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  • ArtGalleryManageSystem.rar it is art gallery manage system:include of author manage system、production manage system and production business manage system. it do by delphi 7.0.
  • The_Art_of_Computer_Programming_Vol1.zip The Art of Computer Programming
  • chenyuwen.rar 利用神经网络实现模式识别的程序,第三章是预处理程序,第四章是有导前馈网络,第九章是hopfield网络,第十章是ART原理程序
  • ART1.zip ART神经网络算法源程序,同时提供算法的演示源程序。
  • RaoBlackwellisedParticleFilteringforDynamicBayesia ... can be interpreted as an efficient stochastic mixture of Kalman filters. The software also includes efficient state-of-the-art resampling routines. These are generic and suitable for any application. For details, please refer to Rao-Blackwellised ...
  • The_Art_of_CPP.zip The Art of C++,實戰C++,8個別具特色的實作經驗,Herbert Schildt著,侯捷译
  • art.rar devC++的一个经典代码 可设计出很多类似的界面
  • artmap.rar ART神经网络的一种,比ART1和ART2功能上更强大。
  • Neural_Networks-ART_Source_Code.rar Neural Networks-ART Source Code
  • No.Starch.Press.The.Book.of.Qt.4.The.Art.of.Buildi QT4的一本精典书籍!强力推荐!QT4编程艺术。