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  • trelliscodedmodulation.rar very famous paper on trellis coded modulation.
  • lssb.zip Demonstration script for LSSB-AM modulation. The message signal is +1 for 0 < t < t0/3, -2 for t0/3 < t < 2t0/3, and zero otherwise.
  • fm.rar Matlab demonstration script for frequency modulation.供刚接触到matlab的朋友使用
  • Am.rar % am.m % Matlab demonstration script for DSB-AM modulation. The message signal % is +1 for 0 < t < t0/3, -2 for t0/3 < t < 2t0/3 and zero otherwise.
  • Lssb.rar % lssb.m % Matlab demonstration script for LSSB-AM modulation.
  • MT31.rar Modulation Tools, 配合labview对调制解调库
  • commdoc_rrc.rar Modify the Gray-coded modulation example (COMMDOC_GRAY) so that it uses a pair of square root raised cosine filters to perform pulse shaping and matched filtering at the transmitter and receiver, respectively.
  • gary_code.rar Modify the modulation example (COMMDOC_MOD) so that it uses a Gray-coded signal constellation.
  • Using_a_Raised_Cosine_Filter.rar Modify the modulation example (COMMDOC_MOD) so that it uses a Gray-coded signal constellation.
  • 27796684bch_euc.rar ... . According to Prof. Zhang s requirement, this exercise mainly focuses on the BER performance of some wireless communication system using specific coding and modulation type through the AWGN channel. Signal-to-Noise ration (SNR) varies from 5dB to 20dB.