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  • pc_evectors.rar 用matlab编写的找两个输入量之间的主要特征向量,主要方法采用PCA经典算法.
  • icaMF.zip ... is assumed and the number of observations must equal the number of sources. The BFGS method [2] is used for optimization. The number of independent components are calculated using Bayes Information Criterion [3] (BIC), with PCA for dimension reduction.
  • special FastICA.rar 这次上传的代码是关于特征提取的主要算法之一:ica,其比pca要好
  • 2dpca.rar 一种新的pca方法,2dpca,有中科院的ppt及相关资料
  • pca.rar 基于主分量分析的人脸识别英文原版文章,值得借鉴。
  • pca2222222.rar pca程序,一个主分量分析程序,用于提取特征直,欢迎大家下载
  • n_pca.rar 模式识别PCA(principle component analysis)源码.matlab 格式。PCA为经典而且经常使用的算法。
  • l_ipp-PCA-MPEG4-decode_p_4[1].0.003.rar Intel提供的在Sitsang等嵌入式开发平台上使用Linux操作系统,基于IPP4.0库的MPEG4解码器源代码
  • l_ipp-PCA-MP3-encode_p_4[1].0.003.rar Intel提供的在Sitsang等嵌入式开发平台上使用Linux操作系统,基于IPP4.0库的MP3编码器源代码
  • ICA_demo_fMRI.zip ... consists of fMRI scannings of humans. Another provided by the EU sponsored MAPAWAMO project from fMRI scannings of monkeys. In the demo comparison between icaMS, icaML, icaMF, icaMF (positive sources) and PCA can be made. More detailes can found in [2].