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  • cave.rar This document describes detailed cryptographic procedures for wireless system applications
  • SAX_Parser_Application.rar SAX parser in java to read XML document
  • dml-2.2.5.b8.tar.gz dml-2.2.5.b8.tar.gz(xml, html document)
  • LinuxSysCalls.rar This document describes the interface between HLA and Linux via direct system calls. The HLA Standard Library provides a header file with a set of important constants, data types, and procedure prototypes that you can use to make Linux system calls.
  • MSDNXmlEditorDemo.rar ... Explorer 6 behavior used to implement a demo WYSIWYG XML document editor, shows features that make WYSIWYG XML content editing easy ... native XML editing available with edit view icons to access control attributes or fields in the underlying XML document.
  • Postfix.rar Java编写后缀表达式计算器, 用于输出生成后缀表达式, 程序包含完整的Document和测试运行环境
  • TaxCalculator.rar Java编写个人所得税计算器, 可以自定义所得税表进行运算, 程序包含完整的Document和测试运行环境
  • Chat.rar Java编写即时聊天工具, 拥有注册登陆群聊私聊等功能, 程序包含完整的Document和测试运行环境
  • Agenda.rar Java编写个人日程管理工具, 具有添加编辑日程和自动适应功能, 程序包含完整的Document和测试运行环境
  • ExprEval.rar Java编写的表达式计算器, 即可以像我们书写表达式那样直接输入计算表达式, 程序自动进行运算, 支持加减乘除幂运算以及判断表达式如A?B C, 程序包含完整的Document和测试运行环境