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  • rfid.rar.rar Abstract Based on the demand analysis of the RFID middleware,it suggests how to develop the RFID middle— ware,including the functionality and the mechanism of the event handle,and prospects the future of the RFID mid— dleware.
  • DirectMidi_src2_3b.zip MIDI applications with DirectMusic,use the DirectMIDI class library to develop applications based on MIDI.
  • atk160.rar 剑桥的htk,想必很多搞语音的都知道,atk就是对它的c++多线程封装,你可以在vc2005中调试它了:)http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/develop/atk.shtml 由于体积大,不变上传,压缩包中把Resources删掉了,很抱歉
  • TMS320F2812CAN.rar Tms32f2812 CAN bus source code,it may be helpful to CAN bus develop.
  • IAR-STM32-SK_Demo.zip This example project shows how to use the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM to develop code for the IAR-STM32-SK evaluation board. It shows basic use of I/O, timer and the interrupt controllers. Displays running lights on the board LED s.
  • LabVIEW.rar ... .asttl~wtent and control sys· tem and it is bupetuUy to develop virtl~ instrument with more intelligence
  • ARM-software-develop.rar ARM嵌入式系统开发:软件设计与优化.pdf
  • embeded-book-develop-study.rar 周立功的《arm嵌入式系统开发软件开发实例》书籍源码,并有电子文档,与大家分享!
  • dlpiusb.zip Develop USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) projects quickly and easily using Delphi’s fasttrack approach to application development combined with the D2XX “Direct” USB drivers and devices from Future Technology Devices Intl. ( FTDI ).
  • NetCOMInterop.rar ... to .NET. But, the question still is, how do you implement the new components written in .NET in the old applications: Win32, MFC.... In this article, I will explain how to develop an application in .NET and how to use it even in a simple C++ application.