Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • RFID_Handbook_Applications.zip RF handbook: application, technology by CRC
  • rf.asm.rar 遥控开关程序,解码2240或1527,有学码功能。
  • AT89S52_source_code.rar RF射频项目源码RF射频项目源码RF射频项目源码RF射频项目源码RF射频项目源码
  • RF_Fundamentals.rar Describe the behavior of RF Explain the properties of an RF signal Understand the nature of the intentional Radiator and EIRP
  • BlueToothTech.rar 蓝牙技术基础,讲述了蓝牙相关的协议和常见的蓝牙设备RF部分的测试,比较适合初学者。
  • WimaxRF.rar WiMAX RF Systems Engineering
  • AN_009_source_code_1_0.zip microchip CC1000,通信RF 芯片,值得搞通信的工程师下载
  • GSM_RF_interview_FAQs.rar Interview questions and tips for RF - GSM
  • MSP430_matierials.rar ... 十一 模拟设定时间和RS-485通信实验 实验十二 SPI接口扩展RF通信
  • WCandNetworksbyMD.rar ... also focuses on more advanced information about networks and applications. Chapters include: Radio Propagation and Large Scale Variations, Pulse Propagation and Channel Modelling, MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) RF Subsystems and Ad Hoc Networks.