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  • xindetiaoshi.rar 我的文件管理设计中对于文件管理的功能主要有以下几个:输入文件(input), 从文件列表中删除一个记录(delete a record from list),保存文件(save), 查找文件(search record on table),文件的列表(list)
  • masm.rar IBM_PC汇编语言程序设计实验教程中第2章全部5个实验,smascii,search,count_char,phone,fibonacci.
  • pim_fusion_1.0.0.zip PIM Fusion provides secure, web based distributed information management. Capabilities include: file browsing, searching and archiving, document search capabilities (PDF, Word docs, PowerPoint, etc), a web calendar, image gallery, and contact manager.
  • kmlocal-1.7.1.tar.gz ... 执行效率,同时包含示例代码,用c++代码实现。 Effecient implementation of k-means algorith, k-d tree and local search strategy are implementd to improve the effeciency, samples are included to show how to use it. All codes are implemented in C++.
  • improving_the_performance_of_pso_using_adaptive_de ... natural behaviors. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a stochastic search and optimization tool. Changes in the PSO parameters, ... and social acceleration constants, affect the performance of the search process. This paper presents a novel method to ...
  • lyb.rar 更新内容: 1 增加了搜索功能 2 提供了帮助页面 修改若干小问题 管理名称 admin 初始密码:admin-update : added a search function to help provide two pages of small amendments to a number of issues management initial name admin Password : admin
  • searchbot_pro.rar A simple web search application that allows you to search either the web, ftp, irc or edonkey. Code is not optimised by any means, but works!
  • AC.rar 多模式匹配算法——AC算法 参考文献:AC算法:Aho A V,Corasick M J.Efficient string matching:an aid to bibliographic search.Communications of ACM,1975,18(6):333~340
  • pso.zip ... to different equations do the following generate initial particles in a search space close to actual soln fool around with no of iterations, ... i.e let the particles cover a larger area of the search space then fool around as always with the above thins
  • p2psearch.rar 对P2P搜索方面感兴趣的可以看看.这是一篇学习p2p Search的不错的资料,不要错过了