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  • Preciseinterproceduraldataflowanalysisviagraphreac Precise interprocedural dataflow analysis via graph reachability
  • gSpan4.tar.gz gSpan is a software package of mining frequent graphs in a graph database. Given a collection of graphs and a minimum support threshold, gSpan is able to find all of the subgraphs whose frequency is above the threshold. The details of gSpan can be found ...
  • graphics-using-c++.rar this is a math fuctions to create the different type of graph by using the mathematical formula. (chaos)
  • M.rar Implementation of Edmonds Karp algorithm that calculates maxFlow of graph. Input: For each test case, the first line contains the number of vertices (n) and the number of arcs (m). Then, there exist m lines, one for each arc (source vertex, ending ...
  • K.rar Implementations of a queue in C with algoritmo BFS, that calculates the minimum distance in a graph.
  • Graph.rar 图的生成:创建,DJISKAL算法实现,连接矩阵的本地输入
  • howto_graph_db_data.rar This program is only to show how to make graph if data in database
  • how_to_make_mschart_graph_database.rar this application is only to show how to make mschar graph database
  • RIPprogram.rar a RIP distance vector implementation for a simple graph