这个是百度批量的。自己保存为xx.php <...$exploit=Getshell($url); if (...% 5BGLOBALS%5D%5Bcfg_dbname%5D=de...
Salesforce Customer portal构建指南
The Salesforce Customer Portal enables you to fully exploit the capabilities of the Web as the ideal channel to deliver superior
self-service while at the same time lowering the cost of serving your c
The number of security countermeasures against user-land exploitation is on the rise. Because of this, kernel exploitation is becoming much more popular among exploit writers and attackers. Playing wi
A Bug Hunter's Diary
Along the way you'll learn how to:
Use field-tested techniques to find bugs, like identifying and tracing user input data and reverse engineering
Exploit vulnerabilities like NULL pointer dereferenc
This paper proposes an efficient resource-optimal key predistribution
scheme for providing improved security in wireless sensor networks.
We exploit the advantages of two schemes with some modificatio
MVVM Demo for WPF
Having helped alot of people on the MSDN Forum in the WPF section, I tend to see alot of people who fail to exploit the benefits of DataBinding in WPF, and not enough people are aware o