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  • perl561src.gz ... download cables - Serial port for MasterBlaster communications cable * TCP/IP networking protocol installed * Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later, or Windows XP * Internet Explorer 5.0 or later Memory & Disk Space Requirements USB开发
  • 磁盘空间.zip 一个示例程序,调用API取得硬盘使用情况,支持大硬盘。
  • diskperf.rar The DiskPerf filter driver monitors disk-accesses, capturing performance data.
  • fpfilter.rar FPFilter is a sample disk filter driver that demonstrates how a disk failure prediction filter driver could be implemented. A failure prediction filter driver can predict when a disk may fail and notify the disk driver stack of this condition.
  • flpydisk.rar ... \\Ntddk\Src\Storage\Fdc\Flpydsk. It is similar to a class driver in that it sits a level above the floppy disk controller in the driver stack, and brokers communication between the application level and the low-level driver. The floppy driver takes ...
  • 数字硬盘录像机软件代码.rar 一个完整的数字硬盘录像机系统软件,包括视频数据采集与压缩录像;云台控制;接入报警与电子地图。
  • 硬盘和FAT文件系统的详细分析.rar This mainly about the Fat32/16 s specification and some instructions about build the USB Disk ect.
  • defrag2k.rar 又一个关于磁盘碎片整理的最新源代码。 发布于2005/08/04 Free disk defragmentation utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP. Very small and very fast, with very little CPU and memory overhead. Especially useful for unattended servers in a lights-out computer hotel, but also great for ...
  • win98seusb.rar 在Win98下U盘的万能驱动,适用98下任何U盘的安装
  • 虚拟磁盘.zip 在WINDOWS下模式磁盘,是核心编程部分,采用DDK+C环境,可以对磁盘结构和利用有明确的认识