- cur_doom_ssec=(mapsubsector_t *)subsecstore_i->data+counter;
- cur_ssec->seg_start=cur_doom_ssec->firstseg;
- cur_ssec->seg_end=cur_doom_ssec->firstseg+cur_doom_ssec->numsegs-1;
- cur_ssec->flags=Get_Sec_From_SSec(cur_ssec)->flags;
- if (cur_ssec->flags & VOXEL_SSECTOR) {
- sorted_list=(psorted_vector_type)SafeMalloc(sizeof(sorted_vector_type));
- sorted_list->vector_count=cur_doom_ssec->cutbox->count;
- sorted_list->vectors=cur_doom_ssec->cutbox->data;
- cur_ssec->extra_data=(pdata)sorted_list;
- } else {
- Free_Mem(cur_doom_ssec->cutbox->data);
- Free_Mem(cur_doom_ssec->cutbox);
- cur_ssec->extra_data=NULL;
- }
- cur_ssec->objects=NULL;
- cur_ssec->num_objects=0;
- }
- Free_Mem(subsecstore_i->data);
- Free_Mem(subsecstore_i);
- // Node conversion
- Number_Of_Nodes=nodestore_i->count;
- bsp_start_node=nodestore_i->count-1;
- bsp_tree=(bsp_node *)SafeMalloc(Number_Of_Nodes * sizeof(bsp_node));
- for (counter=0; counter<Number_Of_Nodes; counter++) {
- cur_node=bsp_tree+counter;
- cur_doom_node=(mapnode_t *)nodestore_i->data+counter;
- cur_node->x1=cur_doom_node->x;
- cur_node->y1=cur_doom_node->y;
- cur_node->x2=cur_doom_node->x+cur_doom_node->dx;
- cur_node->y2=cur_doom_node->y+cur_doom_node->dy;
- cur_rect=&(cur_node->left_bound);
- cur_rect->top=cur_doom_node->bbox[1][BOXTOP];
- cur_rect->left=cur_doom_node->bbox[1][BOXLEFT];
- cur_rect->bottom=cur_doom_node->bbox[1][BOXBOTTOM];
- cur_rect->right=cur_doom_node->bbox[1][BOXRIGHT];
- cur_rect=&(cur_node->right_bound);
- cur_rect->top=cur_doom_node->bbox[0][BOXTOP];
- cur_rect->left=cur_doom_node->bbox[0][BOXLEFT];
- cur_rect->bottom=cur_doom_node->bbox[0][BOXBOTTOM];
- cur_rect->right=cur_doom_node->bbox[0][BOXRIGHT];
- cur_node->left_child=cur_doom_node->children[1];
- cur_node->right_child=cur_doom_node->children[0];
- } /* endfor */
- Free_Mem(nodestore_i->data);
- Free_Mem(nodestore_i);
- }
- /*
- ==================
- =
- = Make_Line_List
- =
- = Makes linedefs usable by bsp generator ****MADE BY MATT*****
- ==================
- */
- void Make_Line_List() {
- short counter;
- plinedef cur_ld;
- worldline_t * cur_doom_ld;
- linestore_i=(STORAGE *)SafeMalloc(sizeof(STORAGE));
- linestore_i->count=Number_Of_Linedefs;
- linestore_i->size=Number_Of_Linedefs * sizeof(worldline_t);
- linestore_i->data=(worldline_t *)SafeMalloc(linestore_i->size);
- for (counter=0; counter<Number_Of_Linedefs; counter++) {
- cur_ld=Ld_List+counter;
- cur_doom_ld=(worldline_t *)linestore_i->data+counter;
- cur_doom_ld->p1.x=Vector_List[cur_ld->v[0]].x;
- cur_doom_ld->p1.y=Vector_List[cur_ld->v[0]].y;
- cur_doom_ld->p2.x=Vector_List[cur_ld->v[1]].x;
- cur_doom_ld->p2.y=Vector_List[cur_ld->v[1]].y;
- cur_doom_ld->tag=cur_ld->tag;
- cur_doom_ld->special=cur_ld->tag_type;
- cur_doom_ld->flags=cur_ld->attributes;
- }
- }
- /*
- ==================
- =
- = ConvBSP
- =
- ==================
- */
- void ConvBSP (void)
- {
- ProcessNodes ();
- ConvertNodes();
- }