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  • disk.rar 用Ext实现的简单的上传和下载。没有使用数据库可直接运行 Myeclipse
  • 2312.tar.gz SCSI-ASPI Compiler program Disk Tools Speech-Voice recognition/combine Editor Kill Virus MultiLanguage FlashMX MPI source in ebook Delphi VCL OS Develop MiddleWare MacOS develop
  • WinImagev850.rar ... and fileystems, including DMF, VHD, FAT, ISO, NTFS and Linux. The disk image is an exact copy of a physical disk (floppy, ... the original structure. With WinImage in place, you can recreate the disk image on the hard drive or other media, view its content, ...
  • Desktop3.zip the tools for the disk to be installed and partitioned
  • VaporCDSource141.zip CD ROM emulator! It can create a copy of a CD on your hard disk and mount it as if it were the real CD. It currently works with Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000
  • Partition_Magic8.05.rar a useual Partition Software,help user repartition your disk
  • DiskDrives.zip This standard defines the AT Attachment Interface. This standard defines an integrated bus interface between disk drives and host processors. It provides a common point of attachment for systems manufacturers, system integrators, and suppliers of ...
  • linuxvi.rar ... 一个开源的 vi 复制 Stevie 开始,开发了 Vim 的 1.0 版本。最初的目标只是完全复制 vi 的功能,那个时候的 Vim 是Vi IMitation(模拟)的简称。1991 年 Vim 1.14 版被 "Fred Fish Disk #591" 这个 Amiga 用的免费软体集所收录了。1992 年 1.22 版本的 Vim 被移植到了 UNIX 和 MS-DOS 上。从那个时候开始,Vim 的全名就变成 Vi IMproved(改良)了。
  • diskscheduling.rar This project is Disk Scheduling which is written in c++ language.
  • PCM_WAVE.rar ... the .WAV file from the disk into memory (parsing .WAV file s RIFF structure) Save the .WAV file from memory to the disk (creating .WAV file s RIFF structure) Playing the .WAV file using the default WAVE_MAPPER device Offline mixing of the two .WAV ...