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  • TheArtofJava.rar the art of java 中文版
  • sofwareverification.rar ... . The term quality assurance is avoided for it is this author’s firm belief that in the current state of the art that goal is unattainable, a plethora of “guar- anteed” solutions to the problem notwithstanding. Therefore, the rather awkward phrase “ ...
  • Acivs09Code.zip ... Sliding window classifiers, notably using the Histogram-of-Gradient (HOG) features proposed by Dalal and Triggs are the state-of-the-art for this task, and we base our method on this approach. We propose a novel eature extracti on scheme which computes ...
  • TheArtofcomputerprogramming.rar "The Art of Computer Programming: 1. Fundamental Algorithms 2. Seminumerical Algorithms 3. Sorting and Searching";
  • Neuralnetwork.rar 神经网络算法源程序,如SOM、HOPFIELD、CPN、BPN、BOLTZMAN、ART、ADALINE,同时提供针对不同算法的演示源程序。
  • Pattern-Matching_Algorithms.zip This book attempts a snapshot of the current state of the art in Pattern Matching as seen by specialists who have devoted several years of their study the field. Without pretending to be exhaustive, the book does cover most basic principles and ...
  • the_art_of_computer_programming.rar 计算机程序设计艺术    《计算机程序设计艺术》重译自Donald E. Knuth(汉名高德纳)的三卷著作:"The Art of Computer Programming: 1. Fundamental Algorithms 2. Seminumerical Algorithms 3. Sorting and Searching";三卷中文名为《基本算法》、《半数值算法》及 ...
  • aybook.cn_pirnidspince0906.pdf.zip pro spring 2.5 The Spring Framework 2.5 release reflects the state of the art in both the Spring Framework and in enterprise JavaTM frameworks as a whole. A guidebook to this critical tool is necessary reading for any conscientious JavaTM developer. — ...
  • encode.rar 用维吉利亚密码的方法,以ART(不区分大小写)为密钥对任意给定的字母进行加密。加密方法为:将字母a,b,c…z 对应数字0,1,2……25。明文字母m,密文c,密钥k,c=m+ki mod 26 (i=1,2,3)。