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  • multi.rar 分治法实现大数乘法,时间复杂度由原来的n的三次方提高到n的log3次方,但是对数字的范围有一定的限制
  • bitmap-Multi.rar VC6.0程序,该源代码,实现了bmp格式位图的矢量化显示,可以对位图在x和y方向,任意拉伸
  • jlab.rar ... --- to redistribute. Some of the highlights are: a suite of functions for the rapid manipulation of multi-component, potentially multi-dimensional datasets a systematic way of dealing with datasets having components of non-uniform length tools for ...
  • iSIGHT_GT-Power_Coupling.rar Using 4 cylinder GT-Power model and iSIGHT, perform multi-variable, constrained,design exploration of brake torque. !Use EngCylCombSITurb model in GT-Power with knock and NOx prediction !Determine which of the independent parameters are the most ...
  • multi-client.rar 介绍如何编写支持IP组播的书籍,通过本书,你可以编写如何收指定ip组播資料的程序了
  • use_in_lock_RFID_full_.rar HF Reader System Series 6000 S6700 Multi-Protocol Transceiver IC RI-R6C-001A
  • multi-threadedFTPclient.rar This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your FtpFile application.
  • Exilty_v0.86.7_source.rar Fire is a multi-protocol instant messenger client for Mac OS X based on freely available libraries for each service. Currently Fire handles AOL Instant Messenger® , ICQ® , MSN® Messenger, Jabber, limited IRC, Yahoo!® , and Apple Bonjour ...
  • NavyBattle3_src.zip This article demonstrates how to use the multi-player online game development SDK (TGSDK), provided to third party developers, to implement the Navy Battle game. This article is inspired by Alex Cutovoi who wrote the original two part Navy Battle articles ...
  • open-iscsi-2.0-865.rar 一个iscsi实现源码,值得参考。It is a high-performance, transport independent, multi-platform implementation of RFC3720 iSCSI.