- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// File: CBricks.cpp
- /// Purpose: Definition of CBricks Class Members
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Configuation Management
- ///
- /// Who When Description
- /// ===========================================================================
- /// R. Walter 28-Dec-2003 Initial Version/Release
- ///
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Copyright 2003: Robert Walter All rights reserved
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// APPLICATION DEFINES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /** no MFC **/
- /// HEADER FILE INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "CBricks.h"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: CBricks --> default constructor
- /// Purpose: Initialize member variables
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: nothing
- /// Returns: nothing
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CBricks::CBricks()
- {
- m_start_x = 0;
- m_start_y = 0;
- m_brick_width = 0;
- m_brick_height = 0;
- m_brick_hor_space = 0;
- m_brick_ver_space = 0;
- m_num_rows = 0;
- m_num_cols = 0;
- m_bricks_remaining = 0;
- m_row_colors = NULL;
- m_row_points = NULL;
- m_row_vel = NULL;
- m_bricks = NULL;
- return;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: ~CBricks --> default destructor
- /// Purpose: Deallocate member variables
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: nothing
- /// Returns: nothing
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CBricks::~CBricks()
- {
- delete[] m_row_colors;
- delete[] m_row_points;
- delete[] m_row_vel;
- delete[] m_bricks;
- return;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: GetBrick
- /// Purpose: Retrieve the specified brick
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: Brick Number (row * col) + col
- /// Returns: Brick struct
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- TBrick CBricks::GetBrick(const int p_brick_no)
- {
- return(m_bricks[p_brick_no]);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: GetBrickCount
- /// Purpose: Retrieve the total number of bricks in the array
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: nothing
- /// Returns: count of bricks
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CBricks::GetBrickCount()
- {
- return(m_brick_cnt);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: GetBricksRemaining
- /// Purpose: Retrieve the count of bricks still in play (state == BS NORMAL)
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: nothing
- /// Returns: count of brick remaining
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CBricks::GetBricksRemaining()
- {
- return(m_bricks_remaining);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: InitializeBricks
- /// Purpose: Based on the brick properties, intialize each structure in the
- /// bricks array.
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: nothing
- /// Returns: nothing
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CBricks::InitializeBricks()
- {
- m_brick_cnt = m_num_rows * m_num_cols;
- m_bricks_remaining = m_brick_cnt;
- m_brick_bottom = m_start_y + (m_num_rows * (m_brick_height + m_brick_ver_space));
- if (m_bricks)
- {
- delete[] m_bricks;
- }
- m_bricks = new TBrick[m_bricks_remaining];
- for (int r = 0; r < m_num_rows; r++)
- {
- for (int c = 0; c < m_num_cols; c++)
- {
- int l_brick = ((r * m_num_cols) + c);
- m_bricks[l_brick].color = m_row_colors[r];
- m_bricks[l_brick].point_value = m_row_points[r];
- m_bricks[l_brick].reflect_vel = m_row_vel[r];
- m_bricks[l_brick].rect.left = m_start_x + (c * (m_brick_width + m_brick_ver_space));
- m_bricks[l_brick].rect.top = m_start_y + (r * (m_brick_height + m_brick_ver_space));
- m_bricks[l_brick].rect.right = m_bricks[l_brick].rect.left + m_brick_width;
- m_bricks[l_brick].rect.bottom = m_bricks[l_brick].rect.top + m_brick_height;
- m_bricks[l_brick].row = r + 1;
- m_bricks[l_brick].col = c + 1;
- m_bricks[l_brick].state = BS_NORMAL;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: IsBrickAtPosition
- /// Purpose: Determine if a brick is at the specified X,Y position
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: X coordinate of search
- /// Y coordinate of search
- /// pointer to brick structure (to hold brick data if found at position)
- /// Returns: true if brick exists at specified X,Y location, otherwise false
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool CBricks::IsBrickAtPosition(const int p_x, const int p_y, TBrick* p_brick)
- {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// immediately return false is y coordinate is above or below
- /// the entire set of bricks
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if ( (p_y < m_start_y) || (p_y > m_brick_bottom) )
- {
- return(false);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// calculate the row and (including the vertical and horizontal
- /// space between the bricks) for the specified position
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int l_row = 0;
- int l_col = 0;
- l_row = (p_y - m_start_y) / (m_brick_height + m_brick_ver_space);
- l_col = (p_x - m_start_x) / (m_brick_width + m_brick_hor_space);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// if the calculated column and row is valid (ie. it should exist) then
- /// set the brick byref return values
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (( (l_row < m_num_rows) && (l_row >= 0) )
- && ( (l_col < m_num_cols) && (l_col >= 0) ))
- {
- int l_brick_num = ((l_row * m_num_cols) + l_col);
- *p_brick = m_bricks[l_brick_num];
- return(true);
- }
- return(false);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: SetTopLeftPosition
- /// Purpose: Initialize the starting point of the bricks in the
- /// playing area
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: - X coordinate (in pixels) of top left corner of starting brick
- /// - Y coordinate (in pixels) of top left corner of starting brick
- /// Returns: nothing
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CBricks::SetTopLeftPosition(const int p_x, const int p_y)
- {
- m_start_x = p_x;
- m_start_y = p_y;
- return;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: SetBrickProperties
- /// Purpose: Initialize the properties that describe the size of each brick
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: - width (in pixels) of each brick
- /// - height (in pixels) of each brick
- /// - horizontal space (in pixels) between each column of bricks
- /// - vertical space (in pixels) between each row of bricks
- /// Returns: nothing
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CBricks::SetBrickProperties(const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_h_space, const int p_v_space)
- {
- m_brick_width = p_width;
- m_brick_height = p_height;
- m_brick_hor_space = p_h_space;
- m_brick_ver_space = p_v_space;
- return;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: SetBrickState
- /// Purpose: Set the state of the passed brick
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: - ???
- /// Returns: nothing
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CBricks::SetBrickState(const int p_row, const int p_col, const EBrickState p_state)
- {
- int l_brick = ((p_row - 1) * m_num_cols) + (p_col - 1);
- m_bricks[l_brick].state = p_state;
- if ((p_state == BS_HIT) || (p_state == BS_SKIP))
- {
- m_bricks_remaining--;
- }
- return;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Method: SetRowColProperties
- /// Purpose: Initialize the number of rows and columns. Also set the colors
- /// for each row
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Receives: - number of rows of bricks to create
- /// - number of columns of bricks to create
- /// - DWORD pointer containing the colors for each row of bricks
- /// Returns: nothing
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CBricks::SetRowColProperties(const int p_rows, const int p_cols, DWORD* p_row_colors, int* p_row_points, int* p_row_vel)
- {
- m_num_rows = p_rows;
- m_num_cols = p_cols;
- if (m_row_colors)
- {
- delete[] m_row_colors;
- }
- if (m_row_points)
- {
- delete[] m_row_points;
- }
- if (m_row_vel)
- {
- delete[] m_row_vel;
- }
- m_row_colors = new DWORD[p_rows];
- m_row_points = new int[p_rows];
- m_row_vel = new int[p_rows];
- for (int i = 0; i < p_rows; i++)
- {
- m_row_colors[i] = p_row_colors[i];
- m_row_points[i] = p_row_points[i];
- m_row_vel[i] = p_row_vel[i];
- }
- return;
- }
- /// END OF FILE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////