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  • 312.rar It is again about modulation techniques
  • Maths_eval1965111142006.zip This program evaluates mathematical expressions to output a single number e.g. 1+1 will give 2. It can handle brackets indices and modulation(rounding) as well and ordinary operators.
  • work.rar ... shift keying (FSK) is the most common form of digital modulation in the high-frequency radio spectrum, and has important ... . This article provides a general tutorial on FSK in its many forms. Both modulation and demodulation schemes will be discussed
  • ASK.mdl.zip This is matlab model for ASK modulation techniques.
  • ASKmodel.mdl.zip This is matlab model for ASK modulation techniques.
  • pwm.rar AT89S51单片机 输出Pulse Width Modulation Wave
  • BPSK.rar modulation bpsk information
  • Mimo_system.rar Arbitrary transmitting antenna, receiving antenna arbitrary STBC-MIMO-OFDM the MATLAB program, including the integrity of PSK modulation, STBC encoding, such as channel estimation.
  • modulation.rar The implementation of ASK OOK FSK and BPSK in MATLAB. I think it is useful to some friends. Thanks.
  • qpsk.rar Passing signal to AWGN channel after QPSK modulation and plotting BER at SNR