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  • 715.rar 2.4G,rf 71225 linux driver
  • wriess.rar 无线书例程开发RF、GPRS、蓝牙等无线通信的实例代码及电路图
  • RFandWirelessechnologies.rar RF & Wireless Technologies ,本书详细介绍了无线通信RF技术的发展历程以及未来的美好蓝图。
  • 24e1.rar nordic公司单片机带rf模块的24e1的发送接收一个字节数据的代码,
  • 87106RFswith.rar 用于高频RF信号的切换,和高频继电器差不多,主要用在通讯方面
  • swrc046s.zip Smart RF studio for CC2520
  • AUTOMATIC_METER_READING.zip RF based Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting data from energy meter and transferring that data ... displays it over the LED display. It also transmit the data over RF. The datas are also stored in the EEPROM. At the ...
  • 80315592Optimization.pdf.zip FL Packet Data Scheduler (aka Radio Resource Manager and RF Scheduler) is key element determining overall system performance.
  • hs4095.rar 用4095开发RF卡的开发板原程序,C语言开发。
  • 2080_davidson.zip Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering