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  • SmartCardReader.rar RF ISO 15693 smart卡 读卡,写卡源码
  • channel-model2.rar RF propagation measurement in vehicle to vehicle communication
  • xbee_zb.zip xbee_zb源码。XBee-Pro ZB OEM RF 模块能够满足低成本、低功耗、无线MESH网络的特定要求。模块是非常容易使用的,只要求最低功耗,就能实现设备之间数据的可靠传输。
  • AN-1200.04.zip RF Designs Guidelines
  • 434MHz.rar RF_433, used to RF 12 module
  • Spiral-generation-06-2010.zip Program for generating spiral shapes (eleptical and rectangular) in PLT, Gereber and DXF format. Very useful tool for designing PCB coils for RFID and other RF applications. Full sources and EXE file
  • 1MHZ-code.rar * RECEIVER * * CC430 RF Code Example - TX and RX (fixed packet length =< FIFO size)
  • Artech-House---RF-Design-Guide---Systems--Circuit the name should less 40 bytes long and
  • s6700.rar ... range of 13.56MHz RFID interrogator designs for portable and stationary readers. This low power consumption device supports multiple RF communication protocols, minimizes onboard power requirements and reduces parts count in a final reader product
  • hm-tr.rar The specification sheet of HM-TR RF transceivers. Its range has been tested to be 100-200 meters in open air.