... fairly thin extension that makes it easy to protect file downloads using nginx's internal redirects. It works something like ... direct people there).
### In capistrano
Ideally we will be storing downloads in the shared directory rather than in /current, so ...
for creating and managing downloadable files controlled by object-specific permissions
I have a need of access controlled downloads. ie: you must be authenticated
to the site, and given specific ...
Adds protected digital downloads capabilities the Webiva-shop module
Module providing digital download library functionality for Webiva shop module
All Code Copyright (c) 2010 Cykod LLC
... a given magento module on your geckoboard
# Magento Module Downloads Stats for Geckoboard
Given a id of a ... increase/decrease from previous week.
e.g. BASE_URL/module/downloads/480
* Author : Tom Robertshaw ()
## Examples
Download manager in the tab.
# about downloads #
Simple jetpack add-on creating "about:downloads" url, for opening download
manager in tab.
... way)
Include the latest [gem](http://rubygems.org/gems/refinerycms-downloads) into your Refinery CMS application's Gemfile:
gem " ... .
Then add a User and give him Role access Downloads.
Then add the following lines to your ApplicationController in ...
... out of your downloads directory into monthly archive directories
= rotate-downloads
Description goes here.
== Contributing to rotate-downloads
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed ...
... : Downloads. Use it to create custom pages for your downloads and restrict them to users/roles.
Plugin sponsored by ... please check the [github issues page](http://github.com/stas/simple-downloads/issues).
== Changelog ==
= 0.1 =
* First stable release.
... in the 1.3.x series__**
Upgrade of original (PostNuke) Downloads module for Zikula 1.3.x with
significantly reduced ... Added features
- Improved security stuff for managing files
- Added downloads-link to the user account board
- Added user menu ...