... distinct network paths between a source-destination pair. Given a directed graph as input, write a program that uses depth-first search ... . The input is the adjacency matrix of a directed acyclic graph and a pair(s) of source and destination vertices and ...
... a program to decide if a graph has a cycle or not. The given graph can be a directed or undirected graph, which is indicated at the time of reading the input (0 for directed graph and 1 for undirected graphs). The input is given as an adjacency list.
Shortest Paths with Multiplicative Cost. In a given undirected graph, the path cost is measured as a product of all the edges ... or integers (2, 3). There are no negative edges. Given such a graph as input, you are to output the shortest path between any two ...
... is chosen as the shortest path. Given this metric, you have find out the shortest path between a given pair of vertices in the input graph. The output should be the number of edges on the path, the cost of the shortest path, and the path itself. Input is ...
Edge Disjoint Cycles. You are given an input graph that is either directed or undirected. Write a program that reads in a vertex number and lists the number of edge disjoint cycles that start and end at this vertex. The output should also list the edges ...
1.7.1 图的邻接矩阵存储表示 311
范例1-102 图的邻接矩阵存储表示
∷相关函数:CreateFAG函数 CreateDG函数
1.7.2 图的邻接表存储表示 324
范例1-103 图的邻接表存储表示 324
1.7.3 有向图的十字链表存储表示 335
范例1-104 有向图的十字链表存储表示 335
1.7.4 无向图的邻接多重表存储表示 344
范例1-105 无向图的邻接多重表存储表示 344 ...