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  • PWMSound.rar 脉冲宽度调制(PWM)是英文“Pulse Width Modulation”的缩写,简称脉宽调制。它是利用微处理器的数字输出来对模拟电路进行控制的一种非常有效的技术,广泛应用于测量,通信,功率控制与变换等许多领域。一种模拟控制方式,根据相应载荷的变化来调制晶体管栅极或基极的偏置,来实现开关稳压电源输出晶 体管或晶体管导通时间的改变,这种方式能使电源的输出电压在工作条件变化时保持恒定。  脉冲宽
  • MCCDMA2003.rar MC-CDMA System Using Unitary Space-Time Modulation on Down-link Broadband Mobile Radio Communication
  • pwm.zip Pulse Width modulation techniques for motor control.
  • DS_CDMA_Detector.rar These files in Matlab implement a conventional DS -CDMA detector using QPSK modulation and matched filters in the receiver.
  • DigitalModulation.rar Digital Modulation in Communications Systems - Agilent .pdf
  • hilbert_transformer_latest.tar.gz The Hilbert Transform is an important component in communication systems, e.g. for single sideband modulation/demodulation, amplitude and phase detection, etc. It can be formulated as filtering operation which makes it possible to approximate the Hilbert ...
  • Desktop.rar Digital communication modulation types inclded in this package. I hope it will be useful for your use.
  • pcm.zip pulse code modulation code in matlab.
  • XPM.zip Simulates nonlinear effect in optical fiber called Cross Phase Modulation for symmetric regime
  • 123.rar Qpsk Modulation and demodulation.