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  • attdyn_DCM.zip Applied Mathematics in INS by Robert Rogers. Chapter 5 supplement materials which include Strap down INS equations for attitude,position,error model,and geodetic calculations in NED coordinates.The software is written in Matlab.
  • error_model.zip Applied Mathematics in INS by Robert Rogers. Chapter 5 supplement materials which include Strap down INS equations for attitude, position, error model, and geodetic calculations in NED coordinates. The software is written in Matlab.
  • geonav_NED.zip Applied Mathematics in INS by Robert Rogers. Chapter 5 supplement materials which include Strap down INS equations for attitude, position, error model, and geodetic calculations in NED coordinates. The software is written in Matlab.
  • Test.rar Two-way circular list of plug-ins, just as a test to use, the program relatively short, simple functions
  • contributingtoeclipse.zip Contributing to Eclipse - Principles, Patterns, and Plug-Ins from Erich Gamma and Kent Beck, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003
  • buildingplugins.zip Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins (2nd Edition) from Eric Clayberg and Dan Rubel, Addison-Wesley Professional 2006
  • Flashbackup_3.0.53_Serial.rar plug ins para windows muito bom
  • GPS-INS.rar 惯性导航+GPS组合导航,经典算法,不要错过。
  • SINS_Kalman.rar 卡尔曼滤波程序 GPS/INS 组合导航例子
  • IntegratedNavigationSystem.rar 文针对 INS/ GPS舰船用组合导航系统进行 研究,为提高 INS 误差的修正精度,采用高精度 GPS姿态测量系统为 INS提供外部修正信息,以增 强系统的观测量.在对自适应卡尔曼滤波器分析的 基础上,提出了一种新的基于新息估计的自适应卡 尔曼滤波算法,以解决外部量测噪声出现不确定强 度变化问题.