Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • TheArtOfComputerProgrmmingVol1.rar The Art of Computer Programming(Vol.1 Fundamental Algorithms)
  • TheArtOfUnixProgramming.rar The Art of Unix Programming
  • Chapter3.rar 此为"The Art of JAVA"书籍关于设计解析器之码。很旧的一本书了,但感觉还是很经典。
  • TheArtOfJavaMcGrawHillOsborne.rar The art of Java - the famous book of Java language
  • t0.rar dxf格式转art,art格式转dxf,也可做一些Geomap的导出文件。
  • Childgivingstring.rar 求子字符串,如字符串为hart,则子字符串会显示为h,ha,har,hart,hat,hr,hrt,ht,a,ar,art,r,rt,t。显示是有规则的,从a开始,是去掉ha的h。
  • mima.rar 试用维吉利亚密码的方法,以ART(不区分大小写)为密钥对 ...
  • ei2002_stego.ps.gz Steganography is the art of communicating a message by embedding it into multimedia data. It is desired to maximize the amount of hidden information (embedding rate) while preserving security against detection by unauthorized parties. An appropriate ...
  • Art_of_Programming_Contest_SE_for_uva.rar The Art of Computer programming很好的一本书,这是英文版的一部分
  • The_Art_and_Science_of_C.rar The Art and Science of C.pdf英文版加书中源码。