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  • statistic-mandelbrot.rar 使用静态调度的mandelbrot集的并行实现。 运用了mpi编程技术
  • mpi-kmp.rar 详细的kmp并行算法实现源代码,在机群系统上适用,并附加详细的算法说明
  • quicksort.zip This code is an MPI version of the sorting algorithm QuickSort in c++. The partitioning step is meda sequantially, but the split and merge steps are made using Send and Recieve methods.
  • MPI_Jacoobi.rar 使用MPI组件实现对Jacoobi迭代的并行计算,提高计算效率。
  • align_rgb.zip Image processing in MPI
  • 20000802.zip Aplicatie MPI in procesare imagini,.
  • proj1.rar example MPI. This is only a test so that you can understand better the MPI idea/
  • cavity_explicit_cavity_mpi.rar Solution of Navier-Stocks equations with explicit scheme for Cavity parallelized for MPP systems with MPI
  • 2002.1-bitonic-sort.cpp.gz Código que paraleliza o algoritmo BIOTONIC usando MPI.
  • BukuPrak-MPI-4.rar Microprocessor percabangan bersyarat