特别注意: 本精华集中有一些实例(附件里)涉及到一些外壳,另外,Exploit Me挑战赛中一些实例涉及到Exploit实例,因此杀毒软件把这些外壳或Exploit实例报成病毒或木马。读者见到这些报告,可以不必慌张。 文件组成: 2005-05-23 21:20 225,192 index.chm 论坛全集主文件 MD5值:81508F57AB7A22F07C
缓冲区溢出攻击教程(buffer overflow attack)
Code文件夹中为书中部分程序代码,列表如下: .\code\第3章\Blackice ICQ iss_pam1.dll remote overflow exploit.C .\code\第3章\CCProxy 6.2 Telnet Proxy Ping远程栈溢出POC.txt .\code\第3章\CCproxy 6.5 Connect BufferOverflow POC.pl .\co
One of the most significant new features with Delphi32 is long dynamic strings. However, the built-in functions don't really exploit the full potential of these new strings. HyperString pr
dedecms v5.5 final getwebshell exploit code by xxcvb mail: xxcvb@usa.com blog: http://bbs.seceye.org +---------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------- Usage: php
C++ Unleashed is a survey of advanced topics in C++. The goal of this book is to provide a focused examination of each of these topics, covering the essential information you need to fully exploit
网络安全实验报告,以windows2000server虚拟机为测试对象,修改 server.cpp和exploit.c,利用shellcode_port_bind给 出的shellcode,远程获得CMD,并启动目标机器的ftp服务。从而熟悉了windows下ftp服务的开启以及关闭。
当年非常恶心的震荡波代码... :) ROMANIAN SECURITY RESEARCH 2004 - Sasser Worm ftpd Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit sasser v[a-e] exploit (of its ftpd server) exploit version 1.3, not private anymore author: m
技艺清湛的黑客攻击技术基础。 黑客攻击是创造性的问题求解艺术.可以用来寻找某一难题的非常规解决方案或者发掘脆程序中的漏洞。 许多人称他们自己为黑客,但几乎没有人具备作为一个成功的黑客必须具备的坚实的技术基础。《黑客之道:漏洞发掘的艺术》讲解每一个真正的黑客都应该知道的知识。尽管许多描写黑客攻击的书向你介绍了如何运行其他人的exploit,但没有真正讲解技术细节。《黑客之道:漏洞发掘的艺术》介