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  • Art_of_Assembly_Language.zip The Famous "Art of Assembly"..
  • ART.rar 成像自动目标识别,张天序 。系统的论述了成像条件下自动目标识别的理论、方法与技术问题。
  • wStallings4e-ch01_4p.rar The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive ... on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable. —The Art of War, Sun Tzu
  • MultiCarrier1.rar ... Digital Communications Theory and Applications of OFDM This book is intended to be a concise summary of the present state of the art of the theory and practice of OFDM technology. The authors believe that the time is ripe for such a treatment. ...
  • ART1.rar 神经网络算法源程序,如SOM、HOPFIELD、CPN、BPN、BOLTZMAN、ART、ADALINE,同时提供针对不同算法的演示源程序。
  • Switch.rar Pronounced u-art, and short for universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter, the UART is a computer component that handles asynchronous serial communication. Every computer contains a UART to manage the serial ports, and some internal modems have their ...
  • ART.rar 双连通图 计算机算法 双连通图算法的设计与实现
  • TheArtofMolecularDynamicsSimulation.rar The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation 是分子动力学学习用的最好的入门书籍,本压缩包中包括了书籍的pdf文档,以及所有的C语言源代码实现
  • map-based-mobile-services-theories-methods-and-im The book is divided into three parts: theory, method and implementation. Starting with a summary of the state-of-the-art in mobile technologies, the first part analyses their impacts on cartography and pinpoints the missing theories concerned with the ...
  • Huffmantree.rar 在数据通信中,需要将传送的文字转换成二进制的字符串,用0,1码的不同排列来表示字符。例如,需传送的报文为“AFTER DATA EAR ARE ART AREA”,这里用到的字符集为“A,E,R,T,F,D”,各字母出现的次数为{8,4,5,3,1,1}。现要求为这些字母设计编码。