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  • drawLA.zip ... . It is a collection of MATLAB functions for easy plotting of 2D/3D vectors, planes, lines and spheres, and... displaying matrix equations. ... Toolbox Content: There are 12 functions in the toolbox. 10 of them produce 2D/3D plots of geometric objects:
  • Lsge.rar 這是一個2D引擎,最大的特點是好用,非常適合做演示,做小遊戲, 他效率不高,功能不是很全,但是使用方便,把開發者從底層中解放出來,尤其圖形、文字渲染部分,使用絕對的簡單,如果你不想在DX 2D渲染上糾纏不清,如果你想快速做一個2D演示,這個就是你想要的!
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  • sketching.zip Java 2D sketching and image Examples.
  • src.zip Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
  • FastMarching_version1.zip The function MSFM2D/MSFM3D calculates the shortest distance from a list of points to all other pixels in an 2D or 3D image, using the Multistencil Fast Marching Method (MSFM). This method gives more accurate distances by using second order derivatives and ...
  • TheChinesechess.rar 中国象棋两人对战游戏,支持2人单机对战和2人网络对战,适合初学2D游戏的朋友参考,尤其是MFC 和 socket应用方面
  • amazon.rar 一个带2D引擎 声音引擎的CPU,功能强大。详细资料对工程师一定好用。
  • ftb.Lua.zip Lua iNMR script for performing FT on 2D NMR experiments.
  • OReilly.Killer.Game.Programming.in.Java.May.2005.r 讲解了Java游戏编程的关键知识点,包含了图像(2D/3D),动画,视频,音频,网络等个方面