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  • rt.zip lexical tool to be built for a compiler
  • OpenMPst.rar This document specifies a collection of compiler directives, library routines, and environment variables that can be used to specify shared-memory parallelism in C, C++ and Fortran programs. This functionality collectively defines the specification of ...
  • PA1.zip program assegment for compiler
  • hw2.rar other homework for compiler
  • finalAssingment.zip a compiler generate simple assembly language for Virtual Machine
  • compilerphase1.rar this is lexical tokens of compiler operate on java
  • 50_blackfin_cc.rev5.1.rar C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual for Blackfin Processors
  • Cplusplus_Lessons_2000.zip ... C++, Watcom C/386, and DJGPP. You can download DJGPP http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/ or you may already have another compiler. Each of these compilers is a little different. The library functions of one will have all of the standard C++ functions, ...
  • C_Flash_Drivers_for_80C51(Keil_compiler).zip Flash drivers for Atmel 80C51 using Keil C compiler
  • NDoc_cn.rar NDoc generates class libraries documentation from .NET assemblies and the XML documentation files generated by the C# compiler (or an add-on tool for VB.NET). NDoc uses add-on documenters to generate documentation in several different formats, ...