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  • delphifr_MEMORISER-DONNEES-DANS-EXE___Page.zip ... current (and it does not care) - Can not write in the current file name or ANY (Windows XP uses a "pointer" on the disk and not the name, to block access) - You can make a copy of the EXE current (therefore changeable writing) So: 1 - BAK ...
  • DiskSector.zip This source code is to read disk data .
  • driveinfo.rar complete labview library for disk drive information
  • K2_Protocol_Developers_Guide.rar AMP stands for Advanced Media Protocol. AMP commands are a list of commands specified in the “Video Disk Recorder Command and Control Specification” from Odetics Broadcast Corporation as well as new and extended commands added by Grass Valley.
  • AMP_glance.rar ... . AMP at a Glance provides a high level overview of the Advanced Media Protocol, explaining new features and advantages offered by this protocol. This document is intended to help developers understand AMP and apply it to video disk recorder control.
  • angs.rar Anagrams finder in Scheme, load anagrams list from disk, then searches corresponding anagram in list. Run using Dr. Scheme.
  • DiskEncryption.zip program for crypt hard disk
  • getdiskfree.zip VB5 demo program shows the MS recommended way to determine at runtime whether to call GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() API which can handle FAT32 large disk partitions or the older GetDiskFreeSpace() API.
  • vxworks54TwoHardDiskConnect.rar vxworks5.4 two hard disk connect
  • DiskUsage.rar Disk usage program to check disk usage of special part of your hardware. seample you give a specified place on your disck and if gous.