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  • VB_test_U_disk.rar VB检测U盘插入并自动复制指定文件VB test U disk and automatically copy specified file into
  • VB_Programming_System_Information_disk_free_space. VB编程实现系统信息_磁盘剩余空间VB Programming System Information _ disk free space
  • Advanced_hard_disk_VB_code_information.rar VB高级硬盘信息获取程序源代码Advanced hard disk VB source code access to information
  • Premium_VB_magnetic_disk_information_detection_too 高级版VB磁(硬)盘信息检测工具Premium VB magnetic (hard) disk information detection tools
  • SaveLoadUDT.zip VB6 - How to save/load UDT arrays to disk
  • FSFDISK.zip FSFDISK.COM : Fixed disk partitioning utility (standalone msdos program -which does not use MSDOS INT 21h functions-) for singlix (or another) fs. MASM style ASM source code
  • DISK_SCH.zip this is disk scheduling program in os
  • fdd.rar Embedded CE 6.0 Bootloader for Floppy disk
  • CDiskImage.zip A disk image access class.
  • bmorph.zip Binary erosion and dilation, with fast iterative calls. For any structuring element other than square or disk this function is way faster than imerode.m and imdilate.m (more than an order of magnitude). It s also handy when you don t have the ...