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  • extended_reciever.zip ... be assessed by the measurement of the bit error rate (BER). The Simulink model provided is a rectangular polar pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) baseband system with an AWGN channel and an extended sample and hold receiver with a low pass filter. An ...
  • LPFPAM.zip LPF Rectangular PAM Communication System. Pulse-amplitude modulation is widely used in baseband transmission of digital data, ... with non-baseband applications having been largely superseded by pulse-code modulation, and, more recently, by pulse-position ...
  • smallprograms.rar bpsk-binary phse shift keying,fsk-frequency shift keying,hamming code,pcm-pulse coded modulation,dpsk-differential phase shift keying
  • NewWinZipFile.zip QPSK modulation to send information over a channel with additive white gaussian noise
  • da1.zip ... ,num_code,modulator) Perform Maximum Likelihood Space Time Decoding. The function can be computionnaly expensive if the modulation order is too large. Input: - received signal - channel matrix: H - code_name: The code name ( ...
  • das6.zip ... HELP: coherent_ML_receiver Perform Maximum Likelihood Space Time Decoding. The function can be computionnaly expensive if the modulation order is too large. Input: - received signal - channel matrix: H - code_name: The code ...
  • Amplitude_mod_m.zip ... : ) tm=(1/fm) tc=(1/fc) nfc=40 t=0:(tc/nfc):4*tm msg=Am*cos(2*pi*fm*t) car=Ac*cos(2*pi*fc*t) Modulation dsb=msg.*car AM=(dsb/Ac)+car figure(1) subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,msg) subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,car) figure(2) subplot(2,1,1) ...
  • stm32_pwm_2.zip a simple program for the STM32F103RBT6 using Keil MCBSTM32 Evaluation Board and demonstrating the use of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) with Timer TIM4.
  • OFDM_AWGN_SIM.rar OFDM in AWGN Channel Performance Simulation , BPSK Modulation ,QPSK Modulation,16-QAM Modulation , 64-QAM Modulation,64-QAM Modulation MonteCarloSimulation
  • stbc_allmodulation.rar stbc alamouti code with all modulation scheme