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  • gtt.rar 基于applet的甘特图的源码,已经汉化,甘特图可以显示汉字等功能
  • b+tree.zip B+ tree insertion animation applet
  • AppletTelnet.rar 基于 Java Applet 的 Telnet 客户端
  • apaint.zip program named as apaint for the details about applet
  • java_applet.rar Applet类与Applet小程序,数组 向量 字符串 递归 排序
  • AppletForMpeg.zip Java Applet for MPEG-4 Streaming
  • DS_FireClock_10J.zip ... you can also insert an image and a scroll-text. The applet is interactive and includes a HTML code generator that allows to ... parameters without any knowledge of Java and HTML programming. You can use freely the applet to enhance your web pages.
  • Brainiac.rar Basic java-applet game which is programmed to challenge both lobes of the brain at the same time
  • java_applet.rar 压缩包里面是java Applet小程序的实例,对于初学者来说是不错的程序,很典型,并且浅显易懂
  • datamixer.rar 三個程式碼分別為 用Applet 播放音樂 用newAudioClip播放音樂 使用瀏覽器一邊展示圖片.一邊播放音樂