Portable Media Player library (PMPlib) is an open source project to develop a management software/library for various portable media players.
... Vista. This framework is designed to produce programs with a similar look and feel to those created using MFC. It can develop applications based on simple windows, dialogs, frames and MDI frames. The frames produced by Win32++ have the following features: ...
STM32 Quick Referenceaug10
STM32 Develop Manual
详细介绍了arm的开发,其中包括编程模型,指令系统,程序设计基础,应用系统设计与调试,部件工作原理与编程示例,嵌入式uClinux 及其应用开发,ARM ADS 集成开发环境的使用
决策树分类,Your task for this project is to develop an system which performs a classification task with any various Decision Tree.
Welcome to Practical WPF Graphics Programming. This book will provide all
the tools you need to develop professional graphics applications using the
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and C# based on the .NET framework.
I hope this book would be ...
... .
The Windows Presentation Foundation is a vital component to the future of application
development, allowing developers to take control of the sheer power that is available at the
desktop to develop rich, interactive, media-enhanced user interfaces.