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  • AM.rar I analysis the undermodulation,total modulation and over modulation.And the power distribution ,spectrum.you can understand the basic of am.
  • pwm.rar 脉宽调制(PWM的全称是Pulse Width Modulation(脉冲宽度调制))是利用微处理器的数字输出来对模拟电路进行控制的一种非常有效的技术,广泛应用在从测量、通信到功率控制与变换的许多领域中。
  • ADPCM.rar ADPCM(Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation),是一种针对 16bits( 或8bits或者更高) 声音波形数据的一种有损压缩算法,它将声音流中每次采样的 16bit 数据以 4bit 存储,所以压缩比 1:4. 而且压缩/解压缩算法非常简单,所以是一种低空间消耗,高质量高效率声音获得的好途径。保存声音的数据文件后缀名为 .AUD 的大多用ADPCM 压缩。
  • tuner.rar Frequency Modulation
  • lab24c.rar 32QAM modulation with RRC filter via Monte Carlo of Bertool
  • lab2.rar 32QAM modulation 3 different kinds of conditions
  • lab24b.rar 32qam modulation with gray code on Monte Carlo
  • FPGA-based-DAC.rar 用fpga实现的DA转换器,有说明和源码,VDHL文件。 A PLD Based Delta-Sigma DAC Delta-Sigma modulation is the simple, yet powerful, technique responsible for the extraordinary performance and low cost of today s audio CD players. The simplest Delta-Sigma DAC consists of a ...
  • MIMO(OFDM)simulator.rar This project demonstrates OFDM with adaptive modulation applied to Multiple-Input Multiple- Output (MIMO) systems. The analysis and ... -Output (SISO) OFDM system. The second stage applies adaptive modulation to a general MIMO system by making use of ...
  • pwm_1.rar The PWM_1 project is a simple program for the STM32F103RBT6 using Keil MCBSTM32 Evaluation Board and demonstrating the use of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) with Timer TIM4.