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  • LCDScreen.rar ... It is fully customizable and has animation and special effects capabilities for the displayed text. TLCDScreen is the display component and TLCDAnimator the animation one. Both have build-in Property editor making easier the development at design-time.
  • OptimizationTipsandTricks.zip ... for their own problems. Use this tool by editing the file optimtips.m, then execute blocks of code in cell mode from the editor, or best, publish the file to HTML. Copy and paste also works of course. Some readers may find this tool valuable if only ...
  • src.rar Java Bytecode Editor 是一个 JAVA 的字节码反汇编和修改器。它可以很方便的修改已经编译成 Class 文件的 JAVA 文件。
  • npp.4.2.src.zip Notepad++ is a generic source code editor (it tries to be anyway) and Notepad replacement written in C++ with the win32 API. The aim of Notepad++ is to offer a slim and efficient binary with a totally customizable GUI.
  • org.python.pydev.feature-src-1_3_9.zip Python Development Environment (Python IDE plugin for Eclipse). Features editor, code completion, refactoring, outline view, debugger, and other goodies - check http://pydev.sf.net)
  • ppt_text_e2084559242007.zip a simple text editor that allows users to easily save to a batch file, a ppt277 file or a visual basic module file. watch the video at
  • shiftlog_stable_1.9.4.zip The Shift Log is a database entry and display system that is built off of PHP and MySQL. The log uses a basic user authentication system to ensure user accountability and log integrity. It also has a RTF editor integrated into it.
  • LocalizeRC.zip This tool, called LocalizeRC, scans Resource Scripts and extracts the language specific strings into an INI file. This file can be edited with any text editor. It then creates a new Resource Script with the translated strings from the INI file.
  • Editor.rar 最近些的一些小程序,满实用的,与大家分享
  • perlbox-voice-0.09.noarch.rar Perlbox Voice is an voice enabled application to bring your desktop under your command. With a single word, you can start your web browser, your favorite editor or whatever you want. This is the Linux and Unix voice recognition solution