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  • 基于ECC和数字水印的感知哈希值安全传输研究 基于ECC和数字水印的感知哈希值安全传输研究
  • 一种基于多速率LDPC的闪存新解决方案以减少ECC冗余 一种基于多速率LDPC的闪存新解决方案以减少ECC冗余
  • 在安全ECC生成中实现Weil定理的简单方法 在安全ECC生成中实现Weil定理的简单方法
  • 一种改进的基于ECC的免配对密钥协商协议 一种改进的基于ECC的免配对密钥协商协议
  • ecc ECC WORK
  • ecc-lib-win32 ... it just copy the files provided here to the distribution directory of ECC-LIB 2.0 and overwrite the existing files there, then ... to define _NTRG_WIN32_, include the relevant header files and link against ecc.lib and gmp.lib. In the directory bin/ you can ...
  • ecc-lib-wince ... it just copy the files provided here to the distribution directory of ECC-LIB 2.0 and overwrite the existing files there, then ... to define _NTRG_WINCE_, include the relevant header files and link against ecc.lib and gmp.lib. In the directory bin/ you can ...
  • Scala-Ecc ... probably I messed in some places. But testing so far showed it works as it should. Feedback and forks are welcome. ```scala import ecc._ import scala.util.Random object TestEcc { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val text = "This text will ...
  • ECC ... Encontro de Casais # ECCAPP - Gestão de Pessoas no Encontro de Casais com Cristo [*ECC*](http://www.deltasigma.com.br/ecc) Esta aplicação foi desenvolvida por solicitação do Casal Diocesano da [Diocese de Amparo (SP)](http://www.diocesedeamparo. ...
  • Capstone-ECC-Project ... commit' git remote add origin git@github.com:hsingh6764/Capstone-ECC-Project.git git push -u origin master Existing Git ... cd existing_git_repo git remote add origin git@github.com:hsingh6764/Capstone-ECC-Project.git git push -u origin master