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  • jme.rar jME(jMonkey Engine)是一个基于场景图(scene graph)、高性能的图形API。jME设计的思想主要来源于David Eberly所写的《3D Game Engine Design》一书。jME是一个使用Java语言编写的图形绘制引擎。
  • cast2src.zip this is a sample game engine. source code. cast engine 2.
  • GraphicsHandler.zip This is a Graphics Handler for bitmaps that are used to describe object or player positions in a game. The use of these bitmaps can also be used to facilitate sprites. The movement of the sprites is done in the Game Engine.
  • CrayonCannonExample.zip 微软提供的Silverlight Game Engine,很有用的奥
  • XapandTestPage.zip Silverlight Game Engine,其实我们在做视频和动画时也可以用啊
  • RenderEngineAPIBeta1_2.zip The Render Engine is a cross-browser, open source game engine written entirely in Javascript. Designed from the ground up, it is easy to use and extend. The engine runs on a wide variety of browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
  • pathfinder2b.zip A demo about find path on HGE. Haaf s Game Engine - Hardware accelerated 2D game engine
  • tcc-0.9.25-win32-bin.zip this an tiny c complier to work with lua game engine...
  • IntroductionTo3DGameEngineDesignUsingDirectX9.rar This text shows how to develop a complete 3D game engine, write games using C#, DirectX 9, and the .NET Framework, and go beyond simple graphics to explore audio, user input, artificial intelligence, and multiplayer design
  • Engine.rar 最经典的横版闯关类jme手机游戏引擎,基于它可以开发手机报超级玛丽等游戏