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  • PCA+LDAVC.rar 结合PCA+LDA的图像识别算法VC封装类,可以运行,效果还可以
  • LDAretrievalNew.rar 使用LDA实现三维模型相关反馈的算法注:1、使用本系统必须在本地计算机上安装matlab 2、算法使用的三维模型特征向量是从PSB模型库中自动提取的DESIRE三维模型特征向量 3、本系统自带评测机制
  • rspcafnni.rar 该程序分为两部分:一、为pca+粗糙集+模糊神经网络 二、为pca+lda+粗糙集+模糊神经网络.还有ORL人脸库,和实验结果,希望对研究这方面的人有帮助
  • lucene-lda ... .dat` and `theta.dat`. * You have not yet run LDA on the input corpus, and you feed only the ... ---------------------- Simply type: ant jar ant test DEPENDENCIES ------------ lucene-lda depends on Apache Lucene, MALLET, Apache Commons, Apache ...
  • vim-syntax-lda ... syntaxe de Vim pour le langage de description d'algorithmes (LDA) tel qu'enseigné à l'ESI (Bruxelles) # Vim : coloration syntaxique ... END ``` Éditez vos fichiers d'algorithmes avec l'extension `.lda` afin que Vim reconnaisse la syntaxe. N'hésitez pas à ...
  • R-lda Latent Dirichlet allocation package for R # R-lda Latent Dirichlet allocation package for R
  • tcp.lda Use LDA to prioritize test cases tcp.lda ======= AUTHOR ------ [Stephen W. Thomas](http://research.cs.queensu.ca/~sthomas/) <lda works statically on the content of the test cases ...
  • LDA-VEM Variational EM implementation for LDA, MedLDA, Non-parametric LDA, Labeled LDA, DSLDA and many others! LDA-VEM ======= Variational EM implementation for LDA, MedLDA, Non-parametric LDA, Labeled LDA, DSLDA and many others!
  • lda-album-recommender lda based album recommender for lastfm users **out of date – a new one is under way** # lda-based lastfm-recommender (nicer name still needs to be determined)
  • lda lda ===