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  • Sudoku.rar 用Java解数独游戏,用数组实现,以Applet展示
  • How_to_create_a_Control_panel_Application_for_CE6 This document describes how to add a customized control panel applet into WinCE 6.0 Emulator OS image.
  • JumpingBox.zip 跳跃盒子JAVA applet,一个回跳动的盒子,十分有趣
  • BouncedBall.rar It s an applet, to see how threads works. You can launch several balls at the same time
  • BFS-1.rar This is a Breadth First Search algorithm which contains an applet. Extract them from the rar file and run it as an applet.
  • AxisApplet.rar Applet来实现坐标轴,通过两个类axis 和MyCanvas来完成.
  • j336555.rar 小日历 Applet作的 欢迎大家下载
  • DoubleBuffer.rar applet小应用程序,特别适用于初学者,一个不错的例子.
  • Stack_Queue.zip Applet演示程序,栈是一种先进后出(FILO)的线性数据结构,先进后出的意思就是……举个例子吧
  • Clock.rar applet 支持线程小程序 通过数学计算,精确时间,模拟效果