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  • 2D-oceanwave.rar 用matlab模拟二维海面的程序,第一步求出海面的公式,第二步利用求出的公式画出海面
  • VxWorks_WindML2D.rar Vxworks经典论文 基于VxWorks操作系统的WindML 2D 显示方案 【关键词: 2D显示,Vxworks,WindML,操作系统,文本渲染,图形上下文,字体引擎
  • box-counting.rar 计算1D,2D,3D的分形盒维数,国外网站下载,感觉不错
  • dx_Billboard.rar ... illustrates the billboarding technique. Rather than rendering complex 3D models (such as a high-polygon tree model), billboarding renders a 2D image of the model and rotates it to always face the eyepoint. This technique is commonly used to render ...
  • VolumeTexture.rar The VolumeTexture sample illustrates how to use the new volume textures in Direct3D. Normally, a texture is thought of as a 2D image, which have a width and a height and whose "texels" are addressed with two coordinate, tu and tv. Volume textures ...
  • vcdrawMap.rar VC++画图基础程序,学习2D画图,入门提高的基础
  • Obake_OPU.rar robocup 2d source of Obake_OPU,a japanese robocup 2d team
  • PackedRA3DM.rar a good 3d monitor for 2d robocup on linux
  • Game.rar 一个单玩家的2D小飞机游戏,游戏不设关卡,玩家累计分数值达到总分就可通关,是个比较简单的小游戏
  • motion2d-Chapter6.rar 2d motion estimation course powerpoint material