- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// File: CBricks.h
- /// Purpose: Declaration of CBricks Class
- /// This class represents the bricks for the game.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Configuation Management
- ///
- /// Who When Description
- /// ===========================================================================
- /// R. Walter 28-Dec-2003 Initial Version/Release
- ///
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Copyright 2003: Robert Walter All rights reserved
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef CBRICKS_H_
- #define CBRICKS_H_
- /// HEADER DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- /// HEADER FILE INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <fstream>
- using std::ofstream;
- /// CONSTANTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_START_X = 28;
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_START_Y = 79;
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_WIDTH = 60;
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_HEIGHT = 25;
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_HOR_SPACE = 2;
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_VER_SPACE = 2;
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_ROWS = 8;
- const int DEFAULT_BRICK_COLS = 12;
- enum EBrickState {BS_NORMAL, BS_HIT, BS_SKIP};
- /// TYPE / CLASS DECLARATIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- struct TBrick
- {
- DWORD color;
- RECT rect;
- EBrickState state;
- int point_value;
- int reflect_vel;
- int row;
- int col;
- };
- class CBricks
- {
- private:
- int m_start_x; /** x coordinate of top-left corner of first brick **/
- int m_start_y; /** y coordinate of top-left corner of first brick **/
- int m_brick_width; /** width (in pixels) of each brick **/
- int m_brick_height; /** height (in pixels) of each brick **/
- int m_brick_hor_space; /** horizontal space (in pixels) between brick rows **/
- int m_brick_ver_space; /** vertical space (in pixels) between brick cols **/
- int m_brick_bottom; /** y coordinate of last row of bricks **/
- int m_num_rows; /** number of brick rows **/
- int m_num_cols; /** number of brick columns per row **/
- DWORD* m_row_colors; /** dynamic array of colors for rows **/
- int* m_row_points; /** dynamic array of points for rows **/
- int* m_row_vel; /** dynamic array of reflection velocity for rows **/
- TBrick* m_bricks; /** dynamically allocated array of bricks **/
- int m_brick_cnt;
- int m_bricks_remaining; /** number of bricks left to be hit **/
- public:
- // constructor
- CBricks();
- // destructor
- ~CBricks();
- // member functions
- TBrick GetBrick(const int p_brick_no);
- int GetBrickCount();
- int GetBricksRemaining();
- void SetBrickProperties(const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_h_space, const int p_v_space);
- void SetBrickState(const int p_row, const int p_col, const EBrickState p_state);
- void SetRowColProperties(const int p_rows, const int p_cols, DWORD* p_row_colors, int* p_row_points, int* p_row_vel);
- void SetTopLeftPosition(const int p_x, const int p_y);
- bool IsBrickAtPosition(const int p_x, const int p_y, TBrick* p_brick);
- void InitializeBricks();
- };
- #endif