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  • libecc-0.5.0.tar.gz C++写的椭圆曲线加密算法库源码
  • aaa0001.rar This the standard to learn. Please let me download E
  • NAND_Controller_and_ECC_VHDL.zip NAND Flash Controller & ECC VHDL Code
  • VHDLexample49.rar VHDL的49个例子,例子丰富,有计数器、状态机、寄存器、汉明纠错码编码器、游戏程序
  • tn2905.rar Micron 公司的NAND flash ECC模块技术文档。
  • AdHoc.rar Ad Hoc网是一种不依赖于任何固定基础设施、没有中心控制节点、计算资源受限的新型无线移动网络.基于ECC(elliptic curves cryptography),提出了一个新的适用于Ad Hoc网的具有口令认证和共享口令进化的多方密钥协商方案.口令 ...
  • ecc.js Elliptic curve cryptography functions for node.js # ecc.js Elliptic curve cryptographic functions for node.js ## Attention! Disclaimer! Do ... security in a production environment. If you want to use ECC in production, please use a library such as [NaCl]( ...
  • jiechen-ecc-controler jiechen ipad application, ecc-controler
  • reedsolomon-ecc ... Reed-Solomon ECC generator in Java. Intended for use with raw NAND page access. Currently only supports generation of Reed-Solomon ECC data. Derived from TI DaVinci Flash and Boot Utilities under GPL, so this code is also under the GPL.
  • danter-php-ecc ... ## Pure PHP Elliptic Curve DSA and DH I originally created this repository for convenient hosting of [Mátyás Danter](https://github.com/mdanter)'s PHP ECC library. He has now published it in his [own repository](https://github.com/mdanter/phpecc).