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  • novell.zip 本磁片共分四个档案及一个 Sample 目录 : Volume in drive C has no label Volume Serial Number is 0833-1AE4 Directory of C:\BOOK\NET-CALL\DISK . <DIR> 09-01-92 3:17a .. <DIR> 09-01-92 3:17a READ ME 3411 08-30-92 6:15p 文字说明档 NET C 111769 08-31-92 ...
  • vc++kz.rar The programs and applications on this disk have been carefully tested, but are not guaranteed for any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information ...
  • efiramdisk.zip EFI(Extensible Firmware Interface)是下一代BIOS,正逐步取代BIOS成为计算机的FIRMWARE标准。它是 Intel 为全新类型的 PC 固件的体系结构、接口和服务提出的建议标准。其主要目的是为了提供一组在 OS 加载之前(启动前)在所有平台上一致的、正确指定的启动环境.EFI的国际标准组织是UEFI。 efiramdisk.zip:提供EFI平台下的RAM DISK的源码,使得计算机在EFI环境下,就能够把部分内存映像成为一个具体物理硬盘,加速文件的访问和操作。
  • usbeject_src.rar.zip This article shows you how to programmatically eject USB removable disk drives using .NET, with a sample GUI application.
  • TCCAT.Rar A Disk Cataloger with Turbo C Source Code.
  • serialdiskandcup.rar java use jni to get disk and cup serial
  • ppcboot-1.0.6.rar 嵌入式linux的bsp,支持powerpc系列cpu,包括网卡、CompactFLash、ATA disk boot 等驱程。
  • DDK_BCHKD_Custom_Events.rar RAM Disk Driver with custom BoundsChecker events This sample illustrates how to add custom BoundsChecker events to a DDK driver. It ... only. Generally the Windows NT cache manager does a much better job of optimizing memory usage than using a RAM disk.
  • hdd.zip hard disk drive spindle motor control simulink, show you how to keep the speed at a level
  • CNFv2.zip hard disk drive servo control tools, it is very helpful