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  • DataBurn.zip ... some of the features of DRTracks. The sample illustrates how to create a DRFolder from an existing folder on the source disk and burn it to disc, creating a hybrid ISO9660/Joliet/HFS+ data CD. The sample also uses the DiscRecordingUI framework to present ...
  • GridDiskManager.rar 网络共享磁盘,用于局域网内共享磁盘空间以及文件共享,类似于Ocean Disk
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  • drbd8_wpnr.rar DRBD Replicated Storage with Shared Disk Semantics
  • cy3654_and_cy3654_po2_18.rar The floppy disk included with distribution contains the cyasm.exe and sample source files. Copy the executable file to a working directory, or to a directory included in your search path.
  • SourceCode.rar DOC-C51 Disk On CHip Driver using 8051
  • sf_virtualdisk.zip This device driver implements KMDF based virtual bus driver and generic virtual disk hosted on it. Users can add virtual disks to Windows OS which are then seen and managed by OS as generic, regular disks. Virtual disks are plug in/out with cmdln utility. ...
  • disk.rar OICQ漏洞利用演示程序,包含了winrar漏洞利用、oicq漏洞利用的,vb演示程序,仅供学习参考