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  • FATEnglish.rar This mainly about the Fat32/16 s specification and some instructions about build the USB Disk ect.
  • AT91USBFramework-Core1.02+MSD1.0.zip ... by ATMEL, as well as a Mass storage driver. The MSD driver uses the internal flash of the chip to operate as a disk-on-key. The following files are included : - core/ -> Source code for the framework core -> Makefile for the core - ...
  • GoogleEarthGrabber.rar Tool to grab and save to disk in jpeg very large (any!) part and zome of Google Earth map in maximal resolution. GoogleEarth COM API used, GoogleEarth must be installed. To seamless compose of resulting jpeg images convert it to tiff, use ...
  • U_Disk_Reference_Design.zip U-disk reference design
  • vdr-1.7.4.rar vdr-1.7.4 Linux Video Disk Recorder
  • file.rar 文件系统Nucleus file的资源包,以RAM disk为例进行驱动验证。包含一系列文件打开、删除、复制等等操作。
  • Navigation.rar ... for robot Motion, to avoid % Obstactles % Inputs : User enter number of obstacles % User defines obstacles and start and goal point, by clicking mouse % Output: Obstacle free path plotted % Video of the run saved to hard disk
  • Potential_fn.rar ... for robot Motion, to avoid % Obstactles % Inputs : User enter number of obstacles % User defines obstacles and start and goal point, by clicking mouse % Output: Obstacle free path plotted % Video of the run saved to hard disk
  • Bug2.rar ... for robot Motion, to avoid % Obstactles % Inputs : User enter number of obstacles % User defines obstacles and start and goal point, by clicking mouse % Output: Obstacle free path plotted % Video of the run saved to hard disk
  • BugZero.rar ... for robot Motion, to avoid % Obstactles % Inputs : User enter number of obstacles % User defines obstacles and start and goal point, by clicking mouse % Output: Obstacle free path plotted % Video of the run saved to hard disk