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  • spatialPattern.zip Generate 2D spatial pattern like fractal brownian motion. Fractal Dimension can be modified as input parameter.
  • Random_Fractals_Algorithm.zip Pseudo codes to generate 1D 2D and 3D fractal images.
  • graphics.rar pnx1500的2D图形处理,版本是NDK4.3
  • HG.rar 2D图形变为3D图像的软件。先用该软件将2D图像转为数据,再用我上传的将2D转为3D的MATLAB软件绘图即可。
  • HG1.rar 2D图转为3D图的matlab软件,先要用我设计的VB软件将2D图转为数据,我已经上传了。
  • DiscreteCosineTransform2D.rar This is Discrete Cosine Transform implementation (2D DCT) in CSharp
  • 2D-graphics.rar 演示使用矩阵实现二维图形的变换,没有很深的讲解,朋友们仅作参考
  • QRCodeGenerator.zip This is a QR-code (2D code) Generator. Program and source code.
  • SLG_Game.rar 简单的2D游戏引擎,包括AStar算法等实现,Win32程序,游戏入门极好的参考。
  • Woiselle_poster.zip ... new 3D curvelet transforms which are built as extensions of the 2D first generation curvelet transform. The first one, called the RidCurvelet, is especially well designed for representing 2D surfaces in a 3D space while the second one, the ...